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PDF needs a dislike button

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I disagree, most likely it would be misused, and cause a bit of commotion.. making the jobs of moderators even more difficult. I believe all members at one point had the powers of + / - ratings and but the admin revoked those privileges because of what I said prior.

Why do mods need to do anything about dislike ratings?

People like bad comments all the time, nobody ever mods that?
Yes,i need to dislike the trolling by CCP trolls.
If a post gets enough dislikes, the mods can delete or rate it negative.
Because people will dislike comments out of spite (may cause unnecessary drama), even if the posts are decent. Heck just imagine Indian trolls misusing it..

People say way more offensive stuff on PDF than a harmless dislike button
@WebMaster I think the OP of any thread from SPECIFIC sections should have positive privileges. Or maybe, Specific members who you guys believe can be good at giving ratings

Don't think functionality should be any different than regular like button

Great idea. I will be the first to dislike your signature. (Urdu translation to be specific)

Be my guest. We know who has it better.

If a post gets enough dislikes, the mods can delete or rate it negative.

Fair enough
Great idea. I will be the first to dislike your signature. (Urdu translation to be specific)




- If heart is alive and vigilant so - steadily;
bequeaths to vicegrant, a different type of gaze!

- The initiate has a different level
Of space and time in each position.

-There's no difference in words and meanings, but;
Islamic scholar call for pray differently - soldier differently!

-Soar of both; is idential in the same air;
but; vulture has a different world - falcon has a different world!

Talking about signatures... I coincidently was reading Iqbal earlier today and came across what is in your signature.
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