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Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

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Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

Published: 26 June, 2012, 16:24

A German court has ruled that parents can’t have their sons circumcised on religious grounds in a move which has angered Muslim and Jewish groups in the country.

*The court in Cologne decided that a legal guardian’s authority over a child does not allow them to subject them to the procedure, which the court called minor bodily harm, reports The Financial Times Deutschland.

Neither does religious freedom, which is protected by law in Germany, give grounds for such decisions to be taken for the children, the ruling says.

The court was considering a case against a Muslim doctor, who performed circumcision on a four-year-old boy at his parents’ request. Two days after the procedure bleeding started, after which the boy had to be taken to hospital.

German authorities learned about the incident and launched a criminal investigation against the doctor. The initial court trial ruled that there was no violation of the law, but the prosecutor’s office took the case to the Cologne district court.

The decision sets a precedent, which may affect medical practice across the country.

The possible ban on circumcision provoked outrage among Jewish and Muslim organizations in Germany, where every year thousands of boys are circumcised in their early years at the request of parents. They regard the ban as a "serious interference in the right to freedom of religion." But none of the organizations so far has commented on the verdict, explaining they first need to study thoroughly the reasoning of the judges.

Some experts however don’t rule out that the right for religiously motivated circumcision will be considered by the Federal Constitutional Court.
I can see this thread going to be 20 + pages ... and all sorts of Hinduism/Christanity Vs. Islam.
I think religious circumcision should not be carried out by parents. It should be a personal choice that people can decide for themselves when they grow older.
According to some scientific studies it is recommended. I am sure that I read that circumcision reduces the chance of catching for example aids when having heterosexual sex
And don\'t forget Judaism, this is anti-semitism from the land of Hitler
Law should be same, jews are not special people.

It is better to be circumcised as you avoid many diseases and infections.

Also it is better to do it to a boy when he is a baby.

Who wants to get it sliced at 18? :rofl:
It is a minor medical procedure, they dont slice it... cant believe I am telling you this. :)
This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism or anti-Islamic tendency, but with common sense.

How Hitler-ish of you. I guess you also agree that Jews don\'t need Israel, how dumb. It\'s their laws, their kids.
According to some scientific studies it is recommended. I am sure that I read that circumcision reduces the chance of catching for example aids when having heterosexual sex

Not of any significant importance.
A German court has ruled that parents can’t have their sons circumcised on religious grounds in a move which has angered Muslim and Jewish groups in the country.

Good to know that Muslims & Jews atleast agree on something..if only that can be transformed into a settlement on Palestine.
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