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Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast


Feb 21, 2012
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Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast
October 05, 2015

ISLAMABAD - The man who introduced suicide terrorism in South Asia following the 9/11 attacks on the US, has died in a mine blast in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and his colleagues and friends have brought his body back to Layyah where he has been buried, militant circles and his family said.
Saifur Rehman Saifi, 40, was declared by General Musharraf as the mastermind of the first three suicide attacks in Pakistan against Christians.
Musharraf in his autobiography, “In the line of fire,” mentioned Saifi’s alleged role in the first three suicide attacks pointing out that he was arrested on August 14, 2002. He joined militancy in Layyah, Punjab, at the age of 20 when it was officially declared as Jihad back in 1995 by joining the Harkutul Ansar, now a defunct organisation.–INP

Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast

@engineer saad @waz @WAJsal @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER
Mine blast ?

I hope he died a slow death with his limbs torn apart , maybe bled to death & he felt life slowly leaving him along with the pain .

He deserves at least this for all the grief he caused to countless.
Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast
October 05, 2015

ISLAMABAD - The man who introduced suicide terrorism in South Asia following the 9/11 attacks on the US, has died in a mine blast in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and his colleagues and friends have brought his body back to Layyah where he has been buried, militant circles and his family said.
Saifur Rehman Saifi, 40, was declared by General Musharraf as the mastermind of the first three suicide attacks in Pakistan against Christians.
Musharraf in his autobiography, “In the line of fire,” mentioned Saifi’s alleged role in the first three suicide attacks pointing out that he was arrested on August 14, 2002. He joined militancy in Layyah, Punjab, at the age of 20 when it was officially declared as Jihad back in 1995 by joining the Harkutul Ansar, now a defunct organisation.–INP

Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast

@engineer saad @waz @WAJsal @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER
He is dead but unfortunately now every small and big group knows How to make jackets.
Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast
October 05, 2015

ISLAMABAD - The man who introduced suicide terrorism in South Asia following the 9/11 attacks on the US, has died in a mine blast in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and his colleagues and friends have brought his body back to Layyah where he has been buried, militant circles and his family said.
Saifur Rehman Saifi, 40, was declared by General Musharraf as the mastermind of the first three suicide attacks in Pakistan against Christians.
Musharraf in his autobiography, “In the line of fire,” mentioned Saifi’s alleged role in the first three suicide attacks pointing out that he was arrested on August 14, 2002. He joined militancy in Layyah, Punjab, at the age of 20 when it was officially declared as Jihad back in 1995 by joining the Harkutul Ansar, now a defunct organisation.–INP

Pioneer of suicide attacks dies in blast

@engineer saad @waz @WAJsal @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER

Rest in Hell you scum.
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