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Pregnant elephant dies in Kerala after being fed with fruit filled with explosives by locals

Don't know man, I saw a tweet by a local about this.
And you trust that?

Noone need to score point on this .
We wont rush in to such conclusion .
May be they purposefully did it .

Now there is a strong opinion against this activity in our society
Hardly unexpected, but Sanghis are making this another issue to vilify Muslims.


Lol these guys can't let any moment go waste . Propaganda against muslims 24/7
Hardly unexpected, but Sanghis are making this another issue to vilify Muslims.


Let them do it .
But we are not ruiling out anything for now.
This may be a local case but previously there was a case of hacking stray dogs as a training in those region.
Let the police decides
Still we keralites cant tolerate these kind of action.
Hopes the officials took the strict action

Our prime concern is the illegal and criminal activity of illegal BDis in South states including our Kerala.

I agree, south states are also set to witness deadly anti-Muslim riots in near future.
Still we keralites cant tolerate these kind of action.
Hopes the officials took the strict action

Our prime concern is the illegal and criminal activity of illegal BDis in South states including our Kerala.

Some poor elephant got killed and the first thing that comes to this individuals mind are the alleged ever elusive illegal BDshis.

Btw 200,000 illegal Indians are getting deported from Kuwait, currently they're enjoying detention camp lifestyle. Mostly mallus, why don't you come help them instead of talking of the fabled illegal BDshis, perhaps keep some coconut water ready for when they are sent back to from whence they came.

One should see the keralites in Kuwait, licking Kuwaiti Muslim boot. 'maa'lish baba', 'baba baba', 'mafi mushkil baba', 'ana mafi arabi baba' :enjoy:
They get slapped and they take it and continue to work no self respect.

Just look at him calling 'Allah' out of fear of deportation. Now I'm not one to mock others religious beliefs but this is just pathetic that you are using others God's name as a get out of jail card.

@Michael Corleone
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Some poor elephant got killed and the first thing that comes to this individuals mind are the alleged ever elusive illegal BDshis.

Btw 200,000 illegal Indians are getting deported from Kuwait, currently they're enjoying detention camp lifestyle. Mostly mallus, why don't you come help them instead of talking of the fabled illegal BDshis, perhaps keep some coconut water ready for when they are sent back to from whence they came.

One should see the keralites in Kuwait, licking Kuwaiti Muslim boot. 'maa'lish baba', 'baba baba', 'mafi mushkil baba', 'ana mafi arabi baba' :enjoy:
They get slapped and they take it and continue to work no self respect.

@Michael Corleone

That is Sanghi brains at work.
Pretty much.


The incident happened at Palakkad (Hindu majority) but Maneka Gandhi falsely claimed that it happened in Malappuram (Muslim majority) and that "Kerala Govt. is scared against Muslims". So much propaganda.

Meanwhile, in Bangladesh life is brought to stand still to save a cat that got stuck on the ledge of a building.
Hardly unexpected, but Sanghis are making this another issue to vilify Muslims.


It was just a matter of time before some sanghi would make it about Muslims. Also what's with the sheer amount of sanghi women now a days? Did they offer a buy one membership get your females friends in for free deal?
It was just a matter of time before some sanghi would make it about Muslims. Also what's with the sheer amount of sanghi women now a days? Did they offer a buy one membership get your females friends in for free deal?

Fake accounts by the IT cell.

When they can't get bobs and vangene, they themselves become the bobs and vangene that they seek.
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