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Protesters in Iran chant "Palestine, Syria, are the causes of our miseries"

The fact that you use paper to clean your filthy *** instead of water proves that you are a dirty uncivilized savage. Focus on your hygiene.
Well according to Islam you can clean yourself with 3 piece of clean paper. So I don't get why insulting in such manner?

You dirty neanderthal touch your shit with your bare hand first, right? LMAO its in the family eh ?

Everyone blame Jews on everything. Jews support Shah, Jews support Khamenai no matter what happens Jews will be blamed. In US most of the Jews have liberal views and support freedoms etc, thats why I guess they critisized Shah who was basically a dictator. That has nothing to do with Israeli lobby.

Overall Jews are not homogeneous group they have different views so u can always find Jews with some views which suit u and use it.
Look I agree with you that jews have different views and sure we cannot blame them for everything. I'm surely not against jews, but Israel did some bad things to Iran: project flower. And shah was criticizing a group of jews who had big influence in western press who constantly attacked Shah. Also Tudeh party, a globalist communist anti-shah group, which was a puppet of soviet union and wanted to create problems for Iran had a strong jewish base. They worked for a while with khomeini.

I wish Khatami was president now, Rohani Ahmadinejad and there team Fu*ked up big time.
Khatami and Rouhani are same shit, they were puppets of conservatives to keep people busy while they steal and buy nice cars for their muslim children in USA and Europe.

What we need is:
1. Mass execution of corrupt islamists. All the corruption is done by relatives of people working in Islamic republic. Execution or life imprisonment for larijani gang/circle.

2. Pig-face khamenei should sign a contract with people:
  • Free press on topics about politics and economy. No more islamic propaganda in TV or Iranian tax money to subsidize Islamic institutions and haj. Clerics have to work beside their lazy sermons.
  • No more judeo-islamic laws such us hijab or cutting arms, but laws based on Iranian values. No forced hijab, but also no nudity.
  • End of islamist guardian council
  • No role for IRGC in economy
  • Maximum 2 armies (regular army and other)
  • No parallel organization/governing bodies and local king-clerics making decisions. All decisions will be made by 1 source.
  • End of communist policies (the failed bonyads, government owned companies such as car industry). That means pay tax and compete. You can't compete? then you go bankrupt. Full privatization in most of sectors except some sectors such as oil, gas, minerals. No more subsidies for pollution of environment. So no subsidies on electricity, gas, fuel, water. Instead tax them.
  • Introduction of a parliamentary system
  • Free election with participation of different parties. So end of 1 party system with 2 wings (conservative and reformist wing which is the islamic theatre in the past 40 years).
  • All of above should happen within an "Iranian framework" instead of the "islamic framework" which failed Iran. That means Iran stays centrally governed, no Federalism, keeps one state and official language (persian). It means no political parties based on language/ethnicity or region. Insult to Iranian identity or All of this should be mentioned in the constitution. Mostafa Tajzadeh, one of the few reformists has made some interesting points about Central governed and united Iran. Many reformists and concervatives are part-time traitors (separatists such as ghazipour and some other are globalists). A ministry of Iran should be established, apart from ministry of tourism or culture. A ministry of environment should also be established.
  • Keeping out all foreign traitor separatists and globalists and terrorists (MEK, son of shah, PDKI, Komola etc).
  • Keeping intact all of our foreign interests (but no anymore based on islam purely), not allowing foreign armies to be established in Iran. If islam can be an instrument to be abused in any of our goals, then we should do so for our interests only.
Basically it means end of Islamism, Islamic republic and in long term Islam in Iran. This will happen in a peaceful transition. If they continue neglecting the idealist nationalist youth, then we can see more civil unrest which can follow by incidents which I cannot predict or which cannot be controlled anymore.
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Syria is not an issue. Russia stopped the fighting in Syria. It's not like Iran has regular units fighting in Syria. As for Palestine, it's not an issue either.
larijani gang/circle
The Larigani gang a.k.a The Dalton brothers, One of the main sources of problem in Iran.

She should be found and threatened, harassed and beaten. This family should not feel rest anywhere. Victims of this larijani dynasty have a responsiblity to punish them.
Another braindead smelly Basiji. Let me make it clear for you jackass ! There is no country on earth that can survive without being integrated into the global economic market.

Currently your rial is even more worthless than the American toilet paper i am wiping my *** with. You are totally isolated. There are workers that have not been paid for many months. Factories shut down because of a lack of production,orders. No water running, No electricity. You are incapable of running a healthy economy based on your fucked up ideology.

Now you might brag about how you are trading with Najaf and Karbala but thats another fucked up sad story.

Keep plundering the national wealth you asshole. Keep stealing national wealth for your own luxury and enrichment.

Tof bar kose naneye boogandoot ke toye haroomzade mihanforoushe pas andakht.

Go thank your mullahs for ruining Irans name.

In 1978 no one cursed Iran or Iranians, no one had a problem with Iran or the people of Iran, no one bothered Iran. Now even in the most backward and most isolated places on earth the name of Iran is being mentioned in a bad way.

Tof bar gooretoon pedarsaga.
Being honored with several Nobel prize in economic sciences or sociology doesn't matter as far as you are not cable of handling a proper civil discussion without prejudgment and insulting therefore from no on either don't quote me or if you do be polite, thanks.

GNP per capita in constant dollars:


Iran - 7,939
Brazil - 7,505
Argentine - 7,228
Turkey - 5,381
Chile - 4,615
S. Korea - 3,573
Malaysia - 2,969


S. Korea - 26,152
Chile - 15,060
Turkey - 14,933
Malaysia - 11,521
Brazil - 10,889
Argentine - 10,398
Iran - 6,947

Would you please tell me why you provided me with these statics? did I say our economy is well right now that you compare it with 40 years ago for me?
Would you please tell me why you provided me with these statics? did I say our economy is well right now that you compare it with 40 years ago for me?
Iran's GDP per capita in constant dollar today is LOWER than it was 40 years ago. While all other countries develop Iran is moving backwards.


  • Published: 07 August 2018
By INU Staff

INU - Huge anti-regime protests erupted in the conservative-majority city of Qom, Iran, on Sunday, with demonstrators chanting “Death to Hezbollah” and loudly criticising the Iranian Regime’s domestic and foreign policies.

This helps to hammer home the fact that the Iranian uprising and its call for regime change are merely being propagated by liberal, educated urbanites who are influenced by the West. Instead, it is the overwhelming wish of the Iranian people as a whole. Democracy, human rights, and freedom appeal to all Iranians.

The protests in Qom were part of a larger protest across several Iranian cities on Sunday, including in Karaj, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan, and Tehran, where protesters condemned the Regime’s policies and their dwindling living conditions.
Many have attributed these protests to economic uncertainty surrounding the return of US sanctions on Monday. These sanctions were reimposed following Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal in May.

In Tehran on Sunday, dozens gathered around the Calj Bridge, in order to avoid the strict security measures imposed by the Regime’s authorities in more central locations. The state-run media, however, downplayed the protests as part of the Regime’s attempts to seem in control.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has failed to deal with the crises causing the protests, despite promising to do so on many occasions. This resulted in him having to attend an accountability hearing in the Iranian Parliament on August 1, but to be clear, the Iranian government did not (and will not) hold any of their own responsibility. This was a PR exercise designed to placate the people, although no one will be fooled.

The Regime blames “foreign enemies” for its crises, when the reality is that the mullahs are the ones responsible. They are the ones who dangerously destabilised the economy through corruption and mismanagement, preferring to line their own pockets, fund terrorist group and create havoc across the Middle East rather than attend to the needs of their people. They are the ones who violated the nuclear deal, which was so widely in their favour, and caused the reimposition of sanctions. They are the ones who refused Trump’s offer of talks to resolve the issue.

And soon, the Regime will pay for their crimes when the Iranian people’s uprising results in the overthrow of the mullahs and their expulsion from the Middle East. The US should publically support the Iranian people in this goal in order to bring peace to the region.

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