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Photo of Saudi pilot’s farewell to his daughters goes viral

Dear You are fighting a wrong case, it is not a secret that Houthis are proxies of Iran , dont try to reinvent the wheel as it is already invented .

Okay, I'm talking to you using provable, sourced facts and logic, but feel free to ignore it and believe what you want.
Dont try to defend Iran , we know they had been funding all around the Shias . It is not a secret anymore . Why Security council put an embargo on Houthis ? Who supply them weapons? Why Houthi elders and leader lived in Iran for many years ? You think it is KSA , UAE , of Kuwait who are helping Houthis ? Just grow up and dont try to put dust into the eyes of the world and stop this Shia sunni war , same is to be done KSA, doesnt help any one .

Security council ? , what a joke .

Dear You are fighting a wrong case, it is not a secret that Houthis are proxies of Iran , dont try to reinvent the wheel as it is already invented .

Houthis have been fighting for more than 5 decades , This means they were fighting for their rights before Iran's revolution .

Stop this anti Iran story that has been created to justify Saudis war and fool bunch of brain dead Sunnis in region .
Dont try to defend Iran , we know they had been funding all around the Shias . It is not a secret anymore . Why Security council put an embargo on Houthis ? Who supply them weapons? Why Houthi elders and leader lived in Iran for many years ? You think it is KSA , UAE , of Kuwait who are helping Houthis ? Just grow up and dont try to put dust into the eyes of the world and stop this Shia sunni war , same is to be done KSA, doesnt help any one .
You didn't answer me, how is them living in Iran has anything to do with Iran helping them? When I say helping them, I mean arming them. It is a genuine Yemeni movement against a puppet loser. Yes they have political support of Iran by all means, but I want proof about Iran arming them.
Dont try to defend Iran , we know they had been funding all around the Shias . It is not a secret anymore . Why Security council put an embargo on Houthis ? Who supply them weapons? Why Houthi elders and leader lived in Iran for many years ? You think it is KSA , UAE , of Kuwait who are helping Houthis ? Just grow up and dont try to put dust into the eyes of the world and stop this Shia sunni war , same is to be done KSA, doesnt help any one .

Dear You are fighting a wrong case, it is not a secret that Houthis are proxies of Iran , dont try to reinvent the wheel as it is already invented .

You're an idiot. Houthis have been in active warfare for more than 4 decades.

When the Egyptians left, the left all their weapons in Yemen. The Saudis themselves supplied thousands of weapons to oppose Nasser. Hell, even the US has given weapons to Yemeni forces.

@Madali provided you with accurate information but you with your close minded unpar molvi mind are too much of an idiot to read.

It would have been best for you to prove Iran is providing weapons to the Houthis. But you've proven you're incapable of research. And sadly it's people like you, who have been able/ given, University degrees just so the University can boast of an additional graduate. By the looks of it you're account is just to troll.

If you honestly believe the Saudi's are doing the right thing, why don't you get a 1-way ticket to Riyadh?

What is the need for such tearjerker?

Is he not confident that his $200million machine would be able to withstand some AK-47 wielding Bedouins, and bring him back home safely?

This war ,at least till now, has been akin to a video game for GCC countries,albeit with real casualties to their enemies.

What is the need for such tearjerker?

Is he not confident that his $200million machine would be able to withstand some AK-47 wielding Bedouins, and bring him back home safely?

This war ,at least till now, has been akin to a video game for GCC countries,albeit with real casualties to their enemies.

This nothing but PR which saudis have also outsourced also. Next they being doing military drills with Egypt to show how strong and mighty they are, to try and prolong the ground force as long as possible.
This "Iran backing Houthis" is getting pretty lame here. How is Iran supporting Houthis? Can you show me with visual proof?


Yemen: Iranian IRGC officers captured in Aden
That news has directly went to trash can. I can't imagine what would Saudis do if their stooges had actually captured any Iranians. Releasing tons of pics and videos. That's just like tons of others reports they release about capturing Iranians in their dreams.

At the moment the whole Iranian backed supporters are in denial, the way i see it if qasim sulieman is captured in yemen iranian would claim he is not the real qasim, either way whether iranians have officers on the ground or not is not the point, the point is the houthi are getting bombarded daily and they are looking to iran to do something before they are wiped out. we all saw nasrallah barking few times but really Iran are expected to do something about this to save the houthi's but it seems KSA has really checkmated the Mullah in iran this time which is why Iran tone has changed in the last few days from threats to peaceful resolution which offcourse it was quickly shut down by the saudi response of "Arab matters has nothing to do with Persian mediation". Ouch that is bascially saying in a nice political tone "F**k off"
At the moment the whole Iranian backed supporters are in denial, the way i see it if qasim sulieman is captured in yemen iranian would claim he is not the real qasim, either way whether iranians have officers on the ground or not is not the point, the point is the houthi are getting bombarded daily and they are looking to iran to do something before they are wiped out. we all saw nasrallah barking few times but really Iran are expected to do something about this to save the houthi's but it seems KSA has really checkmated the Mullah in iran this time which is why Iran tone has changed in the last few days from threats to peaceful resolution which offcourse it was quickly shut down by the saudi response of "Arab matters has nothing to do with Persian mediation". Ouch that is bascially saying in a nice political tone "F**k off"

The usual rants of Saudi and Co. At the time being, you can make your self happy by releasing random pics of random guys claiming to capture Iranians.
I am not going to allow the Houthis to get killed like the Muslims dying in Syria and Iraq. IF Saudi's want to start a war, then they are going to learn a lesson on humility.
Iran doesn't shy away from what they do. If they supported Houthis by sending advisers & arms, they would say it proudly, like their links to Hezbollah.
Our boys got it.

War is no game.


Both photos tell a different story and both have their place in this debate. Behind every casualty there is a story and family.
The usual rants of Saudi and Co. At the time being, you can make your self happy by releasing random pics of random guys claiming to capture Iranians.

Sorry for the late reply, i was watching my new favourite show the daily update of "Operation storm of resolve". I am sure i will be posting many more pictures as the days go.
unfortunately we have Iran Vs Saudia (shia vs sunni)

No it's not. There are people who wish to divide us. Even if there is no Shia, Sunnis would still fight and kill each other like they do in Libya and Egypt.

Saudi Arabia backed Saleh who is a Shia. Hadi is the deputy of Saleh. It has nothing to do with religion.
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