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Peshawar mosque ulema refuse to accept Reut-i-Hilal committee


Sep 29, 2009
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ISLAMABAD, July 22: Efforts of the Senate’s standing committee on religious affairs to observe Ramazan and Eid on same days throughout the country went futile on Friday when clerics from Peshawar’s Qasim Khan Mosque refused to accept the authority of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee.

A meeting of the committee was held at the Parliament House to discuss the issue and evolve a consensus on it. It was attended by Ruet-i-Hilal Committee Chairman Mufti Munib-urRehman and a delegation of more than half a dozen ulema of Qasim Khan Mosque, headed by Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai.

The committee chairman Senator Maulana Muhammad Saleh Shah Qureshi said it was the responsibility of religious leaders to develop unity and brotherhood among the fellow Muslims.

“But it is being observed that ulema themselves are not united over various issues, including the commencement of Ramazan and the day of Eid. It is unfortunate that we are not able to celebrate the most important festival together.” Maulana Qureshi’s statement was interrupted by a senior member of Qasim Khan Mosque who said that Ramazan and Eid were not celebrations; these should be addressed as prayers and religious rites.

The delegation members said the authorities should not interfere in the affairs of ‘Sharia’.

Mufti Munib said Ruet-iHilal was an autonomous body and all its members were volunteers who worked to streamline the moon sighting process for the service of Islam and the nation. He said Ruet-i-Hilal was a representative body of ulema belonging to all sects and groups and decisions were taken in accordance with the Sharia law.

“We have never been pressurised by the government or any department to announce the commencement of Ramazan,” Mufti Munib said, adding that while the whole nation accepted the committee’s decisions these had been regularly defied by some people belonging to Bannu, Charsadda, Mardan and Peshawar.

“Despite our repeated efforts no consensus has been reached with them,” he added.

Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzi criticised the Ruet-iHilal Committee and said it was a government body. He accused the committee and its members of forwarding official agenda to disregard Sharia practices. “The issue can be resolved only if these (Ruet-i-Hilal) people are serious and take ulema of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa into confidence,” Mufti Popalzai added.

He said Qasim Khan Mosque was established in 1825 and its ulema had a long tradition to take decisions as per Sharia laws.

Maulana Bashir Ahmed Kakakhel, a member of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee, said he had learned about procedures for fixing Ramazan and Eid days in various countries, including Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.

“Reports of Met offices are taken seriously in most Muslim countries and we should not ignore this practice in Pakistan,” he said, adding that there were also many false evidences and that too during the time when moon had not even originated as per the Met Office report. Maulana Kakakhel’s remarks led to a brawl between the two groups of ulema and Mufti Popalzai asked: “If you have to choose between science and Sharia what will you believe?” He said science was evolving, but Sharia laws would be there till the day of judgement.

While Senator Raja Zafarul Haq of the PML-N tried to calm down the situation, Religious Affairs Minister Khursheed Ahmed Shah said the matter could never be resolved. “If a committee is sent to the moon even then many ulema will say that the moon is not visible,” he added.

With no end to the arguments in sight, the standing committee chairman announced that a sub-committee would be set up later to discuss the matter with ulema and try to evolve a consensus for observing Ramazan and Eid on same days across the country.

Peshawar mosque ulema refuse to accept Ruet-i-Hilal committee
Here we go again as usual.

In KSA which has an area larger than Pakistan the same Hijri date is observed all over the country. Then what special problem is with Pakistan to observe E'id, Ramadan and any other Hijri date in the same day?
Here we go again as usual.

In KSA which has an area larger than Pakistan the same Hijri date is observed all over the country. Then what special problem is with Pakistan to observe E'id, Ramadan and any other Hijri date in the same day?

hehe yeh i know bro this is one trait that we pakistani/indian/bangladesh muslims cant get over with even here in mosque's in canada the debates just dont want to end i mean to each his own is the best solution mein apni bari mein bata ta hoon i'am half ehl-e-hadees-half hanafi/barelwi in both side's of my famly its a "WARZONE" trust me it can give the indo/pak wars a run for it's money
Here we go again as usual.

In KSA which has an area larger than Pakistan the same Hijri date is observed all over the country. Then what special problem is with Pakistan to observe E'id, Ramadan and any other Hijri date in the same day?

In Saudia they all have same group,,,,,,"Sunni"...............where in Pakistan there are lot of groups.......Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Duebandi etc. etc. and that's why they have different opinions.
In Saudia they all have same group,,,,,,"Sunni"...............where in Pakistan there are lot of groups.......Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Duebandi etc. etc. and that's why they have different opinions.

there are 10-15% Shias in Saudi Arabia aswell-
Like it or its is the Govt with wrong dates may it be Eids or Sha'aban and on and on...I remember once Govt has Eid delayed 2 days and when we saw the moon it was friggin 2 days old.
I hope this year Pakistan starts Ramadan and Eid with our Muslim brothers everywhere and not start another day with Indian Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims.

I am sick and tired of every Muslim starting Ramadan and Eid in one day, and then curry munching desi muslims starting Ramadan and Eid in another day.

I am going to start Ramadan and Eid on the day with my Pakhtoon and Arab brothers. Its only desis who observe Ramadan and Eid in a different day than the rest of the Muslim Ummah, and it doesnt even make sense because Islamabad has only a 2 hour time difference from Mecca.

We should respect the moon sightings in Mecca, because if moon is sighted in Mecca then its start of Ramadan and Eid.

Khudah Kay Liye Pakistan, your clock is only 2 hours ahead of Mecca's time.

Only Khyber Pakhtunkhwa follows the right schedule for Ramadan and Eid.
Really ??? they always do first & think later :hang2:

This is the first time I read two words in a same line. :azn: On topic, I think the members of Ruet-e-Hilal may have their time several hours delayed, because each year our official Ramadan and Eid are a day or two late and which by observing the moon on the later day do give the impression that it is wrong. Although most of us do agree that this shouldn't be the case, but it is very unlikely that it will change in near future. Let's hope for the best.
P.S. The words are Pathan and Think. No offence intended.
I hope this year Pakistan starts Ramadan and Eid with our Muslim brothers everywhere and not start another day with Indian Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims.

I am sick and tired of every Muslim starting Ramadan and Eid in one day, and then curry munching desi muslims starting Ramadan and Eid in another day.

I am going to start Ramadan and Eid on the day with my Pakhtoon and Arab brothers. Its only desis who observe Ramadan and Eid in a different day than the rest of the Muslim Ummah, and it doesnt even make sense because Islamabad has only a 2 hour time difference from Mecca.

We should respect the moon sightings in Mecca, because if moon is sighted in Mecca then its start of Ramadan and Eid.

Khudah Kay Liye Pakistan, your clock is only 2 hours ahead of Mecca's time.

Only Khyber Pakhtunkhwa follows the right schedule for Ramadan and Eid.

Celebrating on the same day along with all other Muslim countries is so far only in talks as for far off places to observe Hijri Calendar synchronized with the KSA Hijri calendar is a little bit controversial.

Sultanate of Oman is 1 day later than Saudi Arabia almost always for E'id and Ramadan. But even though they are late, at least the whole Country is observing the Hijri dates at the same time.

First let us observe the same Hijri calendar all over Pakistan then we can go forward and observe the Hijri Calendar as per Saudi Arabia.
In Saudia they all have same group,,,,,,"Sunni"...............where in Pakistan there are lot of groups.......Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Duebandi etc. etc. and that's why they have different opinions.

Well, can I start a new sect myself :tdown:
Anymore Racial slurs.. and all parties involved will get an infraction.
Stick to the topic.. instead of bringing in who is better and what.
Muslims are obliged to start their month of fasting if anywhere in the Muslim Khilafah, the moon is sighted. There are Hadith stating this, so when the Moon is sighted in Saudi Arabia, we should start fasting like all the arab states, I don't understand what the hell is wrong with the Ulemas here, the Chairman of the Royet-e-Hilal committee is a Barelvi and that Masjid Qasim Maulvis are Deobandis, thats why they divide the whole nation every year!

Muslims are a one nation so there's ONE MOON and ONE EID, not the otherwise!

Muslims are a one nation so there's ONE MOON and ONE EID, not the otherwise!

Muslims are one nation? NO.
There is one moon? YES.
There is one Eid? Heck NO!

Not the otherwise? Will take decades more for muslims to realise that.
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