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Prime Minister Erdoan promises Kurdish as elective course in schools

I am just in shock how many Turks here are traitors.

How can you guys as Turks accept such idiotic politics?? First of all that retard AKP did bring a PKK request alive this is 1. Second you guys dont nothing know about Turkish history but claiming to be a Turk and talking for Turkish state. The worst thing you can do is bring more languages then 1 alive. What is this elective course kurdish man? Like we have the right here in Europe to choos Turkish as elective course.

You guys dont know how the communist bastards tried to destroy the Turks by removing the Turkish language in several Turkish states? How can we speak about unity if we devide it with languages? What is next?? What is next?? Why we need to give the kurd their so called right. What kind of bullcrap right is this like if they are not talking kurdish inside home or outside with their friends??

Why they need to learn kurdish? Does kurds has a indepented state so they need to learn their languages good for future consular affairs???

Whats next a kurdish consul a embassy?? Ground? Federal state?? Stop saying NO thats not gionna happen..because traitorship is in your hearts and how you guys accepted the language you guys also will accept their federal state in Turkey.

Its hard to call you guys Turks.

Yemin ederim sehitlerimizin kemikleri sizliyor sizin gibi Turk olacaksa bu millet yok olsun daha iyi. Tüh sizin halinize.

Butun kininiz nefretiniz Turkluge karsi. Sizin icinizde bir damla Turk kani olsaydi boyle serefsiz kararlari desteklemezdiniz.

Ne haliniz varsa gorun.

Yaziklar olsun

This is whats wrong with most of the Turks nowadays...

As Turks, we support rights of Turks in Cyprus and Balkans, we support Azerbaijan Turks in Iran, we support rights of Uighurs in China but when it comes to our minorities some of us suddenly turns into facists...

Kurds having basic human rights doesn't mean that we are going to abonden our nation state or we are going to lose our nationality...

Atleast people think like you are minority in our country...
This is whats wrong with most of the Turks nowadays...

As Turks, we support rights of Turks in Cyprus and Balkans, we support Azerbaijan Turks in Iran, we support rights of Uighurs in China but when it comes to our minorities some of us suddenly turns into facists...

Kurds having basic human rights doesn't mean that we are going to abonden our nation state or we are going to lose our nationality...

Atleast people think like you are minority in our country...

How can you compare these two?? Cyprus Azerbaijan etc. are Turkish states. Belongs to Turks. What you basicly say is that kurdish has also a right for indepented state. And btw nobody cared about Turks in Azerbeycan, Iran or in China. Since when screamed the PM a one minute for Turks?? You talking about some kurdish language but you dont even know how the Turkmen's in North-Iraq are getting persecuted by that traitor slimy eskiya barzani etc.

First protect your own norms and values its crazy to give kurdish language after 4 year first school.

Sizin gibileri Turkiye'yi maf edecek. Nasil ki Osmanli zamaninda dil ve etnik kimlik uzerinden oynanan oyunlar sayesinde zayiflayip coktuyse, Turkiye de oyle olacak. Bu gibi kafayla yenilmeye hep mahkum kalacaksiniz. Tarihinden ders almayan bir millet gelecektede bir halt yapamaz.
Benim can kardesim, ne iyi netherland da yaşıyorsun, bizim karadağlarda yasasaydin belki, vallahi kesip asaraaa!

Iran Turklere nasil zulum ettigini de biliriz ama mesele olmek degil mesele insan gibi onurlu yasamaktir kardesim.
This is whats wrong with most of the Turks nowadays...

As Turks, we support rights of Turks in Cyprus and Balkans, we support Azerbaijan Turks in Iran, we support rights of Uighurs in China but when it comes to our minorities some of us suddenly turns into facists....

These are side effects of pkk terrorism. People became paranoid. Every simple rights which are given to Kurds, make them scared and think Turkiye is going to be separated. I can understand them.
These are side effects of pkk terrorism. People became paranoid. Every simple rights which are given to Kurds, make them scared and think Turkiye is going to be separated. I can understand them.

Brother, if Kurds can't live with us with their dignity and honour because some of us, Turks, are scared of some terrorist than they should have their own state.

Kurds deserve this country like any other man or woman who are citizens of Turkish republic and to be honest I would rather fight with them side by side against terrorism rather than Kurds feeling second class citizens in our country because some paranoid people.
A nice step. But look at this people:

“Teaching a people their own language as an elective course is cruelty,” Kışanak said. “Let’s make it an elective course, let’s send them to Mr. Prime Minister and have them learn [Kurdish] as an elective course. What he is saying is, ‘Go to school, learn Turkish, become assimilated, and then learn your own language.’ This crime against humanity is being conducted at the hands of the AK Party.”

They are the Kurdish version of Killuminati. They will never be satisfied. And if they keep the monopoly of "representing Kurds" the problem is not going to be solved.
These are side effects of pkk terrorism. People became paranoid. Every simple rights which are given to Kurds, make them scared and think Turkiye is going to be separated. I can understand them.
These are identical rights. Ethnic Kurds have every other right except these. It's a normal thing but it also encourages seperatism in a way.

The fact is military operations are ceased right now, only minor activities. Giving ethnic Kurds identical rights could make a better point if timing could be synchronized with land assaults. By leaving PKK intact while doing this could mean accepting their part in this and this is unacceptable.

Somebody needs to teach AKP some honor values.
These are identical rights. Ethnic Kurds have every other right except these. It's a normal thing but it also encourages seperatism in a way.

The fact is military operations are ceased right now, only minor activities. Giving ethnic Kurds identical rights could make a better point if timing could be synchronized with land assaults. By leaving PKK intact while doing this could mean accepting their part in this and this is unacceptable.

Somebody needs to teach AKP some honor values.

LegionnairE you know that I am with you on most parts but I don't think that we should keep Kurds in Turkey from their basic human rights because of our ego against PKK...

They are important because we hate them, PKK is nothing more than heavly armed criminal organization that uses terror as its tool and war on terror always proved as useless as beating water with a stick. Only way we can truly defeat PKK is to win the hearts of Kurds and show them that the terror that has been struck upon them by military junta is over and now they don't need to choose between the army and PKK, they just need to live in peace in their own country, Turkey.
These are side effects of pkk terrorism. People became paranoid. Every simple rights which are given to Kurds, make them scared and think Turkiye is going to be separated. I can understand them.

Denying 16 collapsed Turkish empires with almost all the same faults are paranoia. The politics of today are exactly the same as the time in Ottoman and Selcuk empire.

LegionnairE you know that I am with you on most parts but I don't think that we should keep Kurds in Turkey from their basic human rights because of our ego against PKK...

They are important because we hate them, PKK is nothing more than heavly armed criminal organization that uses terror as its tool and war on terror always proved as useless as beating water with a stick. Only way we can truly defeat PKK is to win the hearts of Kurds and show them that the terror that has been struck upon them by military junta is over and now they don't need to choose between the army and PKK, they just need to live in peace in their own country, Turkey.

You guys still talking about PKK is a crime organisation. PKK is everywhere in Turkey and they are extorting people. People can not live with a good feeling in hearts. Turkish people live with terror fear in their hearts. This cause for some huge psycologic affect. Outside this i said that its not a matter of PKK. PKK is nothing, we must look who is behind this organisation and we all know that the most powerfull elites are behind this and they dont bring for nothing the so called kurdish rights and making world propaganda that Turks suppress kurds.
According to people like Killuminati we should give whatsoever no rights to Kurds and fully assimilate them into Turks. This is sick mentality that has no place in modern world. Giving rights to our Kurdish citizens is the only way to shift support from PKK freaks to a national support. It is pretty easy:
Discriminate Kurds and you alienate them from Turkey
Accept them as your equal and give them rights and you unify them.

Military can only take care of some freaks in the mountains, but politicians can take care of normal human beings like you and me to win them. Hope you will reach maturity one day killuminati.

Edit: You say you are a Muslim. Can you tell me in what part of Islam does it say that nationalism comes before basic human rights? Extreme nationalism is and has always been a negative thing, we need to be patriots, not racists.
Cut the liberal sh!t. Habur incident and BDP's openly support to PKK was barely tolerable now this is reminding me of capitulations of the Ottoman Empire. Republic of Turkey does not recognize any other power in her lands. Those who seek their rights has elective rights. But BDP's political demands shall not be met untill they cut their ties with PKK.

Ethnic Kurds have been waiting for this for a long time. Let them wait untill PKK cease to exist.
LegionnairE you know that I am with you on most parts but I don't think that we should keep Kurds in Turkey from their basic human rights because of our ego against PKK...

They are important because we hate them, PKK is nothing more than heavly armed criminal organization that uses terror as its tool and war on terror always proved as useless as beating water with a stick. Only way we can truly defeat PKK is to win the hearts of Kurds and show them that the terror that has been struck upon them by military junta is over and now they don't need to choose between the army and PKK, they just need to live in peace in their own country, Turkey.

What has kurdish elective course to do with humanrights man? Talk a bit with knowledge and logical. So your logical thinking says that we must bring Armenian, Zaza, Bosnak, Rum, etc. etc. to schools as a elective course language to?? Ok, then we gonna mix up Turkey with more then 10 languages and after a point nobody knows what he is talking about.

Birlik sadece tek dil uzerinden mumkun olabilir. Sen herkeze secmeli ders verirsen Turkce unutulur. Ilk 4'ten sonra kurtce uzerinden egitim alan gencler ilerde nasil dogru durust anlasilabilecek bicimde Turkce konusacak? Sizin sozlemleriniz ne mantiga dayali nede insan haklarina dayanali bir soylemdir.

Dil uzerinden oyun oynanmaz. Gorduk tarihte Ruslar nasil dilimizi yok etmeye calistiklarini, Turkleri birbirinden ayirmak istediklerini. Siz herseye izin verirseniz gelecekte de bambaska seylere izin verirsiniz. Vermessiniz demeyin cunku akli dengeniz artik yerinde degil, aKP propagandasi ile zehirlenmis sulanmis zihniyet sahibisiniz.

Biraz kendinize gelin. Bayraginiza dilinize BENLIGINIZE SAHIP CIKIN. Bu vatani Turkler kurdu TURKLER!!! Onun icin vatanin bolunmez butunlugunu tehtid edemezsiniz, bolunmeye ayrismaya aciklik birakamazsiniz. Biraz sahip cikin be. Dunya da binlerce Turk zulum gorurken siz kurtlerden bahsediyorsunuz. Asiretlere, agalara kulluk edip sonrada Turk baskisi olarak tasiyip bir takim isteklerde bulunmak cok fecidir.

Bak ahmet Turk denen rezil herife. 20 sene once abdullah ocalan la beraber ve diger avrupa insan haklari bilmem ne konferansinda bagimsiz kurt devletinden bahsediyordu. Ayni ahmet Turk, bilmem kac bin donum arazisi toprak agasi olan bu asiret lideri simdi de hak hukuklardan bahsediyor. Once kendi insanini ezmeyi birak sonra gel konus.

Politika'yi boyle yonlendiriyorlar iste ama siz gelmissiniz yok dil yok bu su diyorsunuz. Yaw ne insanlara kaldi guzelim Turkiyem be.

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What has kurdish elective course to do with humanrights man? Talk a bit with knowledge and logical. So your logical thinking says that we must bring Armenian, Zaza, Bosnak, Rum, etc. etc. to schools as a elective course language to?? Ok, then we gonna mix up Turkey with more then 10 languages and after a point nobody knows what he is talking about.

Birlik sadece tek dil uzerinden mumkun olabilir. Sen herkeze secmeli ders verirsen Turkce unutulur. Ilk 4'ten sonra kurtce uzerinden egitim alan gencler ilerde nasil dogru durust anlasilabilecek bicimde Turkce konusacak? Sizin sozlemleriniz ne mantiga dayali nede insan haklarina dayanali bir soylemdir.

Dil uzerinden oyun oynanmaz. Gorduk tarihte Ruslar nasil dilimizi yok etmeye calistiklarini, Turkleri birbirinden ayirmak istediklerini. Siz herseye izin verirseniz gelecekte de bambaska seylere izin verirsiniz. Vermessiniz demeyin cunku akli dengeniz artik yerinde degil, aKP propagandasi ile zehirlenmis sulanmis zihniyet sahibisiniz.

Biraz kendinize gelin. Bayraginiza dilinize BENLIGINIZE SAHIP CIKIN. Bu vatani Turkler kurdu TURKLER!!! Onun icin vatanin bolunmez butunlugunu tehtid edemezsiniz, bolunmeye ayrismaya aciklik birakamazsiniz. Biraz sahip cikin be. Dunya da binlerce Turk zulum gorurken siz kurtlerden bahsediyorsunuz. Asiretlere, agalara kulluk edip sonrada Turk baskisi olarak tasiyip bir takim isteklerde bulunmak cok fecidir.

Bak ahmet Turk denen rezil herife. 20 sene once abdullah ocalan la beraber ve diger avrupa insan haklari bilmem ne konferansinda bagimsiz kurt devletinden bahsediyordu. Ayni ahmet Turk, bilmem kac bin donum arazisi toprak agasi olan bu asiret lideri simdi de hak hukuklardan bahsediyor. Once kendi insanini ezmeyi birak sonra gel konus.

Politika'yi boyle yonlendiriyorlar iste ama siz gelmissiniz yok dil yok bu su diyorsunuz. Yaw ne insanlara kaldi guzelim Turkiyem be.

I wonder if you would say this if you were born a Turkish Kurd.
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I wonder if you would say this if you were born a Turkish Kurd.

This is the reason why traitorship are in your hearts. A 100% Turk would never agree with such a things. As i said, we made this country, we fought for this country and we did give the most deaths for this country. We are the one that decide what will happen. The kurds in Turkey live with all the freedom. In Turkey a kurd can even be a PM or a President. Look to Iran? What kind of right do Iran give to kurds? Nothing, but miraculously all the hate is agains Turks. I told you what is behind this. You guys want to destroy Turkey thats your mission.

Dil mil hak hukuk palavra. Siz gidin once asiret liderleri yerine Allah'a kulluk edin.

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