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Quetta to have modern surveillance system


Mar 5, 2013
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Quetta to have modern surveillance system
Thursday, April 04, 2013

LAHORE: The SCADA and Telecom Section of NESPAK has been approved by the government of Balochistan for providing consultancy services for procurement and installation of state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and monitoring system for the entire Quetta city. This, first of its kind project for Quetta shall deploy sophisticated, dedicated electronic hardware and software for surveillance and monitoring of the entire Quetta city including its points of ingress and egress. The project shall be aimed at helping secure the unique requirements of, and, act as core system instrumental in the improvement of collaboration and tying together law enforcement, crime fighting and crisis detection and management agencies.

This multi-dimensional project shall initially, provide advance video surveillance capabilities. Video analytics including remote facial identification and object tracking on the fly vehicle identification/recognition, situation awareness of well frequented public areas and perimeter protection of high-risk buildings may also be considered. A fully equipped rapid response control center along with a telecommunication backbone shall be amongst major project components. In addition the procurement of a rudimentary infrastructure which shall be scalable for addition of additional contemporary services such as explosives and hazardous substances detection, electronic eavesdropping, implementation of database with shared access to crisis management and law enforcement agencies shall be accomplished. The project shall generate and archive data including video and audio bit-streams from across the provincial capital on a 24/7 basis.

Architecture, software, network, wireless and hardware layers shall each be explored in terms of threats and solutions. Applications aimed at higher-level issues such as economics and human behaviour shall also be considered since they play a large role in overall system efficacy. NESPAK shall provide all services including site survey, detailed design, preparation of PC-1, construction supervision, acceptance testing and commissioning of the project. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
A bit Late but a good development nonetheless.
this is not the solution first try to invest in making a neutral non political police system, second thing is to spend money on their training and anti terror squad, thirdly it should be for the balochistan afghn border survailance because quetta is as much important as rest of balochistan
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