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Reformed Taliban: Possible?

Reformed Taliban.. What?? :woot: So will they stop believing what they always believed? Will they stop punishing men with hunters for not properly growing beard and the woman for talking to any stranger? Or will all the suicide bombers get reformed too?

Ah, gimme a break.. It's there ideology & mindset that's the problem not the people and I don't see them leaving their ideology around anytime soon.. A reformed Taliban sounds like a joke to me..
Already before the NATO invasion, there were signs of discord between the Taliban and AQ. The Taliban were unhappy with OBL because he had defied their order/request to refrain from terrorism. The Taliban never had international aspirations and were unhappy with OBL drawing international ire with his antics.

During the NATO campaign, they have portrayed their resistance as a nationalist resistance to occupation, rather than as an Islamist campaign, so it might be possible to wean them away from AQ extremism towards a more moderate Islam. That would certainly make it easier for them to find legitimacy with the Afghan population, although not hardcore NA types.

Pakistan could, and should, do its utmost to help this transformation, not just for the Afghans, but also since an extremist ideology on the doorstep is not good for Pakistan either. In the bargain, Pakistan might lose a "weapon" of non-state actors, but hopefully the strategists have learned their lesson.
First of all this kind of attempts have always proved failures because they have increased so called extremism than reducing it Islam is Islam and what people need to do is follow it completely and implement only this can reduce Taliban because every Muslim than will be called Taliban by western societies and our Strategists still support Taliban
Already before the NATO invasion, there were signs of discord between the Taliban and AQ. The Taliban were unhappy with OBL because he had defied their order/request to refrain from terrorism. The Taliban never had international aspirations and were unhappy with OBL drawing international ire with his antics.

During the NATO campaign, they have portrayed their resistance as a nationalist resistance to occupation, rather than as an Islamist campaign, so it might be possible to wean them away from AQ extremism towards a more moderate Islam. That would certainly make it easier for them to find legitimacy with the Afghan population, although not hardcore NA types.

Pakistan could, and should, do its utmost to help this transformation, not just for the Afghans, but also since an extremist ideology on the doorstep is not good for Pakistan either. In the bargain, Pakistan might lose a "weapon" of non-state actors, but hopefully the strategists have learned their lesson.

Have we so easily forgotten ethnic cleansing of hazaras and vendettas against tajik minorities. Monstrous treatment of sportsperson and entertainers all around the country. The draconain rules enforced on women to demolish civil liberties.

It's funny how op (think tank) can even imagine to promote the most heinous regime in the modern history of mankind. The common afghan was fooled into thinking that taliban was a reprieve from infighting of the mujaheddin warlords, when they showed their true colors the biggest tragic event was the collective impotency of the leaders around the world who stood by and let the massacre of afghan future happen. The debauchery of the leaders who supported them exceeded the impotency of others who stood by and watched the rape of the entire country.

Taliban was never a political/nationalistic movement. They were the worst kind of fundamentalist with twisted interpretation of islam coupled with embedded ISI/PAK military operators was enough to give them the sucess that they got. When the world turned a blind eye towards afghans this darkness of taliban engulfed the country with the backing of pakistan.

The only true leader of afghans pleaded to the rest of world till his last breath, but the world was too late to react.

There is no chance in hell that this evil regime should be given a shred of trust by afghans again.
I think Pakistan should try this first and see how it works and then present it as a role model for Afghanistan. They of course tried this in SWAT, but maybe third time's the charm?

Otherwise its looking like a case of supplying nice new clothes to your same old illiterate veritable mercenaries.
why is it that extreme elements of all other religions/countries are allowed to form parties and run for government like the Neo cons in USA and BJP in INdia. But when extreme elements of Muslims want to do the same they are all of a sudden worse then Hitler.
The Neo cons in USA are responsible for the invasion of 2 countries and the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

The BJP in India has persecuted minorities to the point of mascaras and destruction of ancient religious sites.

I am not taking anyone's side here, I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the people here foaming at the mouth at even the word "Taliban"

But then again, it's nice to masturbate to your own "ideals"
Guess that's why so many people here do it so often.
Once again, thread invaded by clueless Indians who forget that atrocities were committed by BOTH sides in the post Soviet era. The Northern Alliance warlords were no better; it's just that the post-NATO narrative whitewashes their crimes.

The Taliban are, and have always been, a nationalist movement. They were infused with AQ ideology as a steroids dose to fight the Soviets, and that same dosage can be reversed.
Pakistan must maintain good ties with all "relevant" groups in Afghanistan, which includes the Taliban as well of course, regardless of what the Taliban do inside Afghanistan (it is none of Pakistan's business, as long as it is not affecting Pakistan adversely). The Taliban are the Afghan people, & Pakistan must do all it can to maintain its influence over Afghanistan, for its own security.

Good, as I said before Afghanistan is not in 90s situation we can also maintain good ties with all 'relevant' groups in Pakistan such as Lashkars in FATA and Bughtis in Baluchistan for our own national interest and security. :)
The Taliban are, and have always been, a nationalist movement. They were infused with AQ ideology as a steroids dose to fight the Soviets, and that same dosage can be reversed.

Then perhaps Pakistanis should give people like Mullah Radio who closely follow the regressive policies of the Taliban a chance to rule from Islamabad. Perhaps they can lead the way and show the Afghans, how it is done.

But I think the bollywood loving Pakistanis would absolutely baulk at the idea...No ?
Good, as I said before Afghanistan is not in 90s situation we can also maintain good ties with all 'relevant' groups in Pakistan such as Lashkars in FATA and Bughtis in Baluchistan for our own national interest and security. :)

The problem is more complicated. Afghanistan needs to accept the Durand Line and forget dreams of greater Pakhtunistan (no matter how much India prods those aspirations). Respect your neighbors and everyone lives in peace.

Then perhaps Pakistanis should give people like Mullah Radio who closely follow the regressive policies of the Taliban a chance to rule from Islamabad. Perhaps they can lead the way and show the Afghans, how it is done.

But I think the bollywood loving Pakistanis would absolutely baulk at the idea...No ?

What part of "reformed" did you have trouble understanding?
The problem is more complicated. Afghanistan needs to accept the Durand Line and forget dreams of greater Pakhtunistan (no matter how much India prods those aspirations). Respect your neighbors and everyone lives in peace.

Afghanistaan needs to accept this, accept that..but Pakistan has a "legitimate" interest in maitaining its contacts with nutters in Afghanistan and continue its strategic depth policy.

The sense of entitlement of some Pakistanis is amazing.

What part of "reformed" did you have trouble understanding?

Taliban have the same chance of "reforming" as Mullah Radio broadcasting lady gaga on his channl. Go figure.
Once again, thread invaded by clueless Indians who forget that atrocities were committed by BOTH sides in the post Soviet era. The Northern Alliance warlords were no better; it's just that the post-NATO narrative whitewashes their crimes.

The Taliban are, and have always been, a nationalist movement. They were infused with AQ ideology as a steroids dose to fight the Soviets, and that same dosage can be reversed.

If they are a national movement why aren't they ready for a country wide elections? they know they are far behind the modern world and the Afghan society except poor, uneducated and mullas no one will vote for them unless they don't reform, their rule will not differ from an invasion they may still punish people for everything they want to introduce.

Northern Alliance today doesn't exists there are warlords but there is no alliance today; an accountable government will be enough for them to kick their a$$es.

In the background who are controlling Taliban must change their policy for the group because no one benefits from them except few whose family and wealth is protected outside their country.

Request to all Pakistanis kindly go back before the creation of Taliban and see what was the image of Muslims around the world and check it now how it turned today. It's shameful for a Muslim to accept and support the rule of Taliban in another Muslim country whether directly or indirectly it will hurt you as a Muslim in long run, progressed Muslim nations are in favor of all of us playing cheap politics will benefit no one.
The problem is more complicated. Afghanistan needs to accept the Durand Line and forget dreams of greater Pakhtunistan (no matter how much India prods those aspirations). Respect your neighbors and everyone lives in peace.

What part of "reformed" did you have trouble understanding?

Assume they reform - again the question is who reforms them in the first place? Who guarantee's that the reformation sticks...Pakistan? how sure r u that it will not utilize this reformation process for its own motives rather than Afgs?

This is a valid question, you wouldn't trust India or the US with the reforming of the Taliban..so naturally will the others. Also have they expressed such a wish - what is the carrot on offer for the reformation?
The problem is more complicated. Afghanistan needs to accept the Durand Line and forget dreams of greater Pakhtunistan (no matter how much India prods those aspirations). Respect your neighbors and everyone lives in peace.

That post was for bilalhaider; Durand line is the problem and will remain a problem unless it's not solved by both sides and on our side you cannot expect any government to solve this issue this has to be solved by people no government of Afghanistan will have the right to take any decision on Durand line; Taliban was an example they tried but failed!
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