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Redrawn map for Muslim world

The USA should worry about N-Korea redrawing it,s lines.
The map it proposes of pakistan could be a possibility, BUT and thats a BIG BUT it needs to show the rest of bharat maata as a radioactive waste pit, with no human or plant life.
I wonder what the future map of bharat/hindustan will look like. I can see at least 30 different princely states being carved out of that artificial and unatural country.

Who are you? White American or Pakistani-American?

From: Blood borders - June 2006 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

The guy created this fictional map knows sh-it about history and Persia .

We prefer this for Persia :


cos Persia is land of different races ( even Iran has dozens of different cultures and races )
do people get paid to come up with this stuff or was this some interns with too much time on their hands?

i'll have to print this out just for a few good laughs

oh and by the way, thanks to whoever rejuvenated an over 6 and a half year old thread! :laugh:
blow up everyone in the world except Pakistan, let loose all of the nukes :p
Who is formulating American policies and it's reflection in the world...... Point to ponder
Time must be very close that world will see greater unified muslim state and so map for Muslim world will be redrawn.
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