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Plan panel lowers GDP growth target for 2012-17 to 8.2 per cent


Apr 16, 2009
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In view of fragile economic recovery, the Planning Commission has decided to lower annual average economic growth rate to 8.2 per cent in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) from 9 per cent envisaged earlier.

"The panel will propose the annual economic growth rate target of 8.2 per cent for the 12th Plan. The issue will come up for discussion at the meeting of the Full Planning Commission, to be presided over by the Prime Minister, on September 15," a source privy to the development said.

According to the proposal, the Commission would aim to achieve Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of 9 per cent in the terminal year (2016-17) of the 12th Plan.

Once, the full Planning Commission approves the growth target, it would be vetted by the Union Cabinet and then it would be placed before the country's apex decision making body National Development Council (NDC) for final approval.

The NDC is headed by the Prime Minister with all chief ministers and union cabinet ministers on board. It is the final authority to finalise the five-year policy document.

In Approach paper to the 12th Plan, approved last year by the NDC, the Commission had envisaged 9 per cent annual average growth rate during the five-year period. The target is now being lowered in view of the global problems.

Showing persistent sluggishness, India's economy grew by 5.5 per cent in the April-June quarter, mainly on account of poor performance of manufacturing, mining and farm sectors.

The gross domestic product (GDP) had expanded by 8 per cent in the April-June quarter of 2011-12. Besides, the economic growth in the January-March quarter last fiscal was at nine-year low of 5.3 per cent.

The economic growth rate in 2011-12, the terminal year of 11th Plan, slipped to nine-year low of 6.5 per cent.

During the 11th Plan, the average annual economic growth rate has been estimated at around 8 per cent as against the target of 9 per cent.

Plan panel lowers GDP growth target for 2012-17 to 8.2 per cent - Business Today
^^^The need for trolling is uncalled for mate!!It would be better if we stay on topic given the current growth scenario of our own country.Better if we work towards the betterment of our own economy.
I think that's either a printers devil or these guys must be high on weed.

It should be 2.8% and not 8.2 %!! :P

The current slowdown is short-term in nature and mainly due to external factors beyond India's control such as the Eurozone crisis. The 0.8% downgrade is taking into account a slower than expected growth in Q1/2/3 2012 and maybe Q1/2 2013 before things get back up to speed.
The current slowdown is short-term in nature and mainly due to external factors beyond India's control such as the Eurozone crisis. The 0.8% downgrade is taking into account a slower than expected growth in Q1/2/3 2012 and maybe Q1/2 2013 before things get back up to speed.

THis news is uter bullcrap ,sincerely speaking these pieces are more for sentiment management than actual news.

the slowdown and currency value depreciation has been engineered to shift form a stimulated spending economy to a savings economy. as per the RBI future plan.

The doom and gloom + currency depreciation is
seeded to reduce spending and hence reduce inflation and ex deficit.

Unnaturally resilient inflation has led to these measure (crr interest rates,duty rate hikes, etc).

The core sectors one would see focused policy action on is agri and semiconductors. If in turn this also picks up our export market its an added bonus ;though India isn't counting on it..(our appetite for semiconductors and food is big unless India doesn't indigenously generate more than enough we cant expect to tackle inflation and trade deficit simultaneously)

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