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Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte threatens to leave UN

is he for real? were philipinos so pissed off with the previous president that they elected a clown? his language seem to be from gutters.

About time someone called a spade as a spade.

Language and pompous mannerisms look good in high state buildings with fine champagne, air conditions and black mercedes cars shuttling well-dressed "diplomats" around, sir.

Not to those who have lose their families to drugs.

The corruption here in the PH is too bad that putting such offenders to prison will be like a "paradise" for said offenders.

By default, any drug offender that is found guilty receives the "Reclusión perpetua" (Permanent Imprisonment) verdict.

Besides, many Filipinos had enough with drug offenders.

Probably, though I won't call him a "clown", it just happens hat the frankly says what he feels to the public.

You will not find the Americans happy with Duterte. He is showing a streak of autonomy that US doesn't like. Unless and until you make his style of governance a norm, he is unlikely to remain for long.
You will not find the Americans happy with Duterte. He is showing a streak of autonomy that US doesn't like. Unless and until you make his style of governance a norm, he is unlikely to remain for long.

Given his statements, it does make Americans unhappy, but ousting him through the means of starting clandestine operations may not be a good idea as many Filipinos support him.
Given his statements, it does make Americans unhappy, but ousting him through the means of starting clandestine operations may not be a good idea as many Filipinos support him.

US doesn't give a damn about what locals think.

I just wish your president good luck in his war against those destroying your country.

Just be careful.
Given his statements, it does make Americans unhappy, but ousting him through the means of starting clandestine operations may not be a good idea as many Filipinos support him.

As long as he have the popular support of the people, he is safe. But that support remain fragile, since he only gathered around 16 million vote from 55 million registered voters of 100 million population.
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