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Republic of Naswaristan


Join me brother. after all naswaristan was your home as well !!!
We shall not be ascociated with the deviant concept of naswar..................
I played a part in the downfall of naswar , it is about time i told you this
ofcourse, like always it was Indians..the evil yindoo...the avatars of destruction and misery who occupied the old country and then webby has to close it... :lol::lol::lol:
to the mods

I still dont know why old thread got deleted...
As the Archduke of the state of whatever i declare a war on the evil republic of Naswaristan
I have instructed my army to prepare Nuclear bomb in case of emergency, Your highness.

My navel forces are ready to attack from the water shores. We would like to be your allies in this noble cause. Whatever thread must be protected from all the evil forces and the dignity of whatever thread be restored.

Any competing force must be tortured to death!
I have instructed my army to prepare Nuclear bomb in case of emergency, Your highness.

My navel forces are ready to attack from the water shores. We would like to be your allies in this noble cause. Whatever thread must be protected from all the evil forces and the dignity of whatever thread be restored.

Any competing force must be tortured to death!
Bring it on...

Naswar is deviant and bad for health. Come to the decent thread of whatever. land of caviar
For mods?:P
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