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Plan to set up EPZ for copper mining in Waziristan finalised


Ghazi sb,

Lets sell copper pipes and copper wire. It's easy to setup factories to create pipes and electrical wire made to standard sizes used abroad.

To make copper pipes and wires, first you have to get Cu of very high purity. This requires smelters which are very capital and technology intensive. You will need foreign players to do this. Pipes and wires are not very high margin or even high labour business.

All brothers and sisters complaining about why raw materials are sold raw and no benefits to locals.

Where is our local technical labor?
Technicians, Emgineers, Specialists, Environmentalists, Security specialists, Machine operators, Etc etc.
Is our country producing technical labor?.
Forget about locals can we even recruit specialists from big cities?.
Does our education institutes (Privately owned ones even) focus on providing such specialized diplomas that is equipping the youth with enough specialized skills?.
Whose fault is that?
Where is our copper refining industry? How many specialists we have in supply for this activity?
Why would a company export raw ore to a much developed country where technical labor is much expensive to refine it compared to our country?
Bro, you are overcomplicating things. All your goverment needs to do is to conduct pheasibility study of processing and refining of copper ore in the area.
if it shows clear potential for midterm and long term profit some international company will jump in for fast realisation of the project.
Beside engineers no more then couple of months required for rest of the operating labour.
if your goverment is smart they would do it yesterday and project whole following industries around that ore mine and mill.
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Then this is our fault that we did not care about it to get skill of minning and then pupurification from ore but what i think in the case of copper mining and all other process related with its purification we did not discover copper in the past in any part of pakistan before Saindak area in BALUCHISTAN so the reason of not getting such knowlege other wise we are mining and extracting chromite since long time from Baluchistan as one example.
Saindak alone has been operating for almost 3 decades. 3 decades is far too much for Pakistan not to develop the capability to refine its own copper.

It is not complicated technology, you do not need more then couple of hunderds engjneers for establishing proper copper mills, what you say as exuse and probably parroting from the peopel who use that to justify their effortless explotation of those resource.
Yeah so there’s no reason why after decades of similar mines operating in Pakistan, Pakistan still doesn’t have the capability to mine it’s own resources, refine them and add value.

All brothers and sisters complaining about why raw materials are sold raw and no benefits to locals.

Where is our local technical labor?
Technicians, Emgineers, Specialists, Environmentalists, Security specialists, Machine operators, Etc etc.
Is our country producing technical labor?.
Forget about locals can we even recruit specialists from big cities?.
Does our education institutes (Privately owned ones even) focus on providing such specialized diplomas that is equipping the youth with enough specialized skills?.
Whose fault is that?
Where is our copper refining industry? How many specialists we have in supply for this activity?
Why would a company export raw ore to a much developed country where technical labor is much expensive to refine it compared to our country?
Everything you mentioned has to built from scratch. The Arabs had to build the capability too. They first allowed foreign companies to drill for oil and took that time to build ten technical capabilities and, took over their own oil and nationalized it. They drill them selves and refine them selves. Pakistan has given its mines for decades to outsiders. It’s been almost 3 decades that Saindak mine was given and up until recently we didn’t even have 50% share in it. 3 decade later we don’t know shit about mining or refining copper? No work done on it?
This is not just negligence. This is criminal and day light robbery of Pakistan’s resources.
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The same copper we get penny’s for by mining companies, they refine it and do value addition to it and sell the same copper back to us for like 500x more.
Just look at copper wire. Pakistani copper go China first to be refined and made into copper wire than sold back to Pakistanis for 500x more.
It's a good first step, but lets not just sell raw copper. Lets sell copper pipes and copper wire. It's easy to setup factories to create pipes and electrical wire made to standard sizes used abroad. Lets go one step further even and setup a company that produces these products and sells them directly to the consumers too at cheaper prices than wholesalers.
Criminal Military inc was involved in renegotiation and contract with Barrick Gold. We dont know How much cut military mafia has dealt with them.

Chinese are friends. Why can't you get them to set up the whole value chain here?

Because this mentality is what keeps Pakistan back:
Chinese are friends.
Chinese or anyone else in the world is friends of money and interests. Why would a Chinese company set up the whole value chain in Pakistan if they can bribe some officials and basically steal our resources while our leaders sell the iron biraaaader bs?
Pakistan is one of the easiest places for China to make money.

But let’s forget that aspect for a second.
What incentives do Chinese mining combines have to set up the whole value chain process in Pakistan?
- Electricity for businesses in Pakistan is one of the most expensive in the world
- Gas is very expensive and impossible to get in enough quantities for businesses in Pakistan
- Tax on businesses is one of the highest in the world in Pakistan
- To even open a business you need clearance from dozens of departments and each take their bribe
- Businesses have trouble making payments and receiving payments in dollars because government thinks it’s citizens hard earned dollars is for them
- High Tarifs for import of raw materials to Pakistan. If the whole value chain product is in Pakistan they would likely want to import raw ore to be refined in Pakistan as well
- Not that much skilled labour. Anyone with enough skills leaves Pakistan
- Political instability and insecurity
- munafiq haramkhor elite will sell country for a few penny’s

Pakistan is one of the worst countries to do business in. Why on earth would a company set up the whole value chain process in Pakistan when it doesn’t have to? They have been robbing Pakistan of its resources in broad daylight for decades. Why will change it now? Has Pakistani haramkhor leaders produced enough gut to make these multi national companies comply? And stupid haramkhor elite when they signed such mining contracts signed it in a way that these companies can take the state of Pakistan to international court of Justice. The haramkhor elite tied the hands of the country for their benefits so Pakistan can’t even do something about it or else you’ll get fined billions like in Reko Diq case.
Because this mentality is what keeps Pakistan back:

Chinese or anyone else in the world is friends of money and interests. Why would a Chinese company set up the whole value chain in Pakistan if they can bribe some officials and basically steal our resources while our leaders sell the iron biraaaader bs?
Pakistan is one of the easiest places for China to make money.

But let’s forget that aspect for a second.
What incentives do Chinese mining combines have to set up the whole value chain process in Pakistan?
- Electricity for businesses in Pakistan is one of the most expensive in the world
- Gas is very expensive and impossible to get in enough quantities for businesses in Pakistan
- Tax on businesses is one of the highest in the world in Pakistan
- To even open a business you need clearance from dozens of departments and each take their bribe
- Businesses have trouble making payments and receiving payments in dollars because government thinks it’s citizens hard earned dollars is for them
- High Tarifs for import of raw materials to Pakistan. If the whole value chain product is in Pakistan they would likely want to import raw ore to be refined in Pakistan as well
- Not that much skilled labour. Anyone with enough skills leaves Pakistan
- Political instability and insecurity
- munafiq haramkhor elite will sell country for a few penny’s

Pakistan is one of the worst countries to do business in. Why on earth would a company set up the whole value chain process in Pakistan when it doesn’t have to? They have been robbing Pakistan of its resources in broad daylight for decades. Why will change it now? Has Pakistani haramkhor leaders produced enough gut to make these multi national companies comply? And stupid haramkhor elite when they signed such mining contracts signed it in a way that these companies can take the state of Pakistan to international court of Justice. The haramkhor elite tied the hands of the country for their benefits so Pakistan can’t even do something about it or else you’ll get fined billions like in Reko Diq case.
Two hundred percent correct.
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