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Radical al Qaeda cleric “lunched” at Pentagon


Jan 3, 2009
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WASHINGTON: Anwar al-Awlaqi, an al Qaeda leader labeled a dangerous threat by the United States, was invited to a luncheon at the Pentagon in the months after the 9/11 attacks, the US military said Wednesday.

Awlaqi, a Yemeni-American cleric, was brought to the Pentagon as part of an effort by the office of the secretary of defense (OSD) to reach out to the Muslim community after the September 11, 2001 attacks, military spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan told AFP.

“Our understanding thus far is that this was an informal outreach conducted by part of the OSD staff in the aftermath of 9/11 in an effort to gain a better understanding of Islam,” Lapan said.

The account of the lunch with military officers and defense officials was first reported by Fox News, which cited FBI documents and sources.

President Barack Obama’s administration has authorized the targeted killing of Awlaqi, an American citizen who US officials believe is linked to three plots against the United States, including a shooting rampage at Fort Hood last year, a failed bid to blow up a US-bound airliner on Christmas Day and an attempt to set off a car bomb in New York’s Times Square.

A current employee of the Defense Department told the FBI last year that she had helped arrange the invitation after hearing Awlaqi speak in Alexandria, Virginia.

The employee “recalls being impressed by this imam. He condemned al Qaeda and the terrorist attacks,” according to an FBI document posted online by Fox News.

At that time, the then-secretary of the US Army was interested in having a “moderate Muslim” speak to a Pentagon audience, said the FBI document.

Awlaqi came under FBI scrutiny after the 9/11 attacks because of his ties to some of the hijackers.

But Pentagon officials who approved the lunch invitation were apparently unaware of the FBI’s interest in Awlaqi.

The Pentagon employee was interviewed by the FBI as part of the investigation into the Fort Hood shooting, which left 13 people dead.

Now based in Yemen, Awlaqi rose to prominence last year after it emerged he had communicated extensively by email with Major Nidal Hasan, the US Army psychiatrist accused of opening fire on colleagues at Fort Hood.

Awlaqi has praised the Fort Hood rampage and said Muslims like Hasan should only serve in the US military if they planned to carry out similar attacks. —AFP

DAWN.COM | World | Radical al Qaeda cleric ?lunched? at Pentagon
Just a communication ****-up between two different agencies. Classic case of right hand not knowing what the left is doing. Nothing sinister about it at all.
There is a beyond doubt belief that all these so called terrorists and militants are on CIA payroll for advancing the cause of US empire. Their birth traces back to Afghan-soviet war where American heroism propaganda of these thugs while CIA supplied money and weapons were showered. Beauty of Afghan women was exploited a bounty for these hunters. Even the Rambo movie was shot in Afghanistan to give it a Hollywood pop-culture boost.
There is actually a picture of Reagan with the Bin Ladens (taken in the 80's of course) which was destroyed becuase it would have been a PR disaster.

Odd isn't it, the same people you work with end up turning the guns on you. Also how can one forget the famous Bin Laden flights after 9/11.

@ somebozo, Rambo 3 was not shot in Afghanistan, it was shot in Israel while some parts were shot in Peshawar, Pakistan.
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