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Punjab govt. rejects Rs.100 mln KPK aid

It was the need of the moment because KPK govt. wasn't playing politics, its sort of a tradition here that provincial govt.s help each other in times of great need as they decided NOT to ask for aid from foreign countries for Flood relief..If Punjab govt. accepts aid from sindh but rejects KPK govt.'s aid then it shows who's actually playing politics.
ah.. thats quite bad then..
Instead of condemning the rejection, how about you people actually look at the reasoning? The IDPs are just as badly affected as the flood victims, so instead of giving money to the flood, they should take care of the IDPs who're in the same situation.

I swear, people make idiotic assumptions without looking at facts.

Shame on PTI for ignoring IDPs and focusing on the flood victims, because they want brownie points.

The more I hear PTI supporters scream self-righteousness, the less I can take them seriously. It is ridiculous that Imran has the support he does, even if it has declined massively.

Nawas is a dumb shit, but give credit where credit is due and stop accusing where no accusations should be applied.

You are correct..it's all politics using floods. Sad.
While people are suffering on ground and our politicians are still playing their favorite play
This is disgraceful. Punjab has not become Japan that it can manage everything from its own resources. Very bad of PML-N loosers
KPK has not become USA/World bank either to have this capacity of offering aid to others..but i agree these polticians should care about welfare of flood victims at this moment instead of playing this dirty politics
lol Nawaz sharif , and his good league are just political drama queens

Pathetic , display aid money is for fellow Pakistanis and they are just still stuck up in their Izzat ka mamala mentality
Dear stupids,

It was given for the flood relief people it wasn't given to govt. for themselves, in times of needs every provincial govt. offers some financial help to the affected one, even if Punjab govt. had given this to KPK one had a disaster occured at KPK then they would've accepted it. It is specifically stated..please keep your eyes open..it wasn't given for any political gains..open your eyes :crazy:
Dear potian... And so came the potian. Thanks for admitting :D

It was to be given to Punjab gov't, who then will distribute to citizens. So you're completely wrong. If it wasn't given to Punjab gov't, they can't deny it then.

So dear misinformed potian, next time give to red cross or edhi or something.
Dear potian... And so came the potian. Thanks for admitting :D

It was to be given to Punjab gov't, who then will distribute to citizens. So you're completely wrong. If it wasn't given to Punjab gov't, they can't deny it then.

So dear misinformed potian, next time give to red cross or edhi or something.

your language shows your nature and your party background shabash! :)

It was ofcourse given to Punjab govt. for flood relief who else are you gonna distribute to in such dire circumstances? can't PTI trust punjab govt. to atleast help the flood affecties cope with this disaster? is that what you're telling me?
ٹھیک کیا ـ پٹھان اپنی ایڈ پاس رکھیں ـ کالاباغ ڈیم بننے دیں - نہییں تو اگلے سال بھی سیلاب آئے گا اور اس سے اگلے سال بھی ـ
Well , the aid is by a Pakistani Province to another, and in need of crisis the aid is for benefit of Citizens of Pakistan.
Hope that Mr Nawaz understand the need of the moment and stop being a lunatic.

Use the 200 Crores to order medicine and food that is needed for effected people

a) Water
b) Ration
c) First aid kits
d) Basic medications would be needed urgently

Because unlike Mr Nawaz and Zardari poor people in Punjab don't have residences in UK /France and Other princely states

Geography Lesson: Free Pakistan Studies Lesson
Infact I was even not informed at first so I post the map the flood are due to Chinnab river
which has nothing to do with Kalabagh dam


Likely the floods in Lahore and Punjab are due to Chennab

The floods originated in Indian Kashmir , came thru with little notice into Punjab and caused havoc

Since Lahore was flooded the Ravi river did it contribute to floods ? or was it just rain

I suggest PDF mods , put a informative article on the topology or view of which rivers are main cause of floods , and other factors so the disinformation does not spreads
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PS: KPK did what any honorable Pakistani Government would do offer aid for need for Pakistani Citizens, and there is not more they can do.

PTI will form government over all Pakistan becasue they are a National Party and not mere KPK

At present our focus should be on assisting citizens , regardless of of what province they belong to
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A good step by Punjab Government. There is no need to take this aid from a province which is more racist than any other in Pakistan. There is no need to be obliged by this terrorist-infested land.
Instead of condemning the rejection, how about you people actually look at the reasoning? The IDPs are just as badly affected as the flood victims, so instead of giving money to the flood, they should take care of the IDPs who're in the same situation.

I swear, people make idiotic assumptions without looking at facts.

Shame on PTI for ignoring IDPs and focusing on the flood victims, because they want brownie points.

The more I hear PTI supporters scream self-righteousness, the less I can take them seriously. It is ridiculous that Imran has the support he does, even if it has declined massively.

Nawas is a dumb shit, but give credit where credit is due and stop accusing where no accusations should be applied.
Why shame on PTI? IDPs are federal responsibility. Are you implying that its only responsibility of pashtuns to take care of pashtuns of another administrative unit?. Sorry bro, this is typical attock-key-uss-paar mindset.

A good step by Punjab Government. There is no need to take this aid from a province which is more racist than any other in Pakistan. There is no need to be obliged by this terrorist-infested land.
Typical racist anti-pashtun comment from attock-key-uss-paar

ٹھیک کیا ـ پٹھان اپنی ایڈ پاس رکھیں ـ کالاباغ ڈیم بننے دیں - نہییں تو اگلے سال بھی سیلاب آئے گا اور اس سے اگلے سال بھی ـ
A very stupid, illogical and racist comment. Complain from India who has built dams in their kashmir and release flood water on punjab.
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Well , the aid is by a Pakistani Province to another, and in need of crisis the aid is for benefit of Citizens of Pakistan.
Hope that Mr Nawaz understand the need of the moment and stop being a lunatic.

Use the 200 Crores to order medicine and food that is needed for effected people

a) Water
b) Ration
c) First aid kits
d) Basic medications would be needed urgently

Because unlike Mr Nawaz and Zardari poor people in Punjab don't have residences in UK /France and Other princely states

Geography Lesson: Free Pakistan Studies Lesson
Infact I was even not informed at first so I post the map the flood are due to Chinnab river
which has nothing to do with Kalabagh dam


Likely the floods in Lahore and Punjab are due to Chennab

The floods originated in Indian Kashmir , came thru with little notice into Punjab and caused havoc

Since Lahore was flooded the Ravi river did it contribute to floods ? or was it just rain

I suggest PDF mods , put a informative article on the topology or view of which rivers are main cause of floods , and other factors so the disinformation does not spreads

Seem like most people have never seen Pakistani map here. Chenab river was controlled because of Mangla dam which now is biggest Pakistani dam surpassing Tarbela on indus in terms of water storage. While no such a dam exist in Chenab river, and neither any site to build dam like that.

Bhasha and Kalabagh dam will help when indus risis. Like in 2010 for exemple. Because when indus rises then devastation is several times bigger.
your language shows your nature and your party background shabash! :)

It was ofcourse given to Punjab govt. for flood relief who else are you gonna distribute to in such dire circumstances? can't PTI trust punjab govt. to atleast help the flood affecties cope with this disaster? is that what you're telling me?
says the guy calling others stupid.

And look at that u turn. First you imply it wasn't given to punjab gov't, and now it's given to punjab gov't.

Pakistan has numerous problems, so why object to China helping us? Cuz corruption? Well then don't give a dime either to Punjab.


Majority of Potians I've come across are one blind humans. So let me quote your statements and show why you need to see a doctor.

It was given for the flood relief people it wasn't given to govt.

It was ofcourse given to Punjab govt

@orangzaib see those two quotes as to why I don't prefer to waste time with potians
So if everyone in Pakistan starts looking after everyone else's responsibility (esp federal govt's) then why do we need a federal govt again? Coz IDP are from FATA and it is under Federal govt.
The federation works through it's provincial arms. The federal government is doing what it needs to, though it is not enough, but the province the IDPs are located also have a responsibility towards the IDPs.

Don't think for a second that anyone with a little bit of common sense is stupid enough to fall for these mental gymnastics of yours.

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