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Power Ministry finding India’s conditions tougher than first thought

People ...anybody heard of terms like....Discussions....and Negotiations.....

Both parties are open to talks and will be discussing this so whats the fuss about......thats what negotiations are about...bot sides sit across ...and weed out the irritant.... so stop acting like popcorns.....and wait for the final draft of the agreement.
Why dont both India and Bd cooperate on buiding on a thermal powerstation for electrifying the border b/n India and BD. This will keep both countries happy.:yahoo::yahoo:
Why dont both India and Bd cooperate on buiding on a thermal powerstation for electrifying the border b/n India and BD. This will keep both countries happy.:yahoo::yahoo:
Cooperation??? These guys neighther can built it nor can pay for it......only try to show their ego...

@ foulmouth Easwatch....you can go to any country.....China-Pakistan-India-America......but at the end of the day u will be doing the same thing you are good at.............BEGGING....
Instead of crying foul here, go to the streets and ask your government to break tie with India. There are many countries to do business - for both of us...

India bashing is in your blood and you will keep on doing so...Just our f**king government dont understand that....go lick *** of China and Pakistan...

Sorry, are you sure you know what a discussion forum is all about?
Ofcourse, I know, but You kept on foul mouthing Indians. You may not like attitude of all Indians. I dont object because five fingers can not be same. You also have similar tendency of seeing Indian ghost in everything. Just remember one thing, we do not have to pay tax for bashing. If you bash India once unnecessarily, we will drag your country twice.
Just ask your govt not to sell nything to BD.
Why don't you have any say in your govt??

You are just as ungrateful an Indian can be. We are doing a favour to India by allowing to build a power station inside BD.

So you are doing us a favour by taking our help...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not only that, it will also create an opportunity to sell your poor quality coal. Who needs Indian shoddy products!
Ya right..as if, Bangladesh does not buy our "shoddy" products..no body else will..ohhh we are done for.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
As I said We could not care less ..do this "favour" of yours on Burma or China..go buy electricity from them.

You are a nation of self-centered BENIYA, you people even do not spit unless you get some benefit out of it. And here you are talking about brotherly affection. What a joke?

Yes we are a self centered nation..what are you expecting ..charity!!!
You wan't our help..it will be on our terms ..otherwise you are free to knock next door.
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Yet Awami stooge regime sent a team to talk to their indian master.


Dhaka-Delhi talk on power today

NEW DELHI, June 21: The second meeting of the India- Bangladesh Joint Working Group (JWG) on cooperation in the power sector will be held here tomorrow morning. A 12-member Bangladesh delegation, headed by Joint Secretary of the Power Division Md. Mofazzal Hossain, arrived here today to take part in the meeting. Sources said that the two sides would mainly discuss power generation, power transmission and power grid connection during the day-long meeting. — BSS
Yet Awami stooge regime sent a team to talk to their indian master.


Dhaka-Delhi talk on power today

NEW DELHI, June 21: The second meeting of the India- Bangladesh Joint Working Group (JWG) on cooperation in the power sector will be held here tomorrow morning. A 12-member Bangladesh delegation, headed by Joint Secretary of the Power Division Md. Mofazzal Hossain, arrived here today to take part in the meeting. Sources said that the two sides would mainly discuss power generation, power transmission and power grid connection during the day-long meeting. — BSS

I have said against the Khulna joint power plant project not only in this thread, but also in another similar thread. The reasons are as follows:

1) This 1320 MW project is $500 million more than the price should be. It means this extra money will be shared by the AL and Congress Party cronies. BD population will have to pay this bribe money from their pockets.
2) Low quality Indian coal with high sulphur and high ash contents will be used in this plant.

Let us see what happens to this project. But, I wonder why the opposition BNP does not say a word against a project that goes against the better interest of the country. Perhaps that money-hungry BNP Madame will also get her share out of it, perhaps the bribe will be shared 70% and 30% between AL and BNP.
Why don't you have any say in your govt??

So you are doing us a favour by taking our help...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ya right..as if, Bangladesh does not buy our "shoddy" products..no body else will..ohhh we are done for.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
As I said We could not care less ..do this "favour" of yours on Burma or China..go buy electricity from them.

Yes we are a self centered nation..what are you expecting ..charity!!!
You wan't our help..it will be on our terms ..otherwise you are free to knock next door.

Its a joint venture where India is soon to be an ex unless they start playing ball. Chinese deal is just about to come up any time.

These guys are begging for transit probably. Its great to see Indian folks shipping products around Bangladesh and not through it. These additional costs adds to the troubles of insurgency infested NE.
Its a joint venture where India is soon to be an ex unless they start playing ball. Chinese deal is just about to come up any time.

These guys are begging for transit probably. Its great to see Indian folks shipping products around Bangladesh and not through it. These additional costs adds to the troubles of insurgency infested NE.
Just make sure BD does not become an EX-.........

You should have tried China from the beginning.....
Just make sure BD does not become an EX-.........

You should have tried China from the beginning.....

Ah the wonderful art of negotiation and diplomacy. There are few books you can buy about that. Lets see how your beloved PM Hasina pulls another fast one. She got quite a bit from China already. Waiting to see what she pulls out of the hat this time.

BTW BD is not going anywhere, its India that faces Balkanization from within.
Let us see what happens to this project. But, I wonder why the opposition BNP does not say a word against a project that goes against the better interest of the country. Perhaps that money-hungry BNP Madame will also get her share out of it, perhaps the bribe will be shared 70% and 30% between AL and BNP.

There is a Bangladeshi proverb - pagole ki-na bole chogole ki-na khai

Approximate meaning is mentally retarded say so many meaningless things and goat eat anything it sees. Moral of the story is both retard and goat say and eat meaning less things. Eastwatch just remind us that Bangladeshi proverb.
There is a Bangladeshi proverb - pagole ki-na bole chogole ki-na khai

Approximate meaning is mentally retarded say so many meaningless things and goat eat anything it sees. Moral of the story is both retard and goat say and eat meaning less things. Eastwatch just remind us that Bangladeshi proverb.
You are a razakar Jamaati. So, do not worry if BNP Madam gets some profit out of it. She uses a large number of suitcases to carry her dollars whenever she visits Mecca. Do not worry, she is neither Pagal, nor she is a chagol.

She knows how to earn money. And she has brought up her two sons in her own image. President Zia was a little Pagal because he did not take bribes from any quarters like his SHAJGOJ wife.
Its a joint venture where India is soon to be an ex unless they start playing ball.
Yes it is a joint venture ..so stop blaming India every time there small obstacle in the path ...whatever problems arises can be solved amicably across the table.

Stop living constant state paranoia and insecurity wrt to India.

Chinese deal is just about to come up any time.
What happens b/w Bangladesh and China is b/w Bangladesh and China..we do not care.

These guys are begging for transit probably. Its great to see Indian folks shipping products around and not through it. These additional costs adds to the troubles of insurgency infested NE.

We have been doing it for last 62 years..surely we can manage it now
and forever..our economy hardly feel the pin prick.

It was a way of increasing trust b/w two nations by creating interdependencies ie. you were dependent on us for cheap electricity and we were dependent on you for cheap transit.

But trust is two way street
..if you don't trust us, then the effort is hardly worth it...so better end it now.
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