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Raising questions: Parliamentary performance of PML-N below par!

Even if you defeat being rational.. dont worry...
Irr- rational.. cant stand for long time ..
again..why this happned ...
see pak got 1st govt completeing 5 yr .. democracy rule..
so its a learning curve..
he bruden of 55 yr of mess need time to undone.
you have to show people that its right to do right thing..
when one perosn does it out of 100 he named as mad... when 80 do it call civilised

its happend with all...
no one is perfect ... no even usa and china or russia..
point is why USA doing good .. because they did right thing in giving merit fornt seat.. giving more focus on education.. freedom of speech... innovation ..
why china is ahead in economy.. beause they did good work in infrasreure.. molded their social and political streuct for beter performace

same need to happen with pak in all 3 wings.. ececutive.. judicary ... leggislative ..
read indian/ our (it was your too as it before 1947) freedom struggle ...
gandhi did not blackmaild braitan when it was in war in 1942..
it supported british agianst hitler ..
so change is imp but on what cost and ground it made is more imp
my point exactly,we have no merit system in pakistan,sooner or later this system will have to change to meet the peoples demand,we hardly have fair elections in PK ,thats how far behind we are,its not like we dont have the potential to go the distance
It wasn't really a democratic rule. It was muk-maka between PPP and PMLN as we see it. Both parties agreed to do friendly opposition against each other while they are in power.
even in that case ... it was achvebt of democracy in pak...
it took 60 yr and one ememrgrcy rule for india... to come to this level and still learing from usa .. uk... as they are more mature models
this govt has no credibility in my eyes its already gone.our parliament is where all the thieves have gathered in last couple of months,interesting,time pass for them

Agreed, our parliament is one of a kind, it's the only parliament where the laws are made to benefit the parliamentarians, rather than the public. It's the only parliament where 95% of the parliamentarians are crooks.
my point exactly,we have no merit system in pakistan,sooner or later this system will have to change to meet the peoples demand,we hardly have fair elections in PK ,thats how far behind we are,its not like we dont have the potential to go the distance
its just need one man to change system.. if he is at right place with right process and right inention..
so many rights here :-)
read abobe TN sheshan.. this guy a bureacrat in india.. IAS.. change indian democracy for good single handlely awihut dharna and blood bath.. sure credit goes to indina political praties too .. aceept it..
what pak need a solid foundation of constitiuion... in practice

T. N. Seshan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lest we forget how bad it was till he cleaned it up

Show me one instance where I have done anything that is not stated in the Constitution about the powers of the Election Commission, and I will quit,” used to be Seshan’s punch line whenever he was asked whether he was being a bull in a china shop.
मंथन: The Unsung Heroes of Modern India: T N Seshan
T.N. Seshan | Neerja Pahwa Jetley

Agreed, our parliament is one of a kind, it's the only parliament where the laws are made to benefit the parliamentarians, rather than the public. It's the only parliament where 95% of the parliamentarians are crooks.
indian parlaiemnt share a bit blame too..
they are unanimous to increase their salarya nd perks ..
no one do walk out on that
Agreed, our parliament is one of a kind, it's the only parliament where the laws are made to benefit the parliamentarians, rather than the public. It's the only parliament where 95% of the parliamentarians are crooks.
biggest evidence for anyone is 70% of the members dont pay taxes

its just need one man to change system.. if he is at right place with right process and right inention..
so many rights here :-)
read abobe TN sheshan.. this guy a bureacrat in india.. IAS.. change indian democracy for good single handlely awihut dharna and blood bath.. sure credit goes to indina political praties too .. aceept it..
what pak need a solid foundation of constitiuion... in practice

T. N. Seshan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lest we forget how bad it was till he cleaned it up

Show me one instance where I have done anything that is not stated in the Constitution about the powers of the Election Commission, and I will quit,” used to be Seshan’s punch line whenever he was asked whether he was being a bull in a china shop.
मंथन: The Unsung Heroes of Modern India: T N Seshan
T.N. Seshan | Neerja Pahwa Jetley

indian parlaiemnt share a bit blame too..
they are unanimous to increase their salarya nd perks ..
no one do walk out on that
great men like TN have changed countries around the globe,we have a man who will to change the system in our country and give power to the people,and get rid of corrupt politicians .
Noon to gai.. Nawaz ka kya bany ga Kaliya!

This time corruption is not the only charge they will have to face, Its the murder charges which will affect them the most.
One word.

Administrative paralysis.
PML-N is not in a good position for any proper legislation (except pushing it through an ordinance from the president). At current PPP led alliance continue to hold majority in senate. And until the election of senate comes (in a few months) PML-N can't ensure a majority in both houses, limiting their ability to push legislation through. A bill needs approval from both houses to get legislated.
PML-N is not in a good position for any proper legislation (except pushing it through an ordinance from the president). At current PPP led alliance continue to hold majority in senate. And until the election of senate comes (in a few months) PML-N can't ensure a majority in both houses, limiting their ability to push legislation through. A bill needs approval from both houses to get legislated.

Why didn't election of upper house happen at the same time?
one has to be real naive to think that govt is doing what it promised or even what it is suppose to do

PML-N is not in a good position for any proper legislation (except pushing it through an ordinance from the president). At current PPP led alliance continue to hold majority in senate. And until the election of senate comes (in a few months) PML-N can't ensure a majority in both houses, limiting their ability to push legislation through. A bill needs approval from both houses to get legislated.

who are you telling, the ones who think a PM should resign because they say so
who are you telling, the ones who think a PM should resign because they say so
No because he failed to justify his rigged mandate. Election probe is necessary to validate his controversial mandate.
No because he failed to justify his rigged mandate. Election probe is necessary to validate his controversial mandate.

if you know anything about the law the burden of proof lies in the accuser not the one being accused, its between Imran, courts and election commission.
if you know anything about the law the burden of proof lies in the accuser not the one being accused, its between Imran, courts and election commission.

Burden of finding proof lies on the investigator which in this case is tribunal court, not the accuser. It doesn't take billions or RS. to open 4 controversial constituencies. Money which this fake government spent on fighting dharna :D

i am quite struck by the difference in the political situations between india and pakistan/bangladesh.

in pakistan, the wrong government is being brought down by the citizens, through protests, by people giving time... in bangladesh, the citizens acted against the jamaat.

but in india, the actually anti-human sanghi government - modi sarkar - has become divine right... any person speaking against narendra modi immediately comes threat, threats issued by unthinking brainwashed masses... modi has not spoken out once against, for example, the crimes against ladies happening since his government formed... i am yet to hear modi or his supporters crying for the 69 people who died of hunger in the tea estates of darjeeling.

the same south asian peoples but different attitudes to life. :)
One word.

Administrative paralysis.

Dude, it is called nincompoops, no idea about wellness of Pakistan, in a recent report on mining gold, mining company has been instructed to deposit millions in the counts of their children in foreign banks for it to get the contract. A recent report appearing ion Pak media. .
The one thing we copied from the USA is their speed of passing basic bills...
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