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Philippines War on ISIS, Abu Sayaf, Maute: News & Discussions

Duterte declares martial law after Mindanao attack
Emergency declaration follows ongoing attack by about 100 fighters in the southern city of Marawi on Mindanao.


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  • Abu Sayyaf captive beheaded in Philippines

    "This is possible on the grounds of the existence of rebellion," he added.

    Duterte will cut short his trip to Russia, Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said. "The president feels that he is needed in Manila as soon as possible."

    Duterte met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday night rather than Thursday as planned, according to Russian state media.

    Two soldiers and one police officer were killed in the firefight in the city of Marawi, 816km south of Manila, while 12 government forces were wounded, Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said.

    The attackers reportedly burned a Catholic church, the city jail, and two schools, as well as occupied the main streets and two bridges leading to the city of more than 200,000 people, Lorenzana added.

    Gunmen also occupied city hall, a state-run hospital, and part of a university compound, he said.

    "The whole of Marawi city is blacked out, there is no light and there are [rebel] snipers all around," Lorenzana told a press conference in Moscow.

    The hostilities in Marawi began when troops raided an apartment where fighters were reportedly meeting, according army spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Jo-ar Herrera.

    Loyal to ISIL
    The gunmen were suspected members of two armed groups - Abu Sayyaf and Maute - which have pledged allegiance to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), Herrera said.

    In the raid, security forces were targeting Isnilon Hapilon, an Abu Sayyaf leader.

    Photos posted on social media by Marawi residents showed armed men roaming the city with the black flags of ISIL.

    "Please pray for us here," said Mohammad Abedin, president of the Lanao Del Sur Medical Society in Marawi. "We can see houses burning and we don't have electricity now."

    Lorenzana said additional forces would be deployed to Marawi on Wednesday.

    Military chief General Eduardo Ano urged residents of Marawi to stay indoors as fighting continued.

    "Don't go out, lock your doors and windows until our troops clear the area," he said in an interview with a Manila radio station from Moscow. "We have enough troops on the ground."

    WATCH: Breakaway Philippine rebels align with ISIL

    Both Abu Sayyaf and Maute have been blamed for bombings, attacks against government forces, and kidnappings in the Philippines. They have also beheaded hostages.

    Abu Sayyaf decapitated an elderly German early this year and two Canadians last year after ransom demands were not met.

    It has also been blamed for the country's worst attacks, including the 2004 bombing of a ferry in Manila Bay that claimed more than 100 lives.

    Security analysts said Hapilon has been trying to unite various Muslim armed groups that have professed allegiance to ISIL.

    Philippine rebels say they will not surrender

    Source: News agencies
They are like virus
travel b/w countries so fast
It's your region and your rules but my advice is that take the threat serious, attack them and close their mosques in china as fast as you can
maybe tomorrow would be so late to act
Personally speaking, I hope Iran could become the leader of Muslim world. I didn't see any Shiah terrorist.
Very few men,I am sure they will be eliminated soon unless they receive cadres from local population
Exactly, they've been there for decades, they just changed their name.

If the CIA created ISIS to destroy China, I think they missed their target by a few thousand miles.

Since most of the ISIS attacks have been hitting the Middle East or Europe.
I think their name was MILF before.
How many ISIS mercenaries were there? 100? 200? Doesn't matter, send in a 5,000 man army and murder these terrorist soldiers on sight. Like Duterte said, "don't mess with my country, don't mess with our young people, or I'll kill you."

An interesting to note, in the recent RT interview, Duterte was asked about the origin of these terrorists in the Philippines and what he said might shock some of you (or not) but these were not home-grown terrorist trained by outsiders. "They were Caucasions" Duterte told the reporter.
They are like virus
travel b/w countries so fast
It's your region and your rules but my advice is that take the threat serious, attack them and close their mosques in china as fast as you can
maybe tomorrow would be so late to act

They don't have physical bases like mosques from where they organize or operate. They do everything online that's what gives them the flexibility and versatility to emerge anywhere.
Is this a reaction / response to Duterte's recent interview on RT?
definitely yes.. after all U.S created all the terrorists, taliban, al-queda, ISIS (mercenaries).. just start funding them & and they will do your job. it's an old trick by CIA but much effective . first CIA spread anarchy meanwhile they achieve some foreign affair objectives against targeted country and if they success they plan civil war in targeted country and then finally war or eliminate opposite entity..
here is only one solution, get rid of CIA network within country step by step don't be haste
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Mindanao is under Martial Law, civilians leaving the city, and military and police forces moving in to Marawi, nuff said.
Islamist will take Mindanao and China will take Philippines SCS islands and EEZ. What is Duterte going to do to stop this?? He talks big, but is his armed forces capable of stopping this??


Personally speaking, I hope Iran could become the leader of Muslim world. I didn't see any Shiah terrorist.
Maybe you are blind... Or unwilling to read some history facts about Shiite Terro organizations....

Anyway have fun...

Btw Shiite Terro were the one to spread the use of Terro act /suicide bombers/ car bombs... Around the region... Back in the days... :)
They are quite known even in history... Some facts for you... Did you here a group named "assassin" ? Well it was a group of hitman (one of the first in history) made of shias mostly... Who had the mission to kill key figures , like caliphs, governor's etc... When those ones didn't went in their direction... And the word "assassin & assassination" come from them... An interesting game speak about them... It's the widely known... Assassin creed... Yep.. :) it's them...
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