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Question About Jinnah

With respect - your nation has elected a man responsible for wholesale murder I. February 2002 - a man barred from entering the USA for more than 10 years. A man that has created more diversity and hate filled nation than its entire existence. Look at the direction of Pakistan and then look the direction and diversity of India. To compare the 2 would be like comparing Apple to pears.
Jinnah I’m sure had faults but by Jove one things for certain - he has been proved right about Muslim and Hindu not being able to share land. We must always remember and thank Jinnah for creating Pakistan where our sister mothers and wives can not be lynched for being Muslim.

BTW how’s your new forum?

Starting from the end, I have no new forum. If you are referring to ****************, it is one of six defence fora that I belong to, and I have a stake in none of them. If you want to find out what is going on over there, at the forum that you may be referring to, do feel free to check for yourself.

Second, the nation has not elected a man; it elected a party that was part of a coalition. Certainly some allowance must be made for the unfamiliarity of most of you with democratic processes, but a little closer examination would have relieved you of many misapprehensions. It is ironic that you address these wholly mistaken notions to one who has opposed the leader of that coalition and his primary party right through, from the beginning, when very few others were aware of his vicious tendencies. Apart from being ironic, it is amusing - in a bitter kind of way - since many of those Indians who still support him are still floating around PDF. PDF members are great heroes when it comes to bearding liberals, and those who strive to create bridges between the two neighbouring countries, but go all coy and girlish when they come across the real McCoy. It would be interesting to read the words reflecting the fighting spirit and the proud self-reliance of such heroes when they break lances with their real enemy, and the enemies of mankind in general. Unlikely prospect, but one can hope.

As far as diversity is concerned, let us be blunt: no Pakistani has a clue about the diversity of India. None whatever. I will not waste time dilating on this point. The substance of that diversity is that essentially, all that we are enfuriated at, far beyond the dilatory and coffee house concerns that reflect in these shallow posts, is confined to a part of the country - a vast country yields phenomenal numbers even if a small part of it is concerned, and when we are talking about a whole slab of it, the numbers probably dwarf the total population of Pakistan, so it is fair to say that there are more religious bigots in India than in Pakistan.

Whether Jinnah was right or wrong is still to be proven. If there are those who believe that it is a closed matter, that does not seem to be so for those looking on from outside. He may have been right about Muslim and Hindu being unable to live together; it is, again, amusing, as much in these tortuous Indo-Pakistani dialogues is amusing, that the conclusions I am asked to examine are conclusions that hold for ten out of seventy-two years. I note that concluding from seventy-two out of the seventy-two years about our neighbours is not permissible.

Please do continue to share your invaluable conclusions on these and other matters. They must always edify, even if occasionally they fail to educate; but that is not necessarily a loss to the dilettante who wishes to sport an opinion and seek the plaudits of an all-too-willing gallery.

Quaid e Azam has been proven right but the final seal will be stamped when India as we know it is broken into many pieces. Diversity (on display on India's streets) mixed with Hindutva rule is a perfect recipe for it.
His real wrong was demanding the partition of Punjab and Bengal - both of which were Muslim majority provinces. Had they both gone to Pakistan in full, there would have been no genocide of Muslims in East Punjab.

For these hypocrites demanding that British India not be divided, they were very quick to divide Muslim majority provinces with large Hindu/Sikh populations.

I remember when Quaid e Azam confronted Nehru on his hypocrisy, Nehru said "We Hindus cannot be expected to live under Muslim rule."

So Quaid e Azam stated ,"Yet you expect Muslims to accept Hindu rule, even in the regions in which they are the absolute majority."

As far as we Pakistanis are concerned, a diplomatic end to the occupation of Kashmir is now over. India has repeatedly betrayed the Kashmiris, slaughtered them, and reneged on UN resolutions.

There is only one solution to the occupation of Kashmir and that is to win it back by the barrel of a gun. No more use is it to us to entertain Hindu majoritarian games any longer.

Our forefathers have taught us everything we need to know about their mindset, all of which has been re-confirmed again and again since Islam entered the subcontinent as a political force.

Hindu majoritarians have lost forever their ability to undo partition and to bring Pakistanis by hook and crook into the same deceptions which they have lumped on Indian Muslim leaders.
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