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possibility of pak leasing a N sub from china?

so far nothing is done yet and india has already got the Akula from russia

heard alot about PN leasing xia or han class from china.

bt nothing as of yet?

musharaf in 2005 said we got the capability of dveloping a nuclear submarine bt nothing as of yet

i think pn seriously need to look into this sector.

Why not? if you are ready to pay 700+ million USD for it. :)
If we can afford then why not to work on nuclear subs? Weapons always should be ready to retaliate any aggression from any direction.
And you people plays with cows, Your farmers suicide every day, and you have 70% Poor people in your country estimated to have a third of the world's poor. According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 26.1% of the total Indian population falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day (PPP, in nominal terms 21.6 a day in urban areas and 14.3 in rural areas).[1] A recent report by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative states that 8 Indian states have more poor than 26 poorest African nations combined which totals to more than 410 million poor in the poorest African countries.
Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

And you spends Huge money in Budget. Ill minded people.

Go and play with your cows and sheeps

Anyway we need at least one nuclear submarine or Aircraft till 2020.

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

Kindly give a big hand to this future Pakistani Think tank... So,, he will get to General rank by posting these kinds of useful information in future too.

Thanks & Regards
All PDF members.
Even leasing a nuke sub would cost atleast $750 million.Also it takes a lot of money to maintain a fleet of nuke subs.Not to forget China has 10 N-subs now so it can't afford to lease one now.
useless discussion PN has no intention to build or lease any nuclear subs , as its not its need...it makes no sense these days as we dont need them. instead of nuclear sub PN will most likly go for an AIP which are as good but better than nuclear subs other than its range and endurance issue.
still pakistan navy did not show their concern
i think its may be a useless to adopt n-sub
If we can afford then why not to work on nuclear subs? Weapons always should be ready to retaliate any aggression from any direction.

dont you fell that first you have to deal form inside the same old problem

army - govt rat cat game

well dont you feel you need to make pakistan more strong and that can only happen my making economy more strong not army
or defence

pakistan future depens on its growth not army or defence growth i hope you will be agree with me

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 PM ----------

If we can afford then why not to work on nuclear subs? Weapons always should be ready to retaliate any aggression from any direction.
Guys Pakistan does not need a nuclear sub as you don't need a second strike capability coz Pakistan does not follow "No first nuke strike policy".
Guys Pakistan does not need a nuclear sub as you don't need a second strike capability coz Pakistan does not follow "No first nuke strike policy".
Pakistan has the second strike capability, it doesn't necessarily come with the possession of nuclear subs, googling the topic would help. Secondly, don't try to delude others, when you yourself know nothing about Pakistan's nuclear doctrine.
Pakistan has the second strike capability, it doesn't necessarily come with the possession of nuclear subs, googling the topic would help. Secondly, don't try to delude others, when you yourself know nothing about Pakistan's nuclear doctrine.

I refered to nuke subs as a second strike option in the Indian context (Nuclear triad).
and What is Pakistan's nuclear doctrine ?
Why we need Nuclear Submarine??
If you take a nuclear power plant, and you shrink it, and you put it inside a submarine, you get a nuclear submarine. Nuclear subs have two big advantages over "normal" submarines. A normal submarine has either a diesel or a gasoline engine. It also has a huge bank of batteries. The sub can't run its engine underwater – the engine needs air to run. So when it is underwater, the sub uses its batteries to power an electric motor. Once the batteries get low, the sub has to come up to the surface. It runs its engines long enough to recharge the batteries, and then goes underwater again. This is a big problem, because it’s hard to hide a sub when it’s up on the surface running a big diesel engine. The other problem is that the big diesel engine needs thousands and thousands of gallons of fuel, and the fuel takes up lots of space in the sub. Since a nuclear power plant doesn't "burn" anything, it doesn't need a supply of air like a diesel engine does. That means that the nuclear reactor in a nuclear sub can run constantly. The sub can stay underwater for months at a time if it wants to. It never has to come to the surface for air. This is a huge advantage, because the sub can go all over the world undetected.

The other advantage of nuclear power is that the uranium fuel is long lasting. A nuclear sub can go for a decade or more without refueling. The only reason it needs ever come to port is to replace the crew and load up a new supply of food for them. For this same reason, modern aircraft carriers use nuclear power. They can stay at sea without having to worry about refueling.

I hope Pak navy is seriously looking for nuclear submarine. B/w 2014---2015, i think we would be in Better position to deal with this Gadget.
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atleat 2 nuke sub pakistan must have so whenever india think of attacking pakistan they must know that not only from air and land nukes going to fly to india but also from sea remember our only hope to maintain peace is with india and it is nukes so india never ever dare to attack pakistan unless it has clear signal of pakistan not using nukes or our nukes are disabled so in addition to have one more option of delivering our nukes to india will make them think 200 times and remember nukes by sub is hard to detect by enemy so what we need 2 nukes subs which can go to depths of 1000 metres etc so enemy posedion cannot detect them
atleat 2 nuke sub pakistan must have so whenever india think of attacking pakistan they must know that not only from air and land nukes going to fly to india but also from sea remember our only hope to maintain peace is with india and it is nukes so india never ever dare to attack pakistan unless it has clear signal of pakistan not using nukes or our nukes are disabled so in addition to have one more option of delivering our nukes to india will make them think 200 times and remember nukes by sub is hard to detect by enemy so what we need 2 nukes subs which can go to depths of 1000 metres etc so enemy posedion cannot detect them
Sir! India is not a problem for us cuz we can take care of them very easily even without the Nuclear sub...but the real problem is the US...We needa be very well equipped to counter its aggressions within the near future.......:smokin:

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