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PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

Although it is true that China has "barren" land compared with many of our neighbors we have no issue feeding our citizens. Starvation is a relic of the Maoist era. Meat prices in China are lower than vegetable prices.

China has only about 11% of arable LAND... it uses it all up... ARE U SURE? why was the one child policy implemented

India has more than enough food... but our stupid,idotic greddy politicans evaded taxes and don't care for the poor
Thousands of years ago



IF how it goes...then even a normal German can say half of the Europe belongs to Germany ...coz in ww 2 Hitler conquered almost whole EUROPE..... it is not even 1000 years....so stop your no value argument
JUst stop, our current Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was an econmic maverick, A financial minister... he proposed and implemented the reforms in 1992, which let our markets open...

"India, by contrast, only opened up its economy after the crisis of the early nineties. But, for much of the first decade, little happened. So, the reality is that India's economic transformation only really took off around the turn of the century.This was some 20 years after China"

Chinese markets were open by 1979!

As an aside, I think this argument of India is just like China only 10-12 year late, must be a popular one in India. I've seen it mentioned/used pretty often now.

Of course this is a fallacy. China and India has developed very much in their own way and the two followed very different development patterns.
China's "No First Use" policy on thermonuclear weapons only applies to non-nuclear states. If India sufficiently annoys China, China will bring out its thermonuclear heavy weaponry. After that, there won't be many Indians left to annoy China anymore.

A net Warriors dream^^^^^ lol... you made my day ...dude... i guess... you forget that we live on planet earth... lloll.....

But that was epic FAIL DUDE... get some life + some oxygen....


IF how it goes...then even a normal German can say half of the Europe belongs to Germany ...coz in ww 2 Hitler conquered almost whole EUROPE..... it is not even 1000 years....so stop your no value argument

Your opinion is worthless and your country is very weak. India is free to convince the PLA Navy otherwise in the South China Seas. Go ahead, you are free to put your existence on the line to challenge Chinese sovereignty over our thousand-year-old South China Sea island claims.

China has Red Lines. Everybody in the world tries to stay away from them, except for crazy Indians on this forum.


Regarding the issue of whether China has an adequate number of nuclear ICBMs, I don't believe that this problem has been overlooked by the competent government of China.

1) China has the 5,000 KM "Underground Great Wall." You can hide a lot of ICBMs in a 5,000 KM underground facility. See http://forum./index.php?showtopic=86413


China's 5,000 KM "Underground Great Wall"


China's "Underground Great Wall" has massive tunnels to accommodate trains carrying nuclear ordnance.


China's "Underground Great Wall" has massive blast doors.


China's "Underground Great Wall" can simultaneously accommodate two trains and can switch tracks.

2) The 20 silo-based "city-buster" ICBMs (i.e. 1 to 4 megatons) alone can destroy 20 American cities. If you annihilate the top 20 American cities, you are talking about roughly 30 million dead plus nuclear fallout. This is called nuclear deterrence.

3) China has road-mobile and rail-mobile ICBM launchers.

China?s Nuclear Option | The Diplomat

"China’s Nuclear Option
April 26, 2010

By Richard Weitz

Chinese policymakers say the country’s rapidly modernizing nuclear force is nothing to fear. They could do more to prove it."


China's road-mobile ICBMs.

Rail-Mobile ICBMs enter Chinese arsenal

"Rail-Mobile ICBMs enter Chinese arsenal
Kanwa Information Center ^

Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:19:59 PM by Filibuster_60

Kanwa was informed that the development of train-borne DF31 ICBM is already completed, and the deployment of these missiles has also been prepared. The development of DF31A, a upgraded version of DF31, has also already been completed.

In order to further enhance the mobile nuclear striking power and the capability to survive attacks, China has developed new types of DF31 series ICBMs similar to the former Soviet Union train-borne SS-24. In normal days, these missiles are moved along the railroads, while at time of war, they can be transported to selected sites and then launch nuclear assaults upon the enemy. DF31 is manufactured in Sichuan at Sichuan Areospace Industry Corporation. Reliable sources from China military industry say the major difference between DF31 and DF31A lies in their warheads. The former has single warhead, while the latter has multi-warheads."

4) China has Type 094 submarines carrying JL-2 SLBMs.


China's most-powerful Jin-class SSBN nuclear deterrent.

5) Nuclear-capable DH-10 cruise missiles have been added to the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

6) I'm not trying to beat a dead horse. However, for the sake of completeness, I want to point out that "It is likely that a number of PRC cargo ships carry CSS-9 missiles to act as a sea-based nuclear response/strike force."


"The CSS-9 is an effective strategic system that has significantly increased the PRC’s nuclear strike capabilities. Though the PRC’s land-based systems are unable to directly threaten much beyond the west coast of the United States, the CSS-9 is a modern ICBM system that threatens Russia and India, two major PRC rivals. However, the CSS-9 missile system can easily reach all of the US with the placement aboard cargo ships disguised as shipping containers. The self-contained launch system could easily be placed on a PRC ship and launched against targets in the US. It is likely that a number of PRC cargo ships carry CSS-9 missiles to act as a sea-based nuclear response/strike force. Similarly, these containers could be smuggled into and stored in PRC controlled warehouses throughout the Americas. The modular nature of these modern missile systems makes them extremely dangerous since they do not need to follow tradition missile tactics. Even with modern satellite systems, the combination of hidden road and cross-country mobile launchers, missile silos, and rail/ship launchers make it impossible to destroy most of these missiles prior to launch."

7) China is developing the HN-2000 stealth cruise missile with a terminal supersonic phase. Just like the DH-10 cruise missile, it is reasonable to expect that the HN-2000 will also be nuclear-capable. See http://project2049.net/documents/assassin_...ise_missile.pdf

"Global Strike and the Chinese Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: HN-2000

China is currently developing its next-generation cruise missile, the Hong Niao-2000 (HN-2000). This missile will reportedly be equipped with millimeter wave radar, infrared image mapping, laser radar, synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and the Chinese Beidou satellite guidance system, for accuracies of 1-3 meters. This missile will also incorporate the latest stealth technologies and have a supersonic terminal flight phase, with an expected range of 4,000km."

8) Have you ever watched the movie "WarGames"? A nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. will cause both nations to launch an all-out attack on all countries of the world. Russia and the U.S. will not foolishly destroy only each other and let China become the de facto superpower.

Similarly, in a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and China, China has plenty of thermonuclear SRBMs and IRBMs (especially the ones located in Tibet). China will "wipe out" most Russian cities. In retaliation, the Russians will take everyone else with them. Just as it was depicted in WarGames, Russian nuclear missiles will radiate to every major city in the world. Everybody dies, except for the lucky few in underground military facilities built to withstand a nuclear war.

In essence, China can "borrow" the Russian nuclear arsenal in the final exchange against the U.S. The Russians are not going to let the U.S. become the de facto superpower survivor.


"Extensive Nuclear Missile Deployment Area Discovered in Central China


More than 50 launch pads for nuclear ballistic missiles have been identified scattered across a 2,000 square kilometer (772 square miles) area of central China, according to analysis of satellite images.

By Hans M. Kristensen

Analysis of new commercial satellite photos has identified an extensive deployment area with nearly 60 launch pads for medium-range nuclear ballistic missiles in Central China near Delingha and Da Qaidam.

The region has long been rumored to house nuclear missiles and I have previously described some of the facilities in a report and a blog. But the new analysis reveals a significantly larger deployment area than previously known, different types of launch pads, command and control facilities, and missile deployment equipment at a large facility in downtown Delingha.

The U.S. government often highlights China’s deployment of new mobile missiles as a concern but keeps the details secret, so the discovery of the deployment area provides the first opportunity for the public to better understand how China operates its mobile ballistic missiles."


"Beijing’s Missile in Tibet, & Hainan Naval base scare Delhi: Dramatic rise in India-China tensions

Posted on September 7, 2009 by Moin Ansari

The Chinese Red dragon’s reach has scared the pants off the Indian elephant. Many have predicted a war between India and China within the next few years. Some called that prediction alarmist. First there were repeated statements from Delhi that China was their biggest enemy and threat. Then news stories that China has built a huge infrastructure on the undefined and undemarcated Mcmohan line (the de factor border between India and China). Now the escalating tensions are sounding alarm bells around the world. The Federation of American Scientist has just published pictures of Chinese missiles which can target all of India. The incompetent intelligence agencies of India didn’t have a clue about the missiles. Any high school drop out could have paid a commercial satellite a nickel and gotten the pictures of the satellites. The fact that the FAS pictures has so unnerved Delhi that it has decided to form to new intelligence agencies is a subject of much discussion around the world..."
As an aside, I think this argument of India is just like China only 10-12 year late, must be a popular one in India. I've seen it mentioned/used pretty often now.

Of course this is a fallacy. China and India has developed very much in their own way and the two followed very different development patterns.

We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +....

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

As an aside, I think this argument of India is just like China only 10-12 year late, must be a popular one in India. I've seen it mentioned/used pretty often now.

Of course this is a fallacy. China and India has developed very much in their own way and the two followed very different development patterns.

We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +....
I wanna see some reaction of the Indian media when China deploys few new strategic bombers that carries up to megatons of H-bombs in the border of Himalaya.
As an aside, I think this argument of India is just like China only 10-12 year late, must be a popular one in India. I've seen it mentioned/used pretty often now.

Of course this is a fallacy. China and India has developed very much in their own way and the two followed very different development patterns.

We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +....
I wanna see some reaction of the Indian media when China deploys few new strategic bombers that carries up to megatons of H-bombs in the border of Himalaya.

WHEN DID you started dreaming ..... i though you are a guy who know the ground well enough..... anyways...have a nice dream..

---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------

I always failed to understand India's obsession with China

And i always failed to understand your obsession with India and It's affairs ......
WHEN DID you started dreaming ..... i though you are a guy who know the ground well enough..... anyways...have a nice dream..

Lol, this is within our border, we can do whatever we want to do. I wouldn't mind if India wants to follow suit.
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