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Quaid-E-Azam lives another 10 years healthily. Alternative History essay competition

Aug 19, 2017
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Recently there was a thread and I had this comment to make:

As far as being progressive is concerned, Pakistan suffered massively from the early passing away of Quaid-e-Azam...It is something Pakistan never truly recovered from and its effect is being felt to this very day and will be felt for another 40-50 years....Ayyub Khan tried to heroically man the sails for a while, but a man of Quaid-e-Azam's calibre comes to this planet once in a century...The 20th century was lucky to have seen two such men:

1) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

2) Quaid-e-Azam MA Jinnah

Why is Quaid-e-Azam MA Jinnah so closely tied with Zoroastrian elite


Anyways ignore the content of this post, I feel the same revolutionary spirit that animated Atatürk animated Jinnah too...10 years more and he would have given shape to his vision of a modern Islamic state not unlike Turkey

And people who will try to say he was already advanced in age..I say he was only 70...Alan Greenspan of Federal Reserves, put in 12 hour days till his retirement at the age of 80....so yes 10 years more of Quaid-e-Azam is more than realistic..The floor is yours ladies and gentlemen...the best essay would be put to vote...50 percent weightage to be given to votes from normal members and 50 percent to the votes of Mods and Think Tank Analysts

I see what you are trying to establish here, Understood.

Even though i dislike Ataturk, He is responsible for today’s Turkey, He spent time, Turkey got exposure to western education and technology because of him.

Similarly if Quaid e Azam Had some more time in his life, for atleast 5-8 years, Pakistan may have been quiet different or even the whole subcontinent as we see today.

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