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PTI finished in Ramadan: Life changing Poll

Will PTI supporters go for Itekaf in Ramadan and ditch IK?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • No

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • IK definitely has prostate cancer

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • ECP and PDM and Army should be dissolved and Wizarat e Behbood e Abadi should replace them all

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • I am not sure about itekaf but I do istanja regularly - does that count?

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • I really think creating threads on every random thought a person has is a bad idea

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • Bajra! hafiz jee! paujeet! DHA! Cia! mossad! Raw! Pornhub!

    Votes: 13 25.0%
  • Eeee eeee eeeeee!

    Votes: 5 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Mar 28, 2009
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United States
United States
Based on the ECP situation and Ramadan starting I think the PTI will have a tough time. I reached this startling conclusion while sitting on the throne and inspired by the many one line threads created instead of using existing ones I have also had ilham and think IK will suddenly get prostate cancer and declared dead by PDM.

What do you think?

Please - we must discuss this important thing as well.
Never in my life I've witness such hate and resentment for Army, there was a time when People feel proud and throw flowers when Army trucks pass by but today they are welcome by Profanity and stones, if things don't change the day is not far when the whole country will revolt and than to crack down on the revolt Army will have to open fire on civilians, Indians will jump in with help of TTP who will recruit the people from Baluchistan/KPK by using the same " Murtad Army " mantra, and we will be back in 2000's but this time it will be on Steroids. What I failed to understand that Army has always enjoyed support from people and no Govt has actively taken any action against their internal affairs so why is that the people in GHQ are so scared of a Civilian led Govt with 2/3rd Majority? Why they want to control every aspect of Pakistani society from security to foreign policy, from Business to international AID ? If they want to do all than what's the point of taking oath from a Civilian leader/President over a constitution which they are not up-holding ? When will people understand that this is not 70's or 80's ? this is the era of social media and news can reach from one corner to the other within seconds, the time has changed and Army has no business in Politics, And its not like Army is just sitting in barracks and gets bored, your hands are full with your own shit, LOC/TTP/BLA/IRGC etc, why on earth they are so hell bent of taking everything up on themselves when they are literally failing on the vary job they are only suppose to do which is protecting Pakistan's border from Internal/External threats.

I am amazed that how someone, individual or a institution can be so embarrassingly dumb/stupid, and rest follows them like sheep, It is not about Imran Khan, he is not the only/last hope nor he the best Pakistan has ever produced but he is necessary in the current political turmoil Pakistan is into, Army needs to stop Pushing Pakistan into darkness and forcing its people in to subjugation cause just like the more you pull a rubber band apart, when it reaches its critical point and you release it, it can hurt your own hand. Its still not to late, stop pulling the strings from behind the curtains, take your selective support from PDM or anyone, let the Institutions of Pakistan work independently without any pressure, that is the only way forward to a successful and prosper Pakistan.
Never in my life I've witness such hate and resentment for Army, there was a time when People feel proud and throw flowers when Army trucks pass by but today they are welcome by Profanity and stones, if things don't change the day is not far when the whole country will revolt and than to crack down on the revolt Army will have to open fire on civilians, Indians will jump in with help of TTP who will recruit the people from Baluchistan/KPK by using the same " Murtad Army " mantra, and we will be back in 2000's but this time it will be on Steroids. What I failed to understand that Army has always enjoyed support from people and no Govt has actively taken any action against their internal affairs so why is that the people in GHQ are so scared of a Civilian led Govt with 2/3rd Majority? Why they want to control every aspect of Pakistani society from security to foreign policy, from Business to international AID ? If they want to do all than what's the point of taking oath from a Civilian leader/President over a constitution which they are not up-holding ? When will people understand that this is not 70's or 80's ? this is the era of social media and news can reach from one corner to the other within seconds, the time has changed and Army has no business in Politics, And its not like Army is just sitting in barracks and gets bored, your hands are full with your own shit, LOC/TTP/BLA/IRGC etc, why on earth they are so hell bent of taking everything up on themselves when they are literally failing on the vary job they are only suppose to do which is protecting Pakistan's border from Internal/External threats.

I am amazed that how someone, individual or a institution can be so embarrassingly dumb/stupid, and rest follows them like sheep, It is not about Imran Khan, he is not the only/last hope nor he the best Pakistan has ever produced but he is necessary in the current political turmoil Pakistan is into, Army needs to stop Pushing Pakistan into darkness and forcing its people in to subjugation cause just like the more you pull a rubber band apart, when it reaches its critical point and you release it, it can hurt your own hand. Its still not to late, stop pulling the strings from behind the curtains, take your selective support from PDM or anyone, let the Institutions of Pakistan work independently without any pressure, that is the only way forward to a successful and prosper Pakistan.
Their milk and honey rivers dry out if people hace their way.
Waste of time thread, maybe SQ8 should have a poll ,
1. does Nani have VD
2. Does Nani Maryam have bastarx hidden away, after all she did give herself around to the Arab sheiks
3. Is Nani behind IK assassination attempt
4. Is Maryam responsible for the murder and harassment of journalists.
5. Does Nawaz sharif have a brain
6. Does sanaullah brush his teeth
7. Does sanaullah have cockroaches in his mustache
I think the army should be more concerned with TTP and less so with politics?
If a country is facing the level of insurgency Pakistan is facing, its army/intelligence and entire LEA will be focused on that threat, political turmoil although bad for country's progress but threats like TTP/BLA always and will remain far more dangerous, so any sane person/country will expect what you just wrote but this is Pakistan, and if you know the history of Pakistan and its Political history, quote n quote necessary intervention by Army, they consider themselves to be above the Allah SWT, there was a time when people used to think that Army is above the LAW/CONSTITUTION, but now they consider themselves to be above the THRONE OF ALLAH, Nauzubillah. They have no sense of self accountability or love for the country and biggest reason for that is most of the Top civil/Military leadership of Pakistan have their assets/extended DNA already safely deposited in countries like USA/CANADA/UK, so why would they care about the country?

Life would be so easy if everyone did their jobs
Revised Questions should be:

Did nani get her 5th breast augmentation surgery this year?
Did bilawal finally got her hormone injections?
Was Bilawal able to make Haji sb c*m.
Should Haji be diagnosed for aids?
Is Hina Pervaiz Butt a khusri?
Their milk and honey rivers dry out if people hace their way.
Honestly I don't think so, if it wasn't for the mess people despite IK's govt gone people were still not that angry at Army, if election will be held and Army stop meddling in politics and focus on Terrorism than people will once again start supporting them. Generals are rich enough that their 7 pushtain will live in peace and luxury, what else they want? have they not learn any lesson from history ? Richer more powerful people have died and left everything behind, do they have no fear of Allah ? Have they Forgotten than one day they will die and face the creator?
Honestly I don't think so, if it wasn't for the mess people despite IK's govt gone people were still not that angry at Army, if election will be held and Army stop meddling in politics and focus on Terrorism than people will once again start supporting them. Generals are rich enough that their 7 pushtain will live in peace and luxury, what else they want? have they not learn any lesson from history ? Richer more powerful people have died and left everything behind, do they have no fear of Allah ? Have they Forgotten than one day they will die and face the creator?
GHQ just living the moment they dont care bout no akhirat matters.
Very respectfully SQ8 sahab is very smart compared to Irfan Sahab who used to give boomer uncle vibes.
That's because Irfan Baloch sb was actually a boomer or close to being one. SQ8 isn't.
(Please note that I am not saying IB was dumb. No sir. But, he just didn't get with the times i.e. boomer )

But, that has nothing to do with age. I was just pointing out his descent into that phase may have started. A man can only take so much youthia propaganda before he snaps. :D
And so, it begins.

@SQ8 's "Irfan Baloch posting patwari propaganda like 'Did IK really get shot'" phase.

@Signalian , I was wondering when you'd snap as well :lol:
"Toheen-e-Irfan Baloch". Not acceptable of course.
Just don't send a Vigo my way.

BTW, can someone please tell me what does a negative rating mean? Will it take away my privilege to speak freely?

@Riz , you have a few of those. What happens?

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