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Play national anthem in all cinemas before film screening: Supreme Court

You are well within your right to enter when you want. Or leave. But you will not be seated when the national anthem us being sung. I think that works.

P.S. Right hand eh. Golden rule of Internet in India. Let a discussion go on long enough, Hitler and the Third Reich will be pulled in kicking and screaming in Teutonic protest sooner rather than later.
You are well within your right to enter when you want. Or leave. But you will not be seated when the national anthem is being sung. I think that works.

P.S. Right hand eh. Golden rule of Internet in India. Let a discussion go on long enough, Hitler and the Third Reich will be pulled in kicking and screaming in Teutonic protest sooner rather than later.

Nope, not golden rule...but one we are familier with. Anyways let's agree to disagree.
Because I've beaten up enough pseudoliberals without drawing blood to know how easy it is once you know where to hit.

Ah you're one of them pseudopatriots , I see ....no point then arguing with you I suppose ...what you say is going to go above my head and what I say above yours..jus t make sure you don't get into serious trouble with your vigilanteism
Ah you're one of them pseudopatriots , I see ....no point then arguing with you I suppose ...what you say is going to go above my head and what I say above yours..jus t make sure you don't get into serious trouble with your vigilanteism

Cool. Just stand. Less painful.
Cool. Just stand. Less painful.

I meant serious trouble with the law ...!! Lol...if I were to take down two- penny bigots masquerading as patriots , one tight fist and a good pair of army boots are enough ..but I won't be doing that , obviously .
I meant serious trouble with the law ...if I were to take down two- penny bigots masquerading as patriots , one tight fist and a good pair of army boots are enough ..but I won't be doing that , obviously .

Yeah. Everyone on the internet is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Thing about liberals. Usually small specoed mice. Personal observation.
Whats next?

National anthem before you take a dump on street.
Yeah. Everyone on the internet is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

No I meant at the cinemas , but sure you are free to imagine yourself to be anything ..I'm not stopping you

Thing about liberals. Usually small specoed mice. Personal observation.

Thing about pseudopatriots and hyper nationalists is usually that they like to bully people around and throw their weight until they meet someone their size or larger , Once that happens , you should see the meek fawning and the obsequity ...it embarrasses you that they embarrass themselves so bad ...you almost want to put them out of their miserable existences just to save them from the embarrassment and as fellow Indians...
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it is a branch of the government, yes ?

shit move by modi govt followed by a retarded big brother action by the court.

this feels like communist hell.
Supreme Court is part of Modi Govt

Supreme Court is part of Modi Govt
no, I never insinuated that either, how daft are you people ?

one shit move by modi's government followed by another absurd move by another branch of government.
no, I never insinuated that either, how daft are you people ?

one shit move by modi's government followed by another absurd move by another branch of government.
OK if Demonetization and standing up for national Anthem makes India hell for communists I am all for such actions

I wish India becomes hell for communists and Left Liberals till eternity
OK if Demonetization and standing up for national Anthem makes India hell for communists I am all for such actions

I wish India becomes hell for communists and Left Liberals till eternity
I'm all for making life hell for commies and leftists too, but I'm going to give Modi hell too if his policies start making life hell for me. We have two separate issues here, demonetization, which sounds wonderful when you wrap it in an anti terror and anti corruption package but which is making everyday life quite tough for ordinary law abiding citizens from all walks of life, why are you people trying to sugar coat a turd when the fact is it's working out quite poorly for you too (even if you don't admit it here)

cheerleading for this kind of big government action and defending it is the ultimate commie mindset imo.

and then there's the national anthem thing at movies now, a much less important diktat from the overlords but they have decided anyway. I have no problem with the national anthem or trying to promote patriotism, but at the movies is no place to do it, government functions, schools, sports events where people are representing the country etc.. do it there, total DPRK style move imo, or, maybe you can point me to some other place on earth where they do this, can you ?
Good move. I totally Support it. Here in maharashtra many theatres are playing national anthem for many years. We never had any problem because of it. Why some people are making so much noise? Just shut up and stand up for 2 minutes and you will be ok.
Good move. I totally Support it. Here in maharashtra many theatres are playing national anthem for many years. We never had any problem because of it. Why some people are making so much noise? Just shut up and stand up for 2 minutes and you will be ok.

When the anthem plays, and I stand alongside my fellow Indians and sing it lustily and tunelessly (embarrassingly for my kids ... Lol), mere to rongte khade ho jaate hain. I do not just understand this Mein Kaampf brigade. Alien ideology.

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