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Religious symbol war between two villages touches a new high

Democracy gives the right to numerous caste, creed, religion, languages, culture, thoughts. There is bound to be some friction when so many variations live together.
lolzx producing more low casts and creating colonialism in form of quotas is not democracy rather political misuse of democracy

Yes.. it is a foreign religion getting funded by Christian missionaries to convert people into Christianity...
why their indigenous local Hindu religion failed to stop them from conversation?? why indian hardliner hindu groups had to resort to ghar wapsi or for that matter forced reconversion
why their indigenous local Hindu religion failed to stop them from conversation?? why indian hardliner hindu groups had to resort to ghar wapsi or for that matter forced reconversion
Throw a poor man few thousand and he gives a crap to who is was born off.. Unlike in Islam Hinduism does not call ex-muslim wajib ul quatal... This reverse conversion has just started... and its becoming effective.. thats' why you are seeing these Missionaries resorting to animal like tactics of "Marking the territory" like in this case...Hinduism survived 1000 year plus of Islamic onslaught... it can easily handle these missionaries...
indian history if plagued with communal riots it is not limited to this isolated incident.

So is pakistan hitory... ain't glory enough to talk about others.

Yes.. it is a foreign religion getting funded by Christian missionaries to convert people into Christianity...

Not everyone thinks like that... Een Hinduism growing in other countries.. it's all about personal choice... no one has right define which religion others should follow..
They have a separate church where other Christians don't pray and they have a separate cemetery where other Christians don't bury their dead. It's gotten so ridiculous in TN that a few years back a Dalit Christian in a town in one of the northern districts was force-fed human feces as punishment because he thought he can walk in front of upper caste Christians.

Image the irony. This new age US sponsored Christianity is far more virulent than Islam. 10 years of UPA rule was the worst time for India.
Image the irony. This new age US sponsored Christianity is far more virulent than Islam. 10 years of UPA rule was the worst time for India.

Strange argument comes only When BJP in power..
Says the country whose basis of separation itself is being communal.
indeed but again the basis was result of your own indian communal haterd. anyhow still your pun cannot be any justification for your indian communal mindset which still exists and continue to thrive. why you failed to mitigate Iit from your minds and political landscape???
lolzx producing more low casts and creating colonialism in form of quotas is not democracy rather political misuse of democracy

Caste structure has been existing for centuries, and its getting abolished. There are other separation's besides caste - there's religion, there's language, there's cultural differences, there's social differences etc too.

What's strange is discussing this with someone who lives in a 97% Muslim dominated country who isn't going to understand what it means to live in a not only secular country but where multiple levels of variations exist. I don't mean that in a derogatory way.

India is unique here, because all most countries in the world are homogeneous or follow one way of life.

indeed but again the basis was result of your own indian communal haterd. anyhow still your pun cannot be any justification for your indian communal mindset which still exists and continue to thrive. why you failed to mitigate Iit from your minds and political landscape???

There's no single mindset, there's multiple thought processes that exist..and communal or far right is one of them. You cannot compare it with Pakistan - which Tshering rightly described is born out of a communal disharmony and a communal mindset... that Muslims cannot co-exist with another faith.
Ah yes, I get it

Its all Modi's Fault. :lol:

of course when you have someone in power, you feel powerful enough to show off...How about cut off ties with socalled foreign Christian countries and Israel.
Caste structure has been existing for centuries, and its getting abolished. There are other separation's besides caste - there's religion, there's language, there's cultural differences, there's social differences etc too.

What's strange is discussing this with someone who lives in a 97% Muslim dominated country who isn't going to understand what it means to live in a not only secular country but where multiple levels of variations exist. I don't mean that in a derogatory way.

India is unique here, because all most countries in the world are homogeneous or follow one way of life.

There's no single mindset, there's multiple thought processes that exist..and communal or far right is one of them. You cannot compare it with Pakistan - which Tshering rightly described is born out of a communal disharmony and a communal mindset... that Muslims cannot co-exist with another faith.

Your comment is filled with dragging Pakistan into your own internal centuries old division which shows that you somehow are trying to justify the communal hatred in India.

This is very amusing that how creation of Pakistan can save you from identifying your flaws .

Whatever differences of culture language and religion you have described in India, despite these the fact remains that the biggest groups in India that is Hindus have been the driving force for communal disharmony. Which BTW was the biggest factor that led to creation of Pakistan as well.
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