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Potential Silver lining to panga with France - economic discussion only

EU is one of our biggest Export destination and our Debt holder. Debt rescheduling will be effected. French actually helped Pakistan earlier last year by rescheduling the 1.7 billion dollars that we had to pay to Paris club countries. Pakistan may face a balance of payment crisis again. We have a trade surplus with them we could say goodbye to it. EU has also given us GSP+ Trade Preference that could be lost. Dollar can fly again. Inflation will increase further. We could say our hopes of leaving FATF goodbye.

Ultimately it will all depend on how will french and EU react. Will they understand why Pakistani Government had to do it (I Personally don't think so). In the end the Entire world will know that to bring Pakistan to its knees all you need to do is just push Islamophobia in the west to publish a few images and ignorant fools in Pakistan will burn their own house.
labaik labbaik labbaikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :P who cares what situation in is this country . khadim rizvi have invented a formula for DEBT . o ayaa je ghuri
if parliament votes for it , kick french ambassador out,,,

EU is not going to sanction us just for kicking french out...

also getting middle east and turkey onboard would be prime so risk of counter sanction on french companies will keep the ball from rolling any further....

if parliament votes than obey their wishes and be sensible would be the best thing
And why will EU do that and under what provision? We are using Article 9 of Vienna Convention... which they can too but for what reason ? Because we declared french ambassador a persona non grata ?
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And why will EU do that and under what provision? We are using Article 97 of Vienna Convention... which they can too but for what reason ? Because we declared french ambassador a persona non grata ?
What is Article 97, I cannot find it on their website. Have you made an error quoting the article?
Article 9*
Interesting read.

Article 9
" 1.The receiving State may at any time and without having to explain its decision, notify the sending State that the head of the mission or any member of the diplomatic staff of the mission is persona non grata or that any other member of the staff of the mission is not acceptable. In any such case, the sending State shall, as appropriate, either recall the person concerned or terminate his functions with the mission. A person may be declared non grata or not acceptable before arriving in the territory of the receiving State.

2.If the sending State refuses or fails within a reasonable period to carry out its obligations under paragraph 1 of this article, the receiving State may refuse to recognize the person concerned as a member of the mission."

The article is very vague as to the reason of expulsion which should help the Pak Government cause though reading further they should cite Article 29. Due to actions of some French citizens Pakistan government is unable to guarantee compliance to this article and until such time the ambassador is expulsed.

Article 29
" The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity"

what about lets make pakistanis so strong that world hear us ? TLP and thier supporters pushing us to more deep in mess where we need more begging from france then now . lets say what if next time france do it how we will stop it ? we need to be stronger so no one can insult our religion . bhikari ki koi izzat nhi hoti or mullah khud to bhikari hai mulk ko bhi bana raha hai .

I am not supporter of mullah yes we are deep $h!^ but what our stablishment or gov did to stop them not doing it again. Its not like its an impossible thing to do follow the same path what jews did to even discuss holocast . Say somthing about it and watch how u will be monitor TLP did the pressure tactic and gov sud have response in a same manner people habe burned pakistani flag in parliment for decades a person single handed smuggle terror in country recently noon meague said we will not say Pakistan zindabad of anutjing happen to nawaz bhagora how about zardari aint say aint baja daingay no one get banned 12 may it was mqm who killed innocent baldiya factory how many political parties get banned or person.. this weakness leads to violence this is what happend and people have geniune love with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) no one sud tolerate an insult instead bring everyone together and make a stretegy to counter instead of leying in signed agreement.

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