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Prostitute Scandal Rattles Tehran Government

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Aug 3, 2012
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General Reza Zarei, Tehran's chief of
police, has been under arrest in Iran since
mid-March for a curious scandal: He was
caught in a brothel with six prostitutes. One
of the women involved says Zarei, 52,
asked the group to remove their clothes,
"stand in a row in front of him and pray

is not just that he's chief of police
in the Iranian capital. He's also in charge of
vice crime. He should have been arresting
the prostitutes, not paying them for kinky

The one-time chief of police in the
northern province of Gilan was raised to
one of the nation's top law-enforcement
posts three years ago, reportedly with
Ahmadinejad's patronage. His harsh moral
sermons on state TV have made him
famous. Fashionable young women who let
their headscarves slip down around their
necks were subject to his strict
enforcement of Iran's dress code, and his
office gave out an estimated 35,000
warnings to unmarried couples, for
example, who held hands.

Prostitutes? What Prostitutes?

Until recently, conservative Iranians even
denied there was prostitution in Iran. The
government also denied at first that Zarei
had been arrested. But reports about the
scandal began to appear on Persian-
language Web sites and local newspapers
until Iran's Justice Department confirmed
Zarei's arrest in mid-April.

Now it appears that the arrest was
personally ordered by Iran's justice minister,
Ayatollah Hashemi Shahrudi, whose office
had been monitoring Zarei for weeks. Even
the feared chief prosecutor, Saeed
wasn't told. Zarei's numerous supporters
tried to hush up the case, and even after
the government confirmed the scandal, it
was played down as "minimal" and of "a
purely private nature."

But in the meantime the prosecutor in
charge of the case, Mohassan Ghasi, has
raised even more suspicion: With his remark
that a "high police official" could exploit his
position for "material" as well as "private"
gain, the prosecutor hinted that Zarei may
also be suspected of pimping. Iranian police
as well as the nation's Revolutionary Guard
have, in fact, long stood under suspicion of
taking kickbacks from Iran's various red light districts.

Prostitution in Iran is against the law. Harsh punishments
for prostitutes as well as their customers
nclude not just jail but execution. The
business flourishes anyway. Thousands of
women reportedly work in the 12 million-
strong capital of Tehran. On Motahari
Street, in the wealthy northern part of the
city, the price for an hour of sex ranges
from €20 to €50 ($31 to $78).

Last Wednesday it was reported that Zarei
committed suicide in jail, raising speculation
that an inconvenient Tehran insider had been
liquidated. Tehran, though, says Zarei is still

A Police Chief Incarcerated: Prostitute Scandal Rattles Tehran Government - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Praying Neked?
Wow, now I see why they did not taking care those drug smugglers, Their police has been Bussy with their Freaking Behavior
Link please?
Or I close this thread and ban you from the section
lolz.. this is not unusual.. police usually takes favour from them..
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