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Posters telling people not to vote as 'only Allah has right to legislate' appear in Wales


Sep 20, 2014
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Posters telling people not to vote as 'only Allah has right to legislate' appear in Wales
BySouth Wales Evening Post | Posted: April 17, 2015


One of the posters that has appeared in Cardiff.

Comments (8)
PEOPLE are being urged not to vote in the General Election on posters put up in Wales which say 'none have the right to legislate except Allah'.

According to the posters, which have been seen in Cardiff so far, democracy "violates the right of Allah".

They appeared on lamp-posts and bus stops on Friday morning in Grangetown - an area where Muslim people make up a significant proportion of the population.

Cardiff Council said a cleaning team would remove any posters it spotted, although some had already been ripped down by members of the public.

The posters did not reflect the views of the majority of Muslims, according to a trustee for the Muslim Council of Wales.

On the flyers were the words: "Democracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires.

"Islam is the only real, working solution for the UK. It is a comprehensive system of governance where the laws of Allah are implemented and justice is observed."

Commenting on the posters, Akmal Hanuk, a trustee at the Muslim Council of Wales, said: "It is not representing the views of the majority of Muslims. I think the majority of Muslims want to vote and will.

"From a Muslim Council of Wales perspective, we encourage them to vote and to have a say in the democratic system."

A spokesman for Cardiff Council said the posters would be removed as soon as possible.

He said: "Priority is given to fly posting that can cause offence or is religiously motivated."

Read more:Posters telling people not to vote as 'only Allah has right to legislate' appear in Wales | South Wales Evening Post
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what an idiot
If this was in Pakistan, i would rub in his face our constitution which clearly says
"All sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty, and the power given to the chosen representatives of the people is a scared trust from Him, and they shall exercise their powers in the bounds laid down by Him"
And the sad thing is that there are poor poor poor people who will follow this BS.
Democracy means "Minority VS Majority" so in short where 2000 asshole criminals VS 200 Good people so definitely according to Democracy method Criminals will lead the nation so how Islam or any religion will support this shit Democratic system ????
How sure we are that this was printed and pasted by a Muslim? Is this too difficult to create something like this and pasted by someone (or some group) who wishes to create a rift between the Muslims and the government?
How sure we are that this was printed and pasted by a Muslim? Is this too difficult to create something like this and pasted by someone (or some group) who wishes to create a rift between the Muslims and the government?

These people look muslim enough to me. Anjem Choudary is definitely muslim.


How sure we are that this was printed and pasted by a Muslim? Is this too difficult to create something like this and pasted by someone (or some group) who wishes to create a rift between the Muslims and the government?

@syedali73 : Is your full name Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Ali ?
A bright future for UK and the rest of Europe.
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