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Pictures of Chinese people - 56 ethnic groups

Lhoba people 珞巴族

Lhoba youngsters today








The Lhoba have really exquisite weaving skills. Something hand made like in those pictures is rare to find. I'm really impressed with what they can do.

Lhoba people 珞巴族

Is that rat?
The Lhoba have really exquisite weaving skills. Something hand made like in those pictures is rare to find. I'm really impressed with what they can do.

Is that rat?

I believe they are field rats which are very clean species.
Wuzhen 乌镇 is an ancient town, lies within the triangle form by three great historical cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou. Located in the center of the six ancient towns, south of Yangtze River, that are rich in Han people's histories and cultures.

Jugs of distilled rice liquor at a distiller in Wuzhen







Han people 汉族

Han Chinese 汉族 constitute about 92% of the population of the People Republic of China, 98% of the population of Taiwan , 74% of the population of Singapore, 24.5% of population of Malaysia, and about 20% of the entire global population, making it the largest ethnic group in the world. There is considerable genetic, linguistic, cultural, and social diversity among the subgroups of the Han, mainly due to thousands of years of immigration and assimilation of various regional ethnicities and tribes within China. The name Han comes from Han Dynasty (206 BC-220AD) whose founding Emperor was from a region named Hanzhong 汉中, in present SW Shaanxi Province, by the Han River 汉江, a tributary of Yangtze River.

Prior to the Han Dynasty, Chinese scholars used the term as "Huaxia people" 華夏族. In the English language the Han people are often referred to as simply "Chinese". In southern China, among the speakers of Cantonese, Hakka and Minnan, the term "Tangren" 唐人 (people of the Tang Dynasty) is being used. Huaren 华人 is a term Oversea Chinese call themselves to signify them as Zhonghua Ren 中华人. All in all Han people are a subgroup of Zhonghua Minzu 中华民族, as well as the other 55 ethnic groups above.

The vast majority of Han Chinese – over 1.2 billion – live in areas under the jurisdiction of China, where they constitute about 92% of its population. Within China, Han Chinese are the majority in every province, municipality, and autonomous region except for the autonomous regions of Xinjiang (41% as of 2000) and Tibet (6% as of 2000). Han Chinese also constitute the majority in both of the special administrative regions of the China, about 95% of the population of Hong Kong and about 96% of the population of Macau. Taiwan has more than 22 million (95%). There are about 40 million Oversea Han, or Oversea Chinese, around the world with about 30 million live in Southeast Asia. In term of percentage to the host country Singapore has the largest (74%), Malaysia 25%, Thailand 14%, Philippines (?), Indonesia 3.8%, Peru 4.3%, Canada 3.7%, New Zealand 3.7% and Australia 3.5%. In terms of numbers Indonesia has the most with 8.8 million, Thailand 7 million, Malaysia 6.6 million, Singapore 3.7 million, United State 3.4 million, Canada 1.4 million, Peru 1.3 million, Vietnam 1.3 million, Australia 1.2 million, Cambodia 1.2 million, Philippines 1.2 million(?), Myanmar 1.1 million, Russia 1 million, Africa 750,000 and Japan 660,000.

The history of the Han Chinese ethnic group is closely tied to that of China. Han Chinese trace their ancestry back to the Huaxia people 華夏族, who lived along the Huang He 黄河 in northern China. Historians place the reign of the Yellow Emperor 黃帝, the legendary ancestor of the Han Chinese, at the beginning of Chinese history around 2,697 BC. He is traditionally considered to have united the Huaxia. Through the discovery of archaeological sites along the Yellow River there been identified a succession of Neolithic Han cultures. Along the central reaches of the Yellow River were the Jiahu culture (7000 BCE to 6600 BCE), Yangshao culture (5000 BCE to 3000 BCE) and Longshan culture (3000 BCE to 2000 BCE). Along the lower reaches of the river were the Qingliangang culture (5400 BCE to 4000 BCE), the Dawenkou culture (4300 BCE to 2500 BCE), the Longshan culture (2500 BCE to 2000 BCE), and the Yueshi culture. As the Huaxia culture spread from its heartland in the Yellow River basin, it absorbed many distinct ethnic groups which then came to be identified as Han Chinese, as these groups adopted Han language (or variations of it) and customs. These absorptions centralized and continued for more than 5,000 years to create the largest culture in the world- the Han culture.

The first dynasty to be described in Chinese historical records is the Xia Dynasty 夏朝 (2070- 1600BCE) and was overthrown by Shang Dynasty 商朝 (1600-1046 BCE). Oracle bones found of this period indicate Chinese writing existed well before then.

China is one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations that dated back to the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor 炎帝 (2697BCE), hence they are called "Descendents of Yan and Huang Emperors" 炎黄子孙. Confucianism 儒家 shapes the culture and thoughts of Han people. The Chinese language have numerous dialects according to regions and, most of them, are unintelligible to each other. The Chinese Government standardized the spoken language using the Beijing dialect of Mandarin as the national Putonghua 普通话 (common speaking). Beginning in the 1950s the Government also simplified some of the traditional Chinese characters to eliminate illiteracy of which was adopted by Singapore later. All other locales beside the above two are still using the traditional characters for their writing. Both forms of writings are intelligible to each other though.

Chinese culture has been long characterized by religious pluralism. The Chinese folk religion has always maintained a profound influence. Indigenous Confucianism and Taoism share aspects of being a philosophy or a religion, and neither demand exclusive adherence, resulting in a culture of tolerance and syncretism where multiple religions or belief systems are often practiced in concert, along with local customs and traditions. Han Chinese culture has also been long influenced by Buddhism, while in recent centuries, Christianity has also gained a foothold in the population.

Official portrait of a Han family

A portrayal of Han people 6 centuries ago

A Han family at the turn of the 20th century

A Han family in the 1960s

A Han family in the 1970s

Just a picture of two generations today

A picture of 4 generations today

The Yellow River Valley where the civilization of Han people began
Han people 汉族

Han people's worships and believes

The Buddha


Pay tributes in Confucius temple

Master Guan's 关公 alter

Goddess of mercy 观音

The God of wealth 财神爷

Earth god 土地廟

Various Tao deities, historical figures and many many more...
. . . .
Han people 汉族

Chinese writings are based on few characteristics that evolved and standardized through different time periods: 1) 象形- Pictographs- the character is a pictorial depiction of an object, eg: 人 a person and 日sun 2) 指事- indicatives or ideographs in which a character represents an abstract notion eg: 上 up 下 down and 三 three 3) 会意- logical conclusion eg: 東 a combination of 木 tree and 日 sun derides as east 4) 形声- phonetic complex one side for sound the other side for meaning eg: 晴 where the character 青 for sound and 日 for sun, hence clear day 5) 转注- transference to take on additional meanings eg: 网 originally depicts a fishing net, over time it could mean any kind of lattice including computer network 6) 假借- borrowing, eg: 哥 older brother, the character was borrowed from 歌 (song) and simplified to the present form.

Every Chinese character has only one syllable that can represent one or more meanings and there's a proper way to write it (stroke) in order to achieve proficiency. The Chinese writing began as vertical columns from right to left. Today people write vertical columns from left to right or write left to right horizontal columns from top to bottom. Although there are more than 10,000 character existed but all a person need is to know a few thousand of them to survive daily needs. By putting two or more characters together the Chinese language can create unlimited amount of compound words or terms.

Chinese dialects vary by not only pronunciation, but also, to a lesser extent, vocabulary and grammar. Modern written Chinese, which replaced Classical Chinese as the written standard as an indirect result of the May Fourth Movement of 1919, is not technically bound to any single dialect; however, it most nearly represents the vocabulary and syntax of Mandarin, by far the most widespread Chinese dialect in terms of both geographical area and number of speakers. This version of written Chinese is called Vernacular Chinese 白话 (literally, "plain speech"). Despite its ties to the dominant Mandarin dialect, Vernacular Chinese also permits some communication between people of different dialects, limited by the fact that Vernacular Chinese expressions are often ungrammatical or unidiomatic in non-Mandarin dialects.

When CPC took over the sovereignty of China she began a campaign of simplified the traditional Chinese to illuminate illiteracy and later adopted by Singapore and Malaysia. All Chinese from other areas still retain the traditional form of writing Chinese characters. Both forms of writings are intelligible to each other.

Chinese writing system developed centuries before the oracle bones 甲骨 era of the Shang Dynasty 1766- 1122BC

The evolution of Chinese writing system. It began as a drawing (2nd column from left), simplified and refined to the last column today

Printing characters today

Brush stroke neat writing

Running stroke 草字 where a writer literally doesn't lift the brush from the paper. Sometimes this writing is very hard to read by neophytes

Calligraphy- the Chinese writing is an art by itself. A man is held high esteem and valued in the society if he's a good calligrapher. The best ones are rewarded handsomely

Calligraphy and poetry by a famous ancient poet

In daily lives Chinese people today write with ball point pens, however, traditionalists and scholars still value the Chinese writing brushes

Here are some traditional to simplified characters comparison that I comprised myself from time to time. One can derive more from this list if one knows the fundamentals of Chinese writing

與- 与 總- 总 變- 变 匯- 汇 習- 习 禮- 礼 後- 后 務- 务 實- 实 點- 点 佔- 占 農- 农 曆- 历 書- 书 類- 类

從- 从 遼- 辽 寧- 宁 鄉- 乡 倉- 仓 號- 号 兒- 儿 專- 专 関- 关 藝- 艺 術- 术 幾- 几 節- 节

戲- 戏 處- 处 嚴- 严 厲- 厉 厰- 厂 廣- 广 選- 选 併- 并 療- 疗 體- 体 對- 对 衆- 众 發髮- 发 頭- 头

異- 异 無- 无 與- 与 奪-夺 權- 权 慶- 庆 雲- 云 私 厶 鄧- 邓 劉- 刘 縣- 县 職- 职 執- 执 専- 专 獨- 独

蟲- 虫 買- 买 舊- 旧 麽- 么 壇- 坛 邊- 边 陰隂- 阴 陽- 阳 應- 应 殺- 杀 鬥鬦- 斗 動- 动 運- 运 奪- 夺

搶- .抢 欄- 栏 華- 华 麗- 丽 會- 会 屶 寫- 写 環- 环 葉- 叶 尋- 寻 讀- 读 堦階- 阶 補- 补 華- 华 僑- 侨

稱- 称 襍雜- 杂 導- 导 億- 亿 懽歡- 欢 粧- 妆 團- 团 優- 优 達- 达 聼聽- 听 戯戲- 戏 衞- 卫 潔- 洁

壓- 压 憶- 忆 幣- 币 歲- 岁 樸- 朴 識- 识 權- 权 農- 农 塵- 尘 壓- 压 雙- 双 攔- 拦 嶺- 岭 環- 环 導- 导

權- 权 嘴- 咀 檔- 档 嘴- 咀 灣- 湾 曉- 晓 樂- 乐 際- 际 達- 达 關- 关 蘆- 芦 懷- 怀 縣- 县 慶- 庆 羅- 罗

嘴- 咀 園- 邨? 遲- 迟 進- 进 聖- 圣 衛- 卫 雙- 双 節- 节 溝- 沟 廟- 庙 達- 达 節- 节 臨滄- 临沧 廟- 庙
Han people 汉族

The Great Wall of China was first built in grand scale by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty in 221-206 BC


The existing Xian City Wall or fortification 西安城墙 was started by the Ming Dynasty in 1370. It encircles a much smaller city of 14 square kilometres (5.4 sq mi). The wall measures 13.7 kilometres (8.5 mi) in circumference, 12 metres (39 ft) in height, and 15–18 metres (49–59 ft) in thickness at the base. It still stand today with minimal repair and is the largest fort of its kind

Modern highways build through the wall

The Grand Canal of China 大运河 begins at Beijing, it passes through Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the city of Hangzhou linking the Yellow River and Yangtze River. The oldest parts of the canal date back to the 5th century BC, although the various sections were finally combined during the Sui Dynasty (581–618 CE). The total length is 1104 miles, the longest man made canal in the world as of today. A lock was invented in the 10th century that allowed ships to go through higher and lower elevations

A section near Yangzhou

The Forbidden City 紫禁城 ( 故宫博物院) was constructed by the Ming Dynasty from 1406 to 1420

Han people 汉族

"Farewell My Concubine" Beijing opera 京剧

Sichuan opera

Yu opera 豫剧 of Henan

A famous duets in Yue opera 粵劇 up to the 70s Yam Kim Fai and Pak Suet Sin 任剑辉 白雪仙 (the former is also a woman)

Yueju opera 越剧 of Zhejiang area

秦腔 one of the oldest style opera in China

Kungqu 崑曲, evolved from the Wu culture, one of the oldest

Changsha flower drum song opera 花鼓戏
Han people 汉族

A street in Pingyao County 平遥 in Shanxi. Its history dates back 2,700 years, and is one of the best preserved ancient cities in the known world.

A market tower in Pingyao built in the 14th century

天龙屯堡 village and fort in Guizhou that was built by 朱元璋

Likeng village 宏村 in Jiangxi

Hongcun ancient village in Anhui

Interior of a house in Hongcun village

A street of another ancient village

A woman doing chores in the same village
Han people 汉族

Because the mountainous environments of China, often time, bridges are built high above villages

Expressways too

Changjiang village 长江村 in Jiangyin 江阴 Jiangsu, is one of the two of the richest village in China. Recently they are giving out free gold ingots to residents to reward them

The other one Huaxi village 华西村 (1961) on the other side of the Yangtze River

A typhoon shelter village in Hong Kong

A fishing village in Wenzhou 温州

A thousand year old fishing village in Erhai 洱海 Yunnan

青岛青山渔村 is labeled as the most beautiful fishing village in China
Han people 汉族

Sometimes underground dwellings make sense when the earth is so dry and wind often travels up to a 100 MPH as in NW China




Or when the winters are so cold and building materials are hard to come by in these areas in the ancient times, then cave dwellings, Yao Dong 窰洞, are also make sense




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