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PREPARING FOR WAR?afghans has asked India for 150 tanks,field guns,mortars,helicopters and aircraft

Not putting faith in ANA and putting faith in Taliban are two separate and exclusive topics.

If at all logic is applied.

Enemy of an enemy is a friend. Ana did the same with TTP. Same is practiced by everyone else in this world. We would do the same.
The faith and trust shown by pakistanis in taliban is simply awesome !!
Because they have same mentality what Taliban and terrorist have.

the faith shows by piss drinkers on opium suckers is simple awesome!!!
terrorist mind Pakistanis are awesome.

@waz @The Eagle

This user is operating mulitipal IDs, Kindly check and ban him.
When he removes the curtain and you cant take it and begging mod to ban him. why, truth hurts. Open your eyes guys. pointing out finger at some one, look into your house first.

Lols every time you bring 71 war, we are sitting 1500 miles away and you people succeeded with the help of mukti bahini, this move actually help us lot.
If she was that strong then there was no need for Indian forces to get involved. dil ko behlanay ka khyal accha hai.
I hope this is true, we need some much needed motivation to expel every afghani from Pakistan.
can india provide those this are big number of weapons they are asking for
They're gonna ask for tanks in a region like Afghanistan? lol I guess you can't fix stupid. These tiny things aren't enough to fight a war against another nation. If Pakistan gets serious like we used to be in Ayub Khan's era they'll be hammered down a peg or two. Our passive ways these days are unacceptable.

They'll end up abandoning and/or selling their equipment like they have with US supplied ones.
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