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PDF Paris 17 Condolences Thread

RIP to all of the victims .

but i had a question @WebMaster @Slav Defence @jhungary @haviZsultan @RescueRanger

the 17 victims of these terrorist acts are just a hint of whats going on in ME . everyday we have bombings and killings in different middle eastern countries which result in mass murder of our people .

just with a single bomb in iraq 100 innocent men , women and children vanish .

don't they care the same amount of attention ? are European and american bloods more red and valuable than ours ?

i come to this thread and i see a massive amount of positive rating given to each post , and i wonder whats going on with us muslims .

@Gabriel92 explain to me why your govt. supports the same fanatical terrorists in syria ?

As i said in another thread,each blood is equal,if is it a bloof of a french or a syrian.
But attacks are a "common thing" in the middle east,while it is very rare in the west.
Why is my govt "supporting" them ? I don't know. I don't agree with my govt when they are supporting these same fanatics in syria.
We are all standing with our French brothers and sisters against this terrorists act. Even though Charlie disrespected our beloved Prophet (SAW) still this terrorism and inhumane act is not justifiable. And being a muslim and a Pakistani i condemn this barbaricism.

The barbarism that these terrorists have done dont reflect islam. Islam never teaches you to kill other or harm other and not only that islam also forbade you to even hurt someones feeling. These terrorists are just using the name of Islam to achieve their dirty goal. In Pakistan they have killed 80000 plus innocent people, they are killing muslims, christians and everyone. But i was extremely sad to see how people were framing and relating all muslims with these murderers, everyone should now realize that terrorists dont have any religion, caste or nationality, they are just terrorists and nothing else.....

Kuffar-e-Makkah use to oppress our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), they use to throw stones at him. But Hazrat Muhammad (Saw) never took any revenge from anyone, instead he forgave them and prayed for their well being.

“Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures.”

[Prophet Muhammad (SAW)]

“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.”

[Prophet Muhammad (SAW)]

“Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore be kind to man on the earth. He who is in heaven will show mercy on you.”

[Prophet Muhammad (SAW)]

“A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation.”

[Prophet Muhammad (SAW)]

“You will not enter paradise until you have faith; and you will not complete your faith till you love one another.”

[Prophet Muhammad (SAW)]
if its a common thing then more media coverage should be given to it .

its off topic but french govt. supports F$A and other terror groups in syria

I'm sry but this is not the media only ,it's the people.Who is stopping ME leaders to come together like Euro leaders did ? Who is stoping Middle Easterners to take to the streets like French people did ? Who is stopping you to run a huge internet campaign ? Who is stopping people from Oman to flock to the Syrian embassy to show sympathy like Romanians did to the French embassy ? (it's just an example i know for sure,i'm pretty convinced that France embassies were showered with condoleances all over Europe.)

You are practically moaning that you yourselves aren't showing the same solidarity as Europeans did with the French.I am proud of Europe today,i am proud of France !...you are just bitter.
Dear mate , i think you misunderstood me .

i was not complaining about this thread , but about the amount of media attention these acts of terrorism got .

i think everyone is ignoring the massacre in iraq , nigeria , syria , afghanistan , ....... and we are paying too much attention to a couple of terrorist acts in EU .

compared to those acts , the situation in ME is more than Dire !! its devastating .

but it looks like the world media and propaganda values European blood more than middle eastern one .

anyway , once i gain , my thoughts to all victims of terror in France .

No sir,
We are not ignoring-we cannot ignore. We are sensing their screams. We are through our hearts sensing those wounded kids in Iraq. As stated by Rasool Allah(S.A.W) that Muslim world is like a body. We can sense pain but we are too helpless to do anything-because our body as whole is covered with blood.My friend-when Muslim woman is raped by beasts in Iraq or Afghanistan-then we all can hear her screams.Our eyes are flooded with tears but our hands are tied-we are crucified by satans and we are helpless. However,a day shall come Inshallah when our tears shall bring flood and annihilate every living terrorist on earth.
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If we give a coverage about all victims in ME,then we won't finish.
May all the victims there rest in peace though.

Oh, no. No body is expecting you to give any coverage. Just do not raise hell in other places. Do not support rebels as you have been doing everywhere from Afghanistan to Libya to Syria. Just cover in your media the French support for these rebels. That is not too much to ask, Is it?
Oh, no. No body is expecting you to give any coverage. Just do not raise hell in other places. Do not support rebels as you have been doing everywhere from Afghanistan to Libya to Syria. Just cover in your media the French support for these rebels. That is not too much to ask, Is it?

Does that mean that i support them ?

Also This is a memorial thread to post condolences to the dead,keep your "supporting terrorists in syria" off this topic.
Make a thread if you wanna talk about that.
Thank you.
No sir,
We are not ignoring-we cannot ignore. We are sensing their screams. We are through our hearts sensing those wounded kids in Iraq. As stated by Rasool Allah(S.A.W) that Muslim world is like a body. We can sense pain but we are too helpless to do anything-because our body as whole is covered in blood.My friend-when Muslim woman is raped by beasts in Iraq or Afghanistan-then we all can hear her screams.Our eyes are flooded with tears but our hands are tied-we are crucified by satans and we are helpless. However,a day shall come Inshallah when our tears shall brought flood and annihilate every living terrorist on earth.
a well-written and heart-warming post .


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