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Raza Rumi fired at in Lahore, driver killed

Mr don't worry no leader is going to do anything good for you traitors Mr traitors are dealt with sheer crackdown Israel support to you guys is known to every one and rest in peace for Rumi's driver may ALLAH bless him he was just doing his duty
Dear sis. We can smell stealth-khwarjis. Don't worry, we are very accurate, they hide in plain sight and do their Arab masters bidding! :D

I know you wouldn't hurt anyone. . . :ashamed:
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While your kind will be listening to an illiterate giving sermons: "Al haza hadees"........ then you will hear a boom........ and then complete silence........ then you shall meet your master, Lucifer, who used to whisper in your ear, and you used to do his bidding on earth.

Don't you read Quran? When Khwarjis like you become a menace to humankind, Allah sends people like me to project his wrath upon your kind, with extreme prejudice.
Hey idiot I read Quran and Sunnah both on daily bases and dumbo it was Kharjis who first denied Hadees so its you who is the Kharji
A Para from Dawn on this ..

Take for example, the usual line about there being extremists on both sides of the ideological divide. This gem is trotted out every now and then whenever some right-winger says something particularly egregious and his minions feel the need to distract from it.

“Liberal extremists are as intolerant as right-wing extremists” you’ll hear them say. Maybe so, but last I checked there wasn’t a Lashkar-e-Seculari out to kill you if you happened to support the CII. "

BTW I think Pakistan now desperately needs a Lashkar-e-Seculari..

We in India ( especially Bihar ) had to form a number of private Lashkars ( called Sena in our side ) to fight Naxals. It helped a lot when these Senas started slaughtering Naxal sympathizers in huge numbers along with Naxals. Some 6-7 years have passed since Naxals have tried something adventurous against common man. Even though they keep targeting Armed forces, they rarely target mango men now. Form your own Sena and kill them with extreme prejudice. Violence can only be solved with even more violent response.
Escaping death in the Land of the Pure

By Raza Rumi
Published: March 29, 2014


Finally, I countenanced what I had been dreading for quite some time. Journalists and media houses being under threat is a well-known story in conflict-ridden Pakistan. I had also heard about my name being on a few hit-lists but I thought these were tactics to scare dissenters and independent voices. But this was obviously an incorrect assessment of the situation.

On Friday night, when I had planned to visit Data Darbar after my television show, my car was attacked by “unknown” (a euphemism for lethal terror outfits) assailants. The minute I heard the first bullet, the Darwinian instinct made me duck under and I chose to lie on the back of the car.

This near death experience with bullets flying over me and shattered window glass falling over me reminded me of the way my own country was turning into a laboratory of violence. Worse, that when I saved myself, it was not without a price. A young man, who had been working as my driver for sometime, was almost dead. I stood on a busy road asking for help and not a single car stopped.

A crowd had gathered and I was seeking their assistance almost like someone in a hysterical sub-continental film. The nearest hospital was a private enterprise, which initially refused to treat all three of us. I had to protest, after begging on the street and then seeking emergency medical aid. Suddenly, all that afflicts Pakistan became clear: the violence, the impunity for murderers, the failing values of a society and privatisation of essential public services.

Within minutes, my driver was declared dead, my wounds were cleaned and a third victim of barbarity struggled with a fast receding blood count. Thankfully, officers from the Punjab Police were helpful and enabled me to sort out things. This was harrowing and I became an object of all that I have condemned in recent years.

I am now at a safe location, unable to move out and have been told that my case is exceptional with six men — most armed — had attempted to eliminate me and they failed. And that the security agencies can only protect me if I remain locked up in a “safe” location.

So what is my fault, I have been wondering? I am a relatively small fry in the media and opinion industry. I am a recent entrant in the mass (electronic) media, but my views, I am told, are dangerous and invite trouble. So, I wish to ask my well-wishers the following questions: is raising the issue of minority rights unacceptable? Is demanding the inclusion of Jinnah’s August 11 speech in our Constitution and state behaviour unacceptable?

I have written a book on the shared history of India and Pakistan and this irked some. I have argued for rational engagement with the West and the outside world and that is not kosher. I reject conspiracy theories as I prefer reason over totem and this does not fit in a mindscape that considers the outside, external enemies.

Pakistan’s journalists face the oddest of challenges. They are being coerced into silence or singing praises of extremists and advocating legitimacy for their operations. Pakistan’s politicians have almost given up, as their private and public statements are at variance and they have accepted that this “new Pakistan” of fear, threats and unpunished violence is what they have to deal with.

I also know that I am not alone. There are dozens of other voices that have to be silenced by some quarters. These voices are a threat as they stand by civilian victims of terror and shun attacks on our security forces. These are voices, which also refuse to make martyrs out of terrorists. And they also hold that the greatest blasphemy is undermining humanity and using faith for spreading hatred.

The choice for me is stark. I am not willing to accept death as an option. Nor am I going to accept forced silence. I am grateful to all those who have shown support for my plight.

But it would be far more important if our collective outrage turns into public pressure to change the direction of the state and stop it from committing hara-kiri at the altar of a fabricated ideology or regional ambitions. There are no good or bad extremists. And there can be no justification for any form of violence by private actors. Who else would know, if not me?

I am haunted by the fact that a precious life has been lost while some people wanted to target me. More than that, I am worried that there may be many more lives at risk. I am not too hopeful if the current set of federal and provincial governments would deliver on security and public safety.

There is little or no will to tackle the camel that has entered the Pakistani tent and is displacing reason and humanity. Yet, there is no other recourse. So I appeal to the government to provide me security and not let me remain a victim of an ideology asserted with bullets and bombers.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 30th, 2014.
A Para from Dawn on this ..

Take for example, the usual line about there being extremists on both sides of the ideological divide. This gem is trotted out every now and then whenever some right-winger says something particularly egregious and his minions feel the need to distract from it.

“Liberal extremists are as intolerant as right-wing extremists” you’ll hear them say. Maybe so, but last I checked there wasn’t a Lashkar-e-Seculari out to kill you if you happened to support the CII. "

BTW I think Pakistan now desperately needs a Lashkar-e-Seculari..

Thank you for pointing this out. Many people on this forum have made similar arguments about the "liberal fascists" being equal to the right wing jihadis because they want to impose their beliefs on others. Well, surely the people who argue as such should be able to point out the death squads of these "liberal fascists" that are going around Pakistan on a killing spree because Pakistanis don't share there views. Where is this liberal violence?

The fact of the matter is that one group believes in using its words, pen, social media, etc to express their views while the other feels that it is absolutely acceptable, in fact righteous, to kill and silence this group.

Just an example to illustrate--Who is more likely to get killed in contemporary Pakistan:

1. Someone who goes on record to question the blasphemy law and abuse of minorities

2. Someone who goes on record to say that Hakimullah Mehsud is a shaheed

Just in case some smart *** on here wants to bs us, well we actually know the answer already.

Option 1= Fate of Salman Taseer (Death)

Option 2= Fate of Munawar Hassan (Alive and kicking)
Escaping death in the Land of the Pure

By Raza Rumi
Published: March 29, 2014


Finally, I countenanced what I had been dreading for quite some time. Journalists and media houses being under threat is a well-known story in conflict-ridden Pakistan. I had also heard about my name being on a few hit-lists but I thought these were tactics to scare dissenters and independent voices. But this was obviously an incorrect assessment of the situation.

On Friday night, when I had planned to visit Data Darbar after my television show, my car was attacked by “unknown” (a euphemism for lethal terror outfits) assailants. The minute I heard the first bullet, the Darwinian instinct made me duck under and I chose to lie on the back of the car.

This near death experience with bullets flying over me and shattered window glass falling over me reminded me of the way my own country was turning into a laboratory of violence. Worse, that when I saved myself, it was not without a price. A young man, who had been working as my driver for sometime, was almost dead. I stood on a busy road asking for help and not a single car stopped.

A crowd had gathered and I was seeking their assistance almost like someone in a hysterical sub-continental film. The nearest hospital was a private enterprise, which initially refused to treat all three of us. I had to protest, after begging on the street and then seeking emergency medical aid. Suddenly, all that afflicts Pakistan became clear: the violence, the impunity for murderers, the failing values of a society and privatisation of essential public services.

Within minutes, my driver was declared dead, my wounds were cleaned and a third victim of barbarity struggled with a fast receding blood count. Thankfully, officers from the Punjab Police were helpful and enabled me to sort out things. This was harrowing and I became an object of all that I have condemned in recent years.

I am now at a safe location, unable to move out and have been told that my case is exceptional with six men — most armed — had attempted to eliminate me and they failed. And that the security agencies can only protect me if I remain locked up in a “safe” location.

So what is my fault, I have been wondering? I am a relatively small fry in the media and opinion industry. I am a recent entrant in the mass (electronic) media, but my views, I am told, are dangerous and invite trouble. So, I wish to ask my well-wishers the following questions: is raising the issue of minority rights unacceptable? Is demanding the inclusion of Jinnah’s August 11 speech in our Constitution and state behaviour unacceptable?

I have written a book on the shared history of India and Pakistan and this irked some. I have argued for rational engagement with the West and the outside world and that is not kosher. I reject conspiracy theories as I prefer reason over totem and this does not fit in a mindscape that considers the outside, external enemies.

Pakistan’s journalists face the oddest of challenges. They are being coerced into silence or singing praises of extremists and advocating legitimacy for their operations. Pakistan’s politicians have almost given up, as their private and public statements are at variance and they have accepted that this “new Pakistan” of fear, threats and unpunished violence is what they have to deal with.

I also know that I am not alone. There are dozens of other voices that have to be silenced by some quarters. These voices are a threat as they stand by civilian victims of terror and shun attacks on our security forces. These are voices, which also refuse to make martyrs out of terrorists. And they also hold that the greatest blasphemy is undermining humanity and using faith for spreading hatred.

The choice for me is stark. I am not willing to accept death as an option. Nor am I going to accept forced silence. I am grateful to all those who have shown support for my plight.

But it would be far more important if our collective outrage turns into public pressure to change the direction of the state and stop it from committing hara-kiri at the altar of a fabricated ideology or regional ambitions. There are no good or bad extremists. And there can be no justification for any form of violence by private actors. Who else would know, if not me?

I am haunted by the fact that a precious life has been lost while some people wanted to target me. More than that, I am worried that there may be many more lives at risk. I am not too hopeful if the current set of federal and provincial governments would deliver on security and public safety.

There is little or no will to tackle the camel that has entered the Pakistani tent and is displacing reason and humanity. Yet, there is no other recourse. So I appeal to the government to provide me security and not let me remain a victim of an ideology asserted with bullets and bombers.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 30th, 2014.

Best solution for Pakistan now is to give the people what they want pull the army back to barracks and let the Mullahs rule them.
Yups. Imagine every time there is a random bomb blast, 100 innocent "liberal kafirs" die, and within a few hours we blow up a religious seminary with 100 potential brainwashed terrorist kids. Then we will be in equilibrium. It's simple actually, what don't you understand in what I'm proposing?

Btw, have you ever "tried" to use Pakistan judicial system? Go a try to file a complain against the people who attempted to murder Raza Rumi today, if the SHO even entertains you, it will be a first.

What I did learn from your post is that you are a bearded zealot, or someone at your home is. Hurts when such extreme measures are proposed against your own kind - doesn't it?

This is asking for mass murder!

It's not you. You might just become collateral damage like rest of the liberals dying like sheep. In Urdu there is saying "Gehun kay saath ghun bhi pis jata hai". :D

If you truly want to protect yourself, you should educate your bearded brethren to migrate to Saudi! :P

and I don't think you should ever enter my country Pakistan

Have you ever lived in Pakistan sarkar? How many cases have you filed in our system? What I really don't like is self-righteous fools such as yourself, sitting in relative peace and passing judgements on "solution" to Pakistani's problems.

Pakistan is a state in civil war, there is no functioning system. It's time to choose sides, you can't be on both sides.

P.S. more people like myself are coming into key positions. They will do exactly what I'm proposing. It's just a matter of time. Once we clean up home, then we will come after satellite-fundoz such as yourself. Be aware. Taliban may differentiate @ choosing targets, I promise you, I won't.

this guy speaks like the Algerian 'liberal' generals, who then progressed to killing women and children of 'bearded men'

i appeal to the moderators of PDF, to not allow any posts by people advocating mass murder of others
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Sounds great but practically seems unpractical - You can't expect much needed stir from ones who don't even know which politician should be elected as their leader. Those who show promise of some sort are left alone to meet ugly circumstances, as Mr. Rumi. Judges who sentence terrorists to death end up seeking asylum in other countries; children of victims are abducted for trade; witnesses who show some courage are murdered on the way to court; lawyers who dare to prosecute a case against Mullahs are threatened and those who defy the threats are killed on the way back home; scholars who pass a verdict against modified version of Islam meet a suicide bomber and there's a list.

It's the government which is responsible for the safety of it's citizens and when the government kneels before might then Aam admi ke kya majal!

Please stop posters advocating mass murder of innocent Pakistanis

Sounds great but practically seems unpractical - You can't expect much needed stir from ones who don't even know which politician should be elected as their leader. Those who show promise of some sort are left alone to meet ugly circumstances, as Mr. Rumi. Judges who sentence terrorists to death end up seeking asylum in other countries; children of victims are abducted for trade; witnesses who show some courage are murdered on the way to court; lawyers who dare to prosecute a case against Mullahs are threatened and those who defy the threats are killed on the way back home; scholars who pass a verdict against modified version of Islam meet a suicide bomber and there's a list.

It's the government which is responsible for the safety of it's citizens and when the government kneels before might then Aam admi ke kya majal!

you speak as if "mullahs" is one group. There is no one group of mullahs in Pakistan.

There is no civil war in Pakistan, and there is no one group of so called liberals in Pakistan either

Please stop these posts of people asking others to bomb and kill Pakistanis!
Beard isn't the problem its the bearded men with no soul.

actually, the problem is just criminal behaviour.

a criminal asked for the attack on Mr Rumi

This is the answer to this shocking thread!

DRaisinHerald you don't have a problem with terrorist killing people for there believes or language they speak you arent bothered by it, but as soon as some one suggest the tables should be turned you are outraged? Why are you special because you have a special beard?

This is crazy! You want to kill Pakistanis?

Nah. He is a kid. We need future generals on our side. We need to do this like precision surgery. Shock and awe to begin with, coupled with long term planning, organization and an end game in mind. We need to educate / threaten / coerce tomorrows decision makers to be on our side. Doesn't matter the cost. Lie if you have to. Twist time and space. Best thing is, it's not that difficult. Once all that is done, then we can cull en-masse.

This guy certainly got his training from the murderous 'liberal' generals in Algeria, the mass murdering communists in Russia, who killed hundreds of thousands of women and children of so called terrorists!
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