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Philippines War on ISIS, Abu Sayaf, Maute: News & Discussions

so which Muslim country Philipine is bombing currently .. drawing such an attack ?
Organized religions must be subdued as they tend to become political and challenge secular state authority. Especially if a religion is more about public life than private life, that's an cancerous ideology that spreads faster than wildfire -- as seen in Syria and now being seen in the Philippines.
On the contrary religion worked great in the US.
US was an overly religious country and it still is to some extent. Though they are secular.
But the militants, initially estimated by the defence chief to number just 100, have withstood eight days of intense air assaults and street-to-street combat, prompting the government's surrender calls on Tuesday
Just 100militants?o_O. I thought it was at least a thousand or so. Filipino troops should be able to wipe them out in a matter of days, come on. 100militants seize a whole city for over a week despite fierce fighting and they are still holding their ground ? Wow......:hitwall:
Duterte earlier in 2016 said Mindanao Railway System will be started by 2017, could be the next "easy-target" for ISIS. :guns:

Isit a coincidence or something sinister wherever there is an US occupied area, ISIS is there.
Western part of Mindanao [an island], southernmost part of Phillipines , has a sizable muslim population and a US base. There are 5 US bases in all of Phillipines. US base is in Zamboanga and quite a large contingent due to the excuse of stopping radicalism as a muslim population is there. US presence in Phillipines is not appreciated. PM Duterte vowed to see end of US presence in Mindanao, but he took about turn pn the policy.
Terrorists attack at resort in Manila:

(CNN)The popular Philippine tourist site Resorts World Manila was on lockdown after reports of gunfire and explosions at the sprawling complex.

Hundreds of guests and employees rushed out of one of the hotels after a masked gunman on the second floor began firing at guests, hotel employees fleeing the scene told CNN Philippines.

Heavily-armed SWAT officers wearing bulletproof vests and body armor descended on the scene, Camille Abadicio of CNN Philippines said. Video showed smoke coming from the upper floors of buildings.


So unfortunate that the Filipino people have to go through this. These terrorists have no excuses for their behavior, no kind of grievances warrant this. Ordinary Muslims must make sure this amount of mental gymnastics or whatever it is that led these gunmen to think this is justified or acceptable is diminished and taken away from them. Don't allow them to use this pandora box of excuses or justifications related to things happening from somewhere other than nations. Every situation is different and is not black and white.
Duterte earlier in 2016 said Mindanao Railway System will be started by 2017, could be the next "easy-target" for ISIS.
Reminds me of China's plan to fund this PH project. Perhaps this ISIS attack isn't about separatism as it may seems, they should know they're completely outgunned, but about something else, like economic sabotage? Geopolitical?

China ready to help build Mindanao railway
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:16 AM March 19, 2017
Read the full article at http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/881920/china-ready-to-help-build-mindanao-railway
China, Japan, South Korea, local firms eye Mindanao rail project

Ben O. de Vera@bendeveraINQ Philippine Daily Inquirer - Reporter / / 03:51 PM August 18, 2016
Read the full article at http://business.inquirer.net/213693/china-japan-south-korea-local-firms-eye-mindanao-rail-project
Bodies found in Resorts World Manila – police

Southern Police District Chief Superintendent Tomas Apolinario says the 34 bodies were found mostly on the second floor of the establishment

Published 11:20 AM, June 02, 2017
Updated 11:37 AM, June 02, 2017


RESORTS WORLD MANILA. Police gather outside the Resorts World Manila following a shooting incident in Pasay on June 2, 2017. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

MANILA, Philppines – Authorities found at least 34 bodies at the Resorts World Manila on Friday, June 2, following an attack of a "lone gunman" who had fired gunshots and set ablaze gaming tables at the casino floor of the hotel.

Southern Police District Chief Superintendent Tomas Apolinario said in a phone interview with Rappler on Friday that the bodies were found mostly on the second floor of Resorts World, but he could not deem all of them dead yet.

"Thirty four were found lying [on the floor]. Ayoko sabihin dead kasi baka pagdala ng ospital, buhay (Thirty four were found lying [on the floor. I don't want to say dead because some of them may still be alive)," Apolinario said.

Director Oscar Albayalde, National Capital Police Regional Office (NCRPO) chief, declined to give an official death toll in media interviews but said any deaths were apparently due to suffocation following the fire at the hotel.

Gunshots were heard and a fire broke at Resorts World Manila in Pasay City past midnight Friday, June 2.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) downplayed the claim that terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was responsibie for the attack. He said that they were looking at robbery as a motive instead.

PNP chief Director General Ronald dela Rosa said the lone gunman was already dead after he burned himself inside a hotel room. – Rappler.com

At least 34 people are dead after a gunman burst into a Manila casino, firing shots and setting gaming tables alight, Philippine media reported on Friday, in what officials said was a botched robbery attempt.

Police said the unidentified gunman had killed himself after firing at armed officers searching the still-smoking Resorts World Manila entertainment complex hours after the drama that began shortly after midnight (1600 GMT).

Many of the dead suffocated in the chaos as guests and staff tried to flee choking smoke at the complex, according to a report by ANC News channel, quoting Bureau of Fire Protection sources.

Resort owner Travellers International Hotel Group Inc said authorities were still seeking details.

“We have been informed of several casualties, the number and identities of whom have yet to be determined,” it said in a statement. Its shares were down 7 percent.

Around dawn, the body of the suspected gunman was found in a hotel room in the complex, which is close to Ninoy Aquino International Airport and an air force base, police said.

“He burned himself inside the hotel room 510,” national police chief Ronald dela Rosa told a media conference. “He lay down on the bed, covered himself in a thick blanket and apparently doused himself in gasoline."

Atleast 36 have been killed by the militants.Om shanti
2 floor or RW manila is where the VIP section and Junket rooms are at... RIP People
5 reasons ISIS targeted Duterte’s Philippines

ISIS have carried out their first terrorist atrocity in Philippines outside of the southern island of Mindanao. ISIS has clearly set out not only to conquer Mindanao, but to destabilise and destroy all of Philippines.

READ MORE: BREAKING: ISIS terrorist attack near Manila airport
It is no coincidence that they chose to attack a country led by a man like President Rodrigo Duterte.
Here’s Why
1. Duterte was on the verge of creating peace with Philippine Moros (Muslims)
Unlike the Philippine political elite, President Duterte is a native of Mindanao. He promised existing Muslim insurgent groups that in order to create a lasting peace which builds upon the 2014 Bangsamoro peace process, he would propose a federal structure for the country, thus giving all regions a measure of self-rule. Failing that, he promised to grant Muslim areas known as Bangsamoro, formal autonomy.

Duterte has been highly critical of US foreign policy in the wider Muslim world, something which won him praise and respect from moderate Muslim rebels as well as ordinary Muslim citizens in Philippines. In this sense Duterte helped create ‘moderate rebels’ where in Syria there are only steadfast and moderate government supporters, all of whom are against terrorists.

ISIS did not want to lose a possible base and ISIS knew full well they would have none if peace broke out in the Muslim parts of Philippines, something that Duterte was and remains uniquely capable of achieving.

2. Duterte Has Shifted Historical Philippine Geo-political Alignments
President Duterte has followed through on commitments to engage in an historic rapprochement with China and engage in groundbreaking positive relations with Russia.

If two of the three superpowers became allies with a traditional US dependant, it could shift the regional balance of power and indeed the global balance of power.

ISIS know full well that Russia has helped to thwart their advances in Syria. They saw another country they could create havoc in and they pounced.

3. Duterte Targeted ISIS Drug Revenue
ISIS have been rapidly monopolising the global narcotics trade from opium smuggling in Afghanistan (said to be worth £1 billion per year), to the European drugs network run by Albanian organised criminals to cultivating drug dealing networks in Africa and even Latin America.

By targeting drugs in Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte was targeting one of the major cash cows of ISIS. ISIS clearly knows the value of the Dollar.

READ MORE: Rodrigo Duterte vows to cutoff ISIS drug money

4. Duterte Is A Democratic Man of The People
ISIS often finds success in appealing to the poor and those on the edges of society. The poverty that Philippines has suffered from due to years of corrupt government has created a population, particularly among existing Muslims, who are rife for exploitation.

If Duterte succeeded in making Philippines a more equal and fair society, ISIS would have a harder time selling their insane message to desperate and depressed young men.

5. ISIS Has Strange Bed Fellows
Just like in Syria, those opposing the moderate, secular government of Bashar al-Assad are a surreal combination of Wahhabist jihadists, liberal so-called ‘human rights’ advocates, globalists, neocons and corrupt regional regimes like Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Like Assad who remains highly popular among real Syrians, Duterte remains popular among real Filipinos. The same liberal NGOs who even before the arrival of ISIS hated Ba’athist Syria, had all ready descended on Duterte’s Philippines.

The liberals fired the first salvo in both wars, then ISIS came in to do the heavy fighting.

There is no black conspiracy but rather an open one against leaders like Assad and Duterte. If someone has policies that are popular but anti-liberal (in the western sense), the western liberal NGOs and governments and corporations will seek vengeance. When one looks at who funds ISIS, it is no wonder that they are on the same page.

Duterte’s war against drugs and terrorism is now one against the western neo-liberal, globalist world order. Donald Trump may be a personal friend of Duterte, but the neo-liberal globalist US deep state which still controls US foreign policy is not. They have shown themselves to be friends of ISIS, al-Nusrea and the Turkish backed jihadist group Free Syrian Army.

NATO backed and continues to back violent jihadist factions in Libya. One doesn’t need to be in an Arab country to feel the mutual wrath of the blood soaked alliance between neo-liberals and Salafist terrorism.

Duterte was a prime target all along.

@BANGLAR BIR why did u waste so many words and your time in ritting this all. It can be said in one statement.. and that is ..... is " ISIS is CIA/MOSSAD's strategic project ( Jailed criminals employment in hostile territory) to achieve foreign objectives".

@BANGLAR BIR why did u waste so many words and your time in written this all. It can be said in one statement.. and that is ..... is " ISIS is CIA/MOSSAD's strategic project ( Jailed criminals employment in hostile territory) to achieve foreign objectives".

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