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Power woes continue in Delhi

Power cuts are really bad , more so in places like Gurgaon, NOIDA ,Geater NOIDA & Faridabad.

The prob is any or all of the following :

1. Pilferage both by the slums & by diversion of power to industrial areas with connivance of corrupt employees of power Co's during peak load hrs.
2. Transmission losses due to poorly maintained distr arrangements.
3. Indifferent response to complaints.
4. Too many VIP areas ( Govt colonies) who get un interupted supply at the cost of paying consumers.
5. Poor realisation of bills from consumers..ministers & MP's mostly never pay nor do slum dwellers ( vote banks ).
Indian power cuts occur mostly in residential area's, industry is wisely expempted from loadshedding for the obvious reason...I think its a good approach, one that should be followed by other countries in the region.
Current plans include to add 16.000MW to the grid by 2012, this would practically end powercuts to major cities.

PS. Neo, thanx for the new look you've given me.
You're welcome. I found I lot more pictures matching your ID but most of them were scary. :eek:

I had to chose between the one in your avatar or this one: :lol:
Honestly i was dead sure there is no power outage in India.


And i was mad at the power outage in my city realy for the last two days we had been having only 6 hours electricity while the rest hours are of load-shedding here :frown:

Jana, your attitude really is astounding. if i were in your shoes, i'd feel sorry for people of delhi, since i would know how bad powercuts are. you on the other hand, are happy that their suffering has now bought them on par with you.

well, for your information, even california used to face power cuts. dunno if they still have it. i know for a fact that there is power shortage in Johannesburg, SA. Some music group here even made an album in Afrikaans about the power shortages. so, its not just india, but a lot of cities in this world face power cuts. so the next time you are sweating in he heat and cant turn the fan on coz of lack of power, you can remind yourself of this fact, and be happy.

hope i made your day
Greater Noida will not have any powercuts in the near future

Faridabad no idea..

Gurgaon scene is a lil' bad but many there have (builder/society provided ) autopowerbackups.. in Gurgaon during a power cut head to one of the zillion malls :)

Delhi scene has improved tremendously.. and the weather too has been good this year.. the max powercut I experienced was for 2-3 hours, when the Electric Company guys were installing a new Transformer..

Power cuts are mostly in Industrial areas in Delhi.....
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You're welcome. I found I lot more pictures matching your ID but most of them were scary. :eek:

I had to chose between the one in your avatar or this one: :lol:

The one you've given me is better.

This one would've made me feel like an " alien" !
Power cuts are mostly in Industrial areas in Delhi.....

I came across an editorial or opinion in ToI or A-times a while back claiming the powercuts in residential area's only as direct order from Delhi inorder not to disturb industrial growth. :confused:

The claim about generating extra 16.000MW by 2012 is from the same article.
I came across an editorial or opinion in ToI or A-times a while back claiming the powercuts in residential area's only as direct order from Delhi inorder not to disturb industrial growth. :confused:

The claim about generating extra 16.000MW by 2012 is from the same article.
No, there are power cuts in the industrial areas as well, but the government tries to balance power cuts in residential and industrial areas-so they dont cross the red line in either area.

And yeah, as per the plans, by 2012, Delhi would be a power surplus state. A whole lot of states have already started building on many power projects to make themselves energy surplus. If you are a power surplus state, the State can earn serious amounts of money by selling it to other power deficient states. It really makes money for these states. I think more than to satisfy their citizens, the states are doing it to sell the electricity to others! lol.

And things are FAR FAR better than the old days when in Delhi we used to have 12 hour power cuts! I remember those days-scared just thinking about them! I would wait for hours and hours for the TV to turn back on! lol.
Neo, I challenge you to find me a country/govt more anti-Industry than India.. ;)

Delhi Govt recently missed a great opportunity of buying power at a cheaper rate(they lost the bid to UP but then had to buy from UP the same power at a higher rate :D )

The Private players have no say in certain fundamental issues which defeats the whole purpose.

Indeed India is going at a breakneck speed in building up electricity capacity generation but the biggest hurdle is the limited transformer building capacity in India viz a viz requirements. If I am not wrong India will be doubling its power output (within a decade or two?) to become ~3rd largest producer/consumer of electricity from the ~7th position it stands at presently.
There arnt any powercuts around where mI am staying in Andhra Pradesh, Delhi too dosent have powercuts, even in peak summers, this is a particular situation is that the production of power is limited due to the maintainence works, there may be no power in some areas during the duration and it is notified in newspapers, otherwise, there is no load sheading in major cities in India.
well, power cuts in india have reduced a lot over the years. my father told me that in the 70s and 80s there would be hours, and sometimes even days without power, and no one knew when power would come back.

so comparitively, the situation has improved. once nuclear deal is finalised, it would become even better.
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