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PLA plays down Indian Ocean visits, but says ocean not India's backyard


Aug 21, 2012
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In an interaction with Indian reporters in Beijing, Chinese officials said they believed that India and China needed to expand military ties.
A Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) vessel is seen in the southern Indian Ocean. Photo:Reuters

As the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy expands its profile in the Indian Ocean with recent submarine visits to Sri Lanka and more recently Pakistan, its officials have moved to assuage India's concerns by emphasising its motivations were driven by trade and security and not aimed at India, although with one important caveat: it would be a mistake for New Delhi to consider the ocean's international waters as "its backyard".

In an interaction with visiting Indian reporters in Beijing, officials from the Chinese Defence Ministry and the PLA's top think-tanks, such as the National Defence University, PLA Air Force Command Academy and PLA Navy Academic Institute said they believed that India and China needed to expand military ties to reduce strategic mistrust, and bolster exercises between the armies, navies and air force.

Especially as the two navies more frequently encounter each other on the high seas of the Indian Ocean, where the PLA Navy (PLAN) has taken part in anti-piracy escorts since 2008, and in the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, where India is devoting more attention, Beijing is of the view the two sides need to do more to build trust - and be more open.

Senior Captain Zhao Yi, who is Associate Professor at the Institute of Strategy of the elite National Defence University, said: "I admit that geographically speaking India has a special role to play in stabilising the Indian Ocean region and South Asian region. But [for the Indian Ocean], backyard is not a very appropriate word to use for an open sea and international areas of sea."

"If the Indian side views the Indian Ocean as its backyard," he added, "it cannot explain why navies from Russia, the United States, Australia have the right of free navigation in Indian Ocean."

He said one American scholar had warned of the possibility of "clashes" in the Indian Ocean. "I don't agree," Senior Captain Zhao said, but added: "If some countries view it as their backyard, then this [possibility] could not be eliminated."

The Chinese experts did, however, acknowledge the need for more transparency, especially in the wake of concerns in Indian strategic circles over submarine visits by the PLAN to Sri Lanka last year and to Pakistan earlier this year. China described both visits as routine.

"When most submarines navigate we inform our neighbouring countries to reduce concerns and enhance mutual trust," said Zhang Wei, Researcher of the PLA Navy Academic Institute. Zhang added that China's attention on the Indian Ocean Region was driven by trade, with key energy imports passing through the waters. "The Chinese navy's presence in the Indian Ocean is to protect maritime security and of sealines of communication. We should make efforts to strengthen trust. If there are still doubts and concerns of navigation in the Indian Ocean then I believe we haven't done enough to enhance mutual trust," said Zhang.

A recent defence white paper underlined the PLA Navy's growing profile, reflecting a shift from a focus on defence of offshore waters to "open seas protection".

Senior Colonel Yang Yujun, who is the Deputy Director General of the Defence Ministry's Information Office, said part of the navy's rising role was in anti-piracy escort missions in the Indian Ocean, where it had, since its first deployment in 2008, provided protection for 6000 ships, of which 60 per cent were foreign.

He said these missions had "open and transparent purposes, and this was clearly stated to Indian friends and other countries". "India has an understanding of the PLA Navy's activities. Communication is smooth," he said, adding that both sides had through joint escort missions boosted strategic trust.

"India has extended an invitation to the PLA Navy to attend a fleet review in 2016. This shows a lot of cooperation and understanding at the military level. Some misunderstanding and speculation comes from a lack of understanding or knowledge about these developments. Now relations between two sides has become much more mature than before."

He said direct links between the general headquarters of China and India will be established soon, following a recent agreement to operationalise hotlines. "This will be conducive to enhancing mutual trust, preventing misjudgements and managing crises," he said, adding that despite the fact that the border had not been delineated both countries "have willingness to maintain peace and tranquility in border areas".

On China-Pakistan relations, Major Jiang Bin, Staff Officer in the Defence Ministry Foreign Affairs Office Asian Affairs Bureau, said "one important policy" of China's was that its ties with Pakistan are "never directed at India". He said just as India had on occasion expressed concern over China-Pakistan ties, at several instances Pakistanis had voiced similar anxieties over improving relations between India and China.

"Frankly speaking," he said, "in the past we know there are unresolved problems between India and Pakistan, this is a fact. But in the past even Pakistani friends asked us, 'We notice you are making a lot of progress in relations with India. Will this affect China-Pakistan relations?' They too have a similar concern."
PLA plays down Indian Ocean visits, but says ocean not India's backyard : World, News - India Today
Pakistan has 5 subs already although the 2 Augusta 70s will either be decommissioned or given costal defence duty

Once our 8 chinese subs come online we will have 11 AIP equipped subs altogether and second strike capabilities

Once Gwader is up and running and now that we have an extended sea zone Pakistans surface fleet will expand

India is our enemy and it is incumbent upon us that we ensure that with our allies india isnt able to take ownership or dominate the ocean around us

We need to ensure the Maldives and Sri Lanka are on the same page also

Do far so good
If China thinks SCS is their own backyard ,Indian Ocean will be our own backyard.
It will remain so.
We dont care these Chinese rant.
Okay okay! indian ocean is indian backyard ,...... are you happy now kid :D
And just forget about indian ocean, as the name suggest the american state indiana is also the property of india. lol
Okay okay! indian ocean is indian backyard ,...... are you happy now kid :D
And just forget about indian ocean, as the name suggest the american state indiana is also the property of india. lol

Thanks for excepting the truth. Even america was discovered by Colombus while searching for India. ;)
Send your submarine to SCS and show them who's the boss:big_boss:.

Or next time they dare to cross the indian ocean, just .....:sniper:

Just saying.


We have already two surface warship in SCS for protecting our oil exploration

Mr Cheer leader.

Now go and continue your rants in your new joint think tank with that funny name.

Okay okay! indian ocean is indian backyard ,...... are you happy now kid :D
And just forget about indian ocean, as the name suggest the american state indiana is also the property of india. lol

Anyway we dont give a shit.
This is the sensible post in this thread till now

Thanks for this. It really isn't a matter for other than Indian and Chinese posters. It just saves a flame war.
Thanks for this. It really isn't a matter for other than Indian and Chinese posters. It just saves a flame war.
i do now its unnecessary some randome people make some threads are flamboyant
Chinese submarine docking in Karachi no threat to India: PLA
Beijing, Jul 1, 2015 (PTI)

Playing down its submarine's docking in Pakistan's Karachi port in May, China has said the movement of Chinese vessels was not directed against any third party and the PLA navy's activities in the Indian Ocean were "open and transparent".

Replying to questions about concerns in India over the docking of Chinese submarines in Colombo last year and in Karachi in May, Chinese Defence Spokesman Senior Colonel Yang Yujin said the movement of Chinese vessels was not directed against any third party.

Major Jiang Bin, Staff Officer of the Asian Affairs Bureau of the Chinese Defence Ministry, said, "About the PLA navy's activities in the Indian Ocean, they are open and transparent activities. We have clearly stated to India and other countries in the region."

Indian side has already extended the invitation to PLA Navy to attend the international fleet review in India in February 2016. This shows a lot of cooperation at the military level. Now the relationship between the two sides has become much more mature, he told a visiting Indian media delegation.

Chinese military officials also said Pakistan has been expressing concern over growing Sino-India ties and have sought clarification whether it will impact their "all- weather" bilateral ties.

"Frankly speaking Pakistan friends asked similar question we notice you are making lot of progress in relations with India, will this effect China-Pakistan relations," Jiang said.

While Pakistan is a traditionally friendly country of China, Sino-India relations have been developing quite well over the years, especially after the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to India last year and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's trip to China this year, he said.

"After this bilateral relations are developing better and better," Jiang, one of the officers handling India-China relations, said during a presentations by various Chinese military experts headed by Chinese military spokesman senior Colonel Yang to the resident Indian correspondents and members of visiting Indian media delegation.

The presentations yesterday by the Chinese military officials and experts for the first time highlighted the unease felt in Pakistan over the growing Sino-Indian relations, especially between the two militaries.

Playing down the impact of "all weather" China-Pakistan relations on Sino-India ties, Jiang said "our policy is that developing China Pakistan relations was never directed against India" and Beijing would like to serve as a bridge between New Delhi and Islamabad.
Aj kal tu tum log asia super power vanta phirta ho aik sub ka ate sari hakre nikal gye china tera baap ha chahe pori duniy ka weapon lela baap he rahega china phad dega teri
If China thinks SCS is their own backyard ,Indian Ocean will be our own backyard.
It will remain so.
We dont care these Chinese rant.

Both SCS and Indian Ocean are currently US backyards.
Likewise SCS is also not the back yard of china

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