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Pervez Hoodbhoy says Jinnah was wrong and 1947 partition was a tragedy

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We can keep fighting each other. But our fate whether progress or destruction is same togethor. We have had traitors before and we have them today as well.

I don't take Indian's and Pakistani's rants over our countries seriously who are living abroad. Please don't respond to them.
1947 was a tragedy, But Jinnah wasn't wrong. 1947 Tragedy only happen since Jinnah was right. Things could be much peaceful if Hindus and Sikh didn't started genocide of Muslims and Accepted the reality (Which they and Hoodbhoy kind of secular are still not accepting). Pakistan was reality as Muslim Nation back then, so do they are now.

Akhad Bharat Lovers can go to hell..

Ever heard of Jinnah's direct action day? That was one year before the independence day and that is when things got completely out of control. It was started by Muslim League and continued until after independence.
These are prime example of the people who bite that hand that feeds them, State should cancel all nationality documents issued to them, no id card, no passport, no right to vote, in fact these type of people should be stuffed in small boats and pushed out of Pakistan EEZ, let them go to whatever lala land they want to go to.

Its quite obvious liberals like Pervez Hoodbhoy would not have supported the creation of Pakistan in 1947. While its true that religious scholars differed on creating Pakistan, but each of their views were based on what they thought would have been the most beneficial for the Muslims of the subcontinent , for example many pro-Pakistan ulema abandoned supporting Pakistan after 1947 and similarly many anti-Pakistan ulema who had opposed Quaid e Azam previously supported creation of Pakistan after 1947. These changes of opinions were each scholars personal assessment of whether Pakistan was more advantageous or more disadvantageous to Muslims.

However liberals by definition can never support or be loyal to the concept of Pakistan and therefore they can be expected to utter trash like Hoodbhoy. We also must remember that Hoodbhoy has been a staunch supporter of the secularisation of Pakistan, but even he has to admit Pakistan's religious basis and ideology.

Sabrang Alternative News Network

Pak was born in a state of confusion: Hoodbhoy - Times of India

HYDERABAD: Pakistan is a nation that was born in confusion, is still in confusion but will move out of it in the future - hoped eminent nuclear physicist and author Pervez Hoodbhoy who has, for long, been a champion of the "secular state" notion. "Though I know that it is not welcome in my country and people who deviate from the notion that it is an Islamic state, are looked upon disapprovingly, I strongly feel that's what we need to head towards," Hoodbhoy reiterated.

He was speaking at a session on 'Reimagining Pakistan', organised as part of the ongoing Hyderabad Literary Festival. The Pakistani scholar was joined by Venkat Dhulipala, a US-based professor, historian and writer, on the dais.

The conversation about a secular Pakistan, took both the authors back in history - to the time of partition and Jinnah's fight for a separate "Muslim" nation. While Hoodbhoy spoke of Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a "confused" man whose idea of separating a Hindu nation from a Muslim one fell flat when "east Pakistan broke away in 1971" to form Bangladesh, Dhulipala, quoting from popular theories, painted the founder of Pakistan as a "secular person". "It has been a broadly accepted axiomatic truth that Jinnah wanted it (Pakistan) to be a European style nation state based on secular democracy. And if only he had stuck around longer, he would have been able to nurture that dream. Pakistan would have then emerged as a mirror image of India," the author of 'Creating a New Medina' stated.

Hoodbhoy politely disagreed. Elaborating on his views of Jinnah, the author said how "he didn't have a clue" about what he said or wanted. "On the one hand he spoke of all citizens - irrespective of religion - being equals and on the other he wanted Pakistan to be an Islamic State. Sadly, neither he nor anybody till date knows what an Islamic State is," the 66-year-old scholar said, pointing out to his co-panelist how his country, at one point, was indeed a mirror image of India.

"When I grew up in Karachi (he was born three years after partition) our neighbourhood comprised Parsis, Christians and Hindus. We all shared perfect goodwill - as was true of many other neighbourhoods. There were wine stores all over the city. It was actually just like Bombay (Mumbai)," Hoodbhoy reminisced, ruing how his country then "was very different from the country that it has become today".

Harping on the 1947 incident being an "unspeakable tragedy"
that "separated people who at one time could live together in peace", the Pakistani writer sincerely prayed that Pakistan, one day, grows into a country where "every citizen has exactly the same right and privileges as of any other, irrespective of their religion, language, class or race".


On the one hand he spoke of all citizens - irrespective of religion - being equals and on the other he wanted Pakistan to be an Islamic State. Sadly, neither he nor anybody till date knows what an Islamic State is
Hanoodbhai looks like a future Indian citizen :D
Pervaiz Boobjoy is an A hole I never doubted that ....................... but I do believe now that Jinnah departed too early and his successors and Pakistan as a society never deserved to govern a separate country of their own, forget baniya they never had the chance to rule themselves, we can see what happens when a slave is given power. I think it would have been lot better if British had kept India under their rule for another century or so.
Mughal emperor Babar had similar thoughts.
n yes forget hindu baniya,,they r different culture,different ppl,,different ideology,,,very very different:yes4:
instead of looking east,,try other directions for similarities/comparison.might help closing this never ending debate about the same old
Hanoodbhai looks like a future Indian citizen :D

Mughal emperor Babar had similar thoughts.
n yes forget hindu baniya,,they r different culture,different ppl,,different ideology,,,very very different:yes4:
instead of looking east,,try other directions for similarities/comparison.might help closing this never ending debate about the same old

Dr Sahib I referred to whole of India, British should have stayed in British India longer.
When people like Hoodhbhoy bark this kind of bullshit, it should be clear to all that for whom these rented jabronis are working for & for whom they are speaking for.
Oh HoodButt want's an award, so let him express his ZitHole opinions.
On a serious note, why is he so butt hurt about our partition?
Its people like him and Husnain Haqani that we need to identify within us and hang them by their balls and not just Mullah Buraqa at Lal Masjid. Both of these haramkhor types should have no place within Pakistan.
Whatever happened in the past is done and gone - no point obsessing about it or crying over spilt milk.

But I see nothing wrong in wishing "Pakistan, one day, grows into a country where every citizen has exactly the same right and privileges as of any other, irrespective of their religion, language, class or race".
Agreed, But that is not the point he raising. If you go through the statement,
"On the one hand he spoke of all citizens - irrespective of religion - being equals and on the other he wanted Pakistan to be an Islamic State. Sadly, neither he nor anybody till date knows what an Islamic State is,"

It is quite clear that there was no need for another state technically if all the religionists could be accommodated. Only reason pakistan was created on the basis that muslims are different and they cannot live with others.

Ever heard of Jinnah's direct action day?
Direct Action day was simply not the right thing to do as a leader,resulted in lot of lives being lost due to unnecessary violence.
Dr Sahib I referred to whole of India, British should have stayed in British India longer.
Sirjee,,toh kya ho jana tha,,i believe,they wud've exploited us more.

anothr thing,,,almost all the time this kind of rona dhona is done by either north Indians or thr couterparts in Pakistan,,,ironically though these ppl also hate each othr the most.
Still a state called India exists. Those who think Jinnah was wrong and partition was blunder, can go and give a try living over there.
Pakistan is a reality now ! wake up or else call bunia to take their land back.

Yep..I have always said this to altafi goons..if you do not like it here...what is stopping you from going back? Pakistan is in na eternal state of struggle between migrants and natives..the migrants came with their pipe dream of islamist super power and want to model the state on the lines of khilafat...the eventual shifting of capital to Punjab put an end to much of this struggle..but damage was already done...starting with unchecked immigration from INdia to given national importance to imported mullah...the stone of bad luck was cast for Pakistan...
He should move to India and join Hindus in their movement of akhand Bharat

Same thought crossing my mind. They live, eat and multiply in Pakistan, yet abhor its very existence. Another wannabe liquor sucking liberal who thinks he got it all figured. Let this fvcker migrate to India and live a prosperous life over there. I challenge he won't. He will stay in Pakistan and hate its existence.

He is like one of those Pakistani passport holding Afghans, who live here, yet badmouth it at every opportunity presented to them. The irony is that such nasty people have no where else to go. Ungrateful bigots. Too bad for Pakistan to have such nasty people roaming its soil. Just like stabbing your own mother in her womb. Absolute scum of the universe.

The fun part is that they cannot remain silent. We can count and identify these imbiciles on one hand... We need a Trump like database for such people.
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if thats what he said then so what....hell with it, and move on - one mans statement doesnt change the reality of '47 or onward....
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