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Pervez Hoodbhoy says Jinnah was wrong and 1947 partition was a tragedy

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For Your information Mullahs and Islamists had opposed the creation of Pakistan they had opposed Jinnah.

:lol: You indians are held hostage by Hindu extremists of Shiv Sena to an extent that you guys cant even host international sports event wherein Pakistan is participating.

The tragedy is that these ignorant Indians which lecture us all day about Mullahism don't even know that these Mullah Hindustani worshippers were staunchly opposed to the creation of Pakistan. If anything, Mullahs are India lovers.

Partition was a mistake made by short sighted politicians in thirst for power

LOL cry rivers now... Too bad for you that Pakistan is a reality. Must be terrible waking up everyday knowing this fact. Deal with it.
More than Jinnah, the credit for Partition should go to Nehru.

Partition of India is easily the greatest achievement of Nehru.

Most of India would always indebted to the hard stand taken by Nehru in spite of compromise formula put forward by Jinnah to stay unified and mounting pressure from Gandhi to accept the same.

Nehru may have done some blunders with regards to plebiscite in Kashmir and 1962 war with China but all those things could be easily be forgiven if you look at the big picture of what he actually achieved for India.

The only regret is that the partition plan was not very well executed.
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LOL cry rivers now... Too bad for you that Pakistan is a reality. Must be terrible waking up everyday knowing this fact. Deal with it.

Cry over what ? Millions of lives lost over half a century ago ?
Cry over what ? Millions of lives lost over half a century ago ?

Cry over the fact that the partition happened despite it being a "mistake" as you put it. Must be hard to deal with the outcome.

We will take the sacrifices of our forefathers with a great sense of pride. Freedom isn't free lunch. If we had to do it today, we would do it a thousand times over again. Nothing beats freedom.
That is why I hate these cheap intellectuals :sniper::big_boss:

Your love of these Intellectuals below will one day cost you the nation itself.... Keep loving
laga Raho



However liberals by definition can never support or be loyal to the concept of Pakistan and therefore they can be expected to utter trash like Hoodbhoy.
I resent that - I consider myself a social liberal (even by Western standards) and share none of Hoodbhoy's views on Pakistan's nuclear program or Jinnah.
If pervez hood have that much problem then he may :mad: get lost from our LONG LIVE PAKISTAN
Cry over the fact that the partition happened despite it being a "mistake" as you put it. Must be hard to deal with the outcome.

We will take the sacrifices of our forefathers with a great sense of pride. Freedom isn't free lunch. If we had to do it today, we would do it a thousand times over again. Nothing beats freedom.

The mistake was the racist view of splitting religious groups , which led to genocide of millions in the indian sub continent . They were biased ab d delusional to think that plan would have ever worked . The story of the partition is nothing but a crappy selfish fight over power to rule a country , nothing more nothing less .

Fact is more Muslims stayed in India , there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan living peacefully and much more prosperous than in current Pakistan , the idea that Hindu Muslims can't coexist together is the shame the British left us with , This has got nothing to do with freedom .
The man is a total tool. To think at one time I had respect for this wretch, mostly to do with his scientific background. Just shut up and teach physics.
The mistake was the racist view of splitting religious groups , which led to genocide of millions in the indian sub continent . They were biased ab d delusional to think that plan would have ever worked . The story of the partition is nothing but a crappy selfish fight over power to rule a country , nothing more nothing less .

Fact is more Muslims stayed in India , there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan living peacefully and much more prosperous than in current Pakistan , the idea that Hindu Muslims can't coexist together is the shame the British left us with , This has got nothing to do with freedom .

It has worked perfectly well for us. We got separated from a country where Muslims and minorities have always been ill treated as second class citizens. India is a country where people are split up in various castes and some have more rights as opposed to others. This is all permitted in the name of Hindu culture and religion. The entire world knows this. How can one expect justice from a society based on a hierarchical structure?

Spare us your lies. We all know how peaceful extremist Hindus are towards Indian Muslims and other minorities in general. Attacking Muslim places of worship, hacking them in broad daylight, killing them for consuming beef meat, raping them everywhere is hardly what you can term a peaceful place.

We are blessed with Pakistan and we don't need your lectures on anything. The Brits were right in this regard and made the best decision.
The mistake was the racist view of splitting religious groups , which led to genocide of millions in the indian sub continent . They were biased ab d delusional to think that plan would have ever worked . The story of the partition is nothing but a crappy selfish fight over power to rule a country , nothing more nothing less .

Fact is more Muslims stayed in India , there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan living peacefully and much more prosperous than in current Pakistan , the idea that Hindu Muslims can't coexist together is the shame the British left us with , This has got nothing to do with freedom .

Let me point out that despite us Pashtuns being accused of being religious conservatives etc etc the Sikhs living among us were not harmed and their religious buildings were not damaged.

And Pashtuns were the first ethnic group whose members while protesting peacefully had hundreds of their members killed by the 'Great Leader' of the new state where all Muslims were supposedly equal and safe i.e. the Babrra massacre

Babrra massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't know whether partition was or wasn't a good idea. I can say however that religious conflict was brought to Pakistan by the migrants from India, who while safely sitting in Karachi and Lahore loudly proclaim their love of 'secoo-la-rizm' and 'sosha-lizm' but have with the greatest of cynicism used Pashtun youth to fight their wars on the basis of 'defending the Muslims'.
Cry over the fact that the partition happened despite it being a "mistake" as you put it. Must be hard to deal with the outcome.

We will take the sacrifices of our forefathers with a great sense of pride. Freedom isn't free lunch. If we had to do it today, we would do it a thousand times over again. Nothing beats freedom.

What outcome dude? What have you achieved in 69 years? You cannot even build or maintain dykes around your only major river, everytime it floods you have to beg for funds to feed the displaced from Christians and Atheists. You have the distinction of being the only country still with polio and where each generation is growing shorter and more stunted not taller as in the rest of the world.

Has what you have been doing for the last 69 years really worked for you? As for this freedom you talk about, why are so many people queuing up for visas andwhy is it that the only way they leave even countries like Saudi is through deportation? I'm sorry of I sound harsh, but don't say things without any self reflection.

And remember when your country's biggest scientist, the one you all admire so much, was on TV saying that a car can run on water it was this guy hoodbhoy who had the guts to call his bluff.

You don't have to agree with everything he says but don't dismiss him without a hearing. He has a point of view that I have heard other Pakistanis also express in private. "Hanging him by his balls" or "executing him as a traitor" would snuff out his life, but not his ideas.

all said and done Pakistan obviously needs to do something other than what it has been doing till now...what that something is , is up to Pakistanis themselves to decide and Hoodboy is as much of a citizen of Pakistan as you or any of that mob that collects around anybody with something different to say.
The mistake was the racist view of splitting religious groups , which led to genocide of millions in the indian sub continent . They were biased ab d delusional to think that plan would have ever worked . The story of the partition is nothing but a crappy selfish fight over power to rule a country , nothing more nothing less .

Fact is more Muslims stayed in India , there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan living peacefully and much more prosperous than in current Pakistan , the idea that Hindu Muslims can't coexist together is the shame the British left us with , This has got nothing to do with freedom .
That whole statement of yours is full of 'mistakes' - the partition of the colony of British India was not 'racism' and views supporting it are not 'racist' because the demarcations were not made on the basis of 'race'. Partition was done to provide a millions of people with control over their own political future.
Cry over what ? Millions of lives lost over half a century ago ?
What outcome dude? What have you achieved in 69 years? You cannot even build or maintain dykes around your only major river, everytime it floods you have to beg for funds to feed the displaced from Christians and Atheists. You have the distinction of being the only country still with polio and where each generation is growing shorter and more stunted not taller as in the rest of the world.

Has what you have been doing for the last 69 years really worked for you? As for this freedom you talk about, why are so many people queuing up for visas andwhy is it that the only way they leave even countries like Saudi is through deportation? I'm sorry of I sound harsh, but don't say things without any self reflection.

And remember when your country's biggest scientist, the one you all admire so much, was on TV saying that a car can run on water it was this guy hoodbhoy who had the guts to call his bluff.

You don't have to agree with everything he says but don't dismiss him without a hearing. He has a point of view that I have heard other Pakistanis also express in private. "Hanging him by his balls" or "executing him as a traitor" would snuff out his life, but not his ideas.

all said and done Pakistan obviously needs to do something other than what it has been doing till now...what that something is , is up to Pakistanis themselves to decide and Hoodboy is as much of a citizen of Pakistan as you or any of that mob that collects around anybody with something different to say.

All that said above becomes insignificant and invalid when you take in to the fact that it is not Pakistan that is the nation which posses 40% of the world's severely malnourished and poor:

Shocker: India constitutes 40 percent of world's malnourished children - Firstpost
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Ironically enough nearly every argument used against the creation of Pakistan is equally applicable to India, Bangladesh and any other country in the world. The only difference is that we've lost the narrative within and without Pakistan so we're the most convenient pinniatta....
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