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PML-N, PTI branded as rightwing conservative parties

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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PML-N, PTI branded as rightwing conservative parties
July 28, 2016

LAHORE - Former Punjab Governor Punjab Makhdoom Ahmad Mehmood yesterday branded all mainstream political parties including the PMLN and the PTI as predominantly conservative responsible for rise of extremism in Pakistan.

“The extremist ideologies pursued by these parties are the main reason behind the rise of fundamentalism and extremism in the country,” he said while addressing a cake cutting ceremony held at Bilawal House, Lahore to mark 61st birthday of PPP chief Asif Ali Zardari.

Makhdoom asserted that PPP was the only political party in Pakistan which preached religious tolerance and had history of struggle for the rights of women, minorities, labour class and peasantry. The politician from south Punjab also cast aspersion on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s ability to deal with national and international issues, saying that he (the PM) did not have the vision and capacity to do so.

Talking about the PTI chief Imran Khan, the PPP leader said that he was a celebrity and will remain so in future also. “He is a star but will never be able to become a politician”.

Understandably, Makhdoom was all praise for his leader Asif Ali Zardari and termed him a must for global acceptability of Pakistan as a tolerant nation.

He said that national and international political intelligentsia had already accepted Asif Ali Zardari as the most intelligent politician in Pakistan and it was high time he should be given a major role to pull the country out of the crises.

This birthday event was organised by Bashir Riaz, senior adviser to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and coordinator Bilawal House Lahore Mr Aurangzeb Barki. Member Punjab Assembly Faiza Malik, Abdul Qadir Shaheen, Faisal Mir, Naveed Choudhary, Aslam Gill, Mian Khalid Saeed, Aqib Sarwar, Mian Ayub, Ashraf Khan and a good number of PPP workers were also present.

Ahmed Mehmood pleaded that Asif Ali Zardari was the first person who challenged the extremists and it was the PPP government which took back Swat from Taliban by launching military operation. He also lauded the stance taken by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari against terrorism. “He was the one who took clear stand against terrorism and today almost entire national action plan was what Bilawal had been campaigning for in his speeches”.

Criticising the print and electronic media, Makhdoom said: “It is not "Pakistani Media" but a "Punjabi Media". He believed that media coverage of Sindhi,Balochi and Pathan politicians was either negative or no coverage was given to them at all. He alleged that entire media, knowingly and intentionally, did not highlight the shortcomings of political establishment of Nawaz Sharif in Punjab with ulterior motives.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 28-Jul-2016
Makhdoom Ahmad Mehmood was of course speaking to a captive PPP audience but his allegations are based on a factual assessment. However his assertion as PPP being the only political party of religious tolerance is incorrect.

In addition to the PPP, both the ANP & MQM are also secular parties who have never shown any sectarian bias. Only problem being that ANP is primarily a Pashtun ethnic party with voter based limited to the Pathans. MQM is again an ethnic party popular only among the immigrants from non –Punjabi areas of subcontinent.

It was only during the Zia era and post Afghan jihad/ post Khomeini Iran that Muslim League changed from a liberal party (Included many Ahmadis, Shias, and Ismailies etc. from across the subcontinent) to a largely right wing party with leaning towards the militants.

PTI’s support remained confined to the Burger crowd for about 15 years. That is why for a long time PTI was limited to wining only a couple of seats in the election. Someone in PTI Think Tank must have decided to tap the Right Wing vote. As soon as the Kaptaan changed from Imran Khan to Taliban Khan; his popularity sky rocketed. Nevertheless PTI vote bank is still largely limited to KPK, conservative Southern Punjab and the Burger crowd of Karachi & Lahore.

Why the ascendancy of the right-wing parties? News media personnel are the opinion makers. Urdu print media has always been conservative, now with largely rightist journalists working for the private TV channels extremists have found additional support.

Imran Khan & PTI are darlings of the ARY TV . GEO TV is clearly tilted towards PML-N except Hamid Mir who is still enamoured by the Taliban Khan and Ansar Abbasi, who remains a committed Taliban lover.

Ever since Ayub Khan confiscated Progressive Papers Ltd of Mian Iftikharuddin; ANP (then NAP) lost media support except in some Pushto language papers. ARY was initially launched as Pakistani Channel in UK in 2000 by Javed Pasha with Asif Zadari funding but later sold to Haji Abdur Razzaq Yaqub. It remained pro PPP but switched over to PTI after the rise of Imran Khan from 2010 onwards.

On the other hand virtually all the media appears have joined forces against MQM and there is no end to completely false “Breaking News” such as Imran Siddiqui of MQM arrested for killing Amjad Sabri which turned out to be totally false but did its work in reinforcing the view that MQM is a terrorist party.

I have never been partial to MQM but I find false accusation of MQM by most TV channels as height of intellectual dishonesty. Because the media remains full of journalists with soft spot for the Islamic extremists; I am seriously afraid that Pakistan could easily revert back to the situation before the start of Zarb e Azb after Gen Raheel Sharif retires in November and is replaced by another Kiyani type COAS.
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What does right wing mean? valuing religious teachings?

PTI is very liberal as far as their economic policy is concerned. Even on social issues, they have tended to promote minorities as well as women. In all the social reforms they have brought, they have allocated reserve seats for various segments of the society. Yet they are conservative when it comes to reforms which may go against perceived religious principles.

PMLN has relatively conservative economic policies. But they tend to be liberal enough on social issues atleast recently and probably more than PTI.

A better distinction will be secular or not. PTI and PMLN are definitely not secular while PPP, ANP and MQM are.
PML-N, PTI branded as rightwing conservative parties
July 28, 2016

LAHORE - Former Punjab Governor Punjab Makhdoom Ahmad Mehmood yesterday branded all mainstream political parties including the PMLN and the PTI as predominantly conservative responsible for rise of extremism in Pakistan.

“The extremist ideologies pursued by these parties are the main reason behind the rise of fundamentalism and extremism in the country,” he said while addressing a cake cutting ceremony held at Bilawal House, Lahore to mark 61st birthday of PPP chief Asif Ali Zardari.

Makhdoom asserted that PPP was the only political party in Pakistan which preached religious tolerance and had history of struggle for the rights of women, minorities, labour class and peasantry. The politician from south Punjab also cast aspersion on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s ability to deal with national and international issues, saying that he (the PM) did not have the vision and capacity to do so.

Talking about the PTI chief Imran Khan, the PPP leader said that he was a celebrity and will remain so in future also. “He is a star but will never be able to become a politician”.

Understandably, Makhdoom was all praise for his leader Asif Ali Zardari and termed him a must for global acceptability of Pakistan as a tolerant nation.

He said that national and international political intelligentsia had already accepted Asif Ali Zardari as the most intelligent politician in Pakistan and it was high time he should be given a major role to pull the country out of the crises.

This birthday event was organised by Bashir Riaz, senior adviser to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and coordinator Bilawal House Lahore Mr Aurangzeb Barki. Member Punjab Assembly Faiza Malik, Abdul Qadir Shaheen, Faisal Mir, Naveed Choudhary, Aslam Gill, Mian Khalid Saeed, Aqib Sarwar, Mian Ayub, Ashraf Khan and a good number of PPP workers were also present.

Ahmed Mehmood pleaded that Asif Ali Zardari was the first person who challenged the extremists and it was the PPP government which took back Swat from Taliban by launching military operation. He also lauded the stance taken by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari against terrorism. “He was the one who took clear stand against terrorism and today almost entire national action plan was what Bilawal had been campaigning for in his speeches”.

Criticising the print and electronic media, Makhdoom said: “It is not "Pakistani Media" but a "Punjabi Media". He believed that media coverage of Sindhi,Balochi and Pathan politicians was either negative or no coverage was given to them at all. He alleged that entire media, knowingly and intentionally, did not highlight the shortcomings of political establishment of Nawaz Sharif in Punjab with ulterior motives.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 28-Jul-2016

Stopped reading when I read that he belonged to PPP, seriously man these filthy scums shamelessly speak about others, they have ruined Pakistan, they should not forget that extremism ROSE IN THEIR TENURE, PTI and PMLN both has worked for Pakistan's economic progress and we have only seen FALL of extremism in their tenures.
You cant apply the western concepts of right-wing left-wing in Pakistan.

Take code pink (far-left organization) as an example they marched against drones alongside PTI. Such methods are the complete opposite of policies that are endorsed by Pakistani pseudo-liberals and pseudo-leftists.

Ultimatly PTI a centrist party with a slight leftist leaning
I thought PPP, PTI were always left wing parties and Islamic parties right wing. Confused about PMLN
You cant apply the western concepts of right-wing left-wing in Pakistan.

Take code pink (far-left organization) as an example they marched against drones alongside PTI. Such methods are the complete opposite of policies that are endorsed by Pakistani pseudo-liberals and pseudo-leftists.

Ultimatly PTI a centrist party with a slight leftist leaning

What is right & what is left is of course highly subjective. Having a disc jockey & women coming to their rallies does not make PTI a centrist party with leftist tendencies.

The term Right or Left originated in France where monarchists sat on the right and revolutionaries/anti monarchists sat on the left in the Assembly.

I use the term as it is used in the UK at this time. Right wingers are traditionalists consisting largely of landed gentry, industrialists and those having strong nationalistic/fascist beliefs as well as followers of the religious orthodoxy. Primarily the right wingers look after the interests of the moneyed class and of the clergy and prefer not to rock the boat. Being the rightist or right of centre however does not imply that the party is against reform; in fact one of the greatest reformers, Sir Robert Peel belonged to the Conservative party.

PTI members include big landlords & industrialists. Imran openly admires traditional tribal values and until the Army Public School incident, was out & out extremists supporter; he even invited Taliban to open an office in the KPK. KPK gov’t recently donated Rs 300-million to the madrassah known as nursery of Taliban. If this is not being right wing than what is it?

While radical leftists border on Communism; such as the late Malik Meraj Khalid; left-wing/ socialist values are social justice and equality of all citizens regardless of the ethnicity, race or religion. I would call the late Abdus Sattar Edhi as an ideal liberal.

In my book you can be a practicing Muslim with your females wearing Hijab but still a liberal. And you can be a Conservative/Right winger even though you don’t offer prayers or keep fast. I know many who only offered prayers on Eid but held extremely conservative cultural views. Landed classes of Sargodha & Bhalwal area is full of such people.
this explanation makes it even more difficult to classify parties into right or left wing.

PPP is predominantly 'landed gentry.' Latter they also acquired the 'industrialist' trait. PMLN has been mostly 'industrialist.' PTI is a mix. ANP and MQM have been strongly nationalistic/ethnic. JI follows religious orthodoxy.

Being against drone attacks, international wars (e.g. war in afghanistan) or military operations within your own territory are issues which are only raised by the liberals in western countries. I fail to see how this makes anyone rightist unless one supports talibans for their ideological beliefs.

The 300 million is also out of context. If you read the MOU, most of that money is for establishing infrastructure where subjects like sciences and social sciences will be taught. This is hardly promoting a rightist agenda. I cant think of any political party which has not talked about madrassa reforms in the context of bringing madrassa's to the mainstream.

Right wing in west is essentially (i) trickle down economics, (ii) limited social spending, (iii) less regulation, (iv) somewhat anti immigrants, and (v) conservative/traditional moral values. (v) is no longer true as far as national policy is concerned.

Likewise, left wing can be characterised as (i) pro social spending, (ii) pro regulation, (iii) pro immigrants, and (iv) relativistic moral values.
Every Pakistani politician is Thali ka ladoo (A person called "thali ka ladoo" shifts loyalties as it suits him and cannot be trusted). When a round ladoo is placed on a plate, it rolls at the slightest tilt. No conservative or liberals among them.
Ultimatly PTI a centrist party with a slight leftist leaning

The structure of power in Pakistan (i.e status quo) is primarily built around :

1) The military establishment
2) Imperialist powers
3) The religious right, and
4) Propertied classes.

PTI is a pro-establishment party and many of its members are industrialists and feudal lords. PTI openly supports Pakistan's Religious Right .... .

PTI represents/supports all of the basic components of Pakistani status quo . Conservative parties on the political spectrum tend to be for the status quo..

PTI is a right-wing, pro status-quo conservative political party.

Right-wing populists use the language of the ‘poor’ and ‘oppressed (and other Left-Wing Vocabulary) and try to present themselves as anti status-quo but it doesn't make them Left-wing (or with leftist leaning)

The political chaos created in the country by PTI is best defined as "internal contradiction and power struggle of the ruling elite belonging to the military, feudal and capitalist class".
There is no right wing or left wing in Pakistan polictis

As the parties are are 1 man show , all parties they cannot sustain a capaign on a political agenda

Biryani Khilao and get 1 vote is logic

Political parties and , working on a "Agenda" and mandate is stuff for white people as they have discipline to select a new person every 4 years
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