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Police school opens education year with prayer in eastern province

Was it the first time they opened the new school year with prayer?
Could have been better with a "Mehter Theme" lol :rofl:

Seems the sh¡t has gone even worse than my father's day.

They can do their prayers whenever they want, wherever they want. Put on job, especially the Law Enforcement, and military is not the right faction to do it.
No they couldn't do their prayers wherever they want or whenever they want. That is if you are suffering from short term memory let me refresh for you. The military and police schools did not admit any people in higher ranks if they prayed, in fact they would deny any admittance if they had religious background. But i don't expect that a couple of low iq'ed people with no sense of justice to grasp this issue at all. You can continue on your ignorance, but the country is already in the hands of people with at least 50+ iq that you could ever dream of. You are welcome to delete this post once this has penetrated your thick skull, thank you :azn:
No they couldn't do their prayers wherever they want or whenever they want. That is if you are suffering from short term memory let me refresh for you. The military and police schools did not admit any people in higher ranks if they prayed, in fact they would deny any admittance if they had religious background :azn:

Calm down brother.

No matter how far apart the individual ideology of the people in here is, we will always try to discuss matters in a mannered way.
İ agree with your post, but no need to insult other people whğle making your point.
Then maybe the mod should think before he utters nonsense like "Seems the sh¡t has gone even worse than my father's day."

He should learn to pick up his own **** before trying to poke his nose into other people's businesses.
What other peoples business?
Turkeys business is all Turks business,what makes you so special?
Try to find a way to post using your high IQ instead of insulting.
I am neutral about this..Opening a police school with prayers is not wrong if you ask me as long as they do their job without any discrimination and prejudice..The problem atm is, unfortunately, there is discrimination in practise...I hope there will be some classes which will teach the meaning of discrimination to these young cadets
There are two types of people, 1: people who know they are clueless about a lot of things and hence want to improve themselves 2: people who claim they know everything but in reality has no idea about anything.
Most of the muslim hating turks fall into the second category. They feel proud of Turkey's current success, which has lasted for over a decade, while at the same time they bind every bad thing that happens in Turkey with Islam. And the morale of the story is, until an islamic party took over in Turkey people were dying of hunger in the streets, during the heydays of their proud kemalist regimes.

But ignorance is a strong force, and this kind of thinking will last until their dying breath.
There are two types of people yes,you have a point there.
1-those who dont care what your belief,political view,culture,lifestyle is and accept you as one of US(Turkey).
2-and there are those like you who make it a ''them'' versus ''us'' because of the differences.
Now you tell me where is the ignorance in these propositions?
Dont come with the bs of i not beeing a true muslim(i am).
You don't have to delve to deep, a Muslim would never be bothered by namaz. That answer should suffice, those who discriminate muslims are the ones who are separating the populace, not those who want islam to be part in their life, both private and professional.
No they couldn't do their prayers wherever they want or whenever they want. That is if you are suffering from short term memory let me refresh for you. The military and police schools did not admit any people in higher ranks if they prayed, in fact they would deny any admittance if they had religious background. But i don't expect that a couple of low iq'ed people with no sense of justice to grasp this issue at all. You can continue on your ignorance, but the country is already in the hands of people with at least 50+ iq that you could ever dream of. You are welcome to delete this post once this has penetrated your thick skull, thank you :azn:


Internet tough guy..

You don't have to delve to deep, a Muslim would never be bothered by namaz. That answer should suffice, those who discriminate muslims are the ones who are separating the populace, not those who want islam to be part in their life, both private and professional.

You didn't understand **** in you life, otherwise you would understand that secular Turks don't have anything against you praying. Your kind is the one seperating the people, your kind is telling people how to live and act.
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