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Feb 12, 2006
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I saw a story on the news recently about this woman who has been holding a lone anti-war protest for some time now outside George W. Bush's ranch in texas, and she is getting increasing support from over america. She, incidently, also had a son who was killed in Iraq.

She is labelled unpatriotic by many people who support the war, and some have even gone so far as call her a traitor.

This got me thinking....

Can you be against the war and still be patriotic, or are the two mutually exclusive???

Feel free to discuss it under the shadow of war in Iraq, Vietnam. etc.
By Webmaster - January 11, 2017059

Mamuna Qazi

Patriotism is an inner feeling which one feels for his country. This attachment can be viewed in terms of different features relating to one’s own homeland. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism. A Patriotic person is always ready to sacrifice even his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic people have only one choice: ‘to live for country and to die for the country’. A patriot is immortal because people praise him even after his death saying that he gave his life for the cause of the country. Even his kith and kin are treated with honour and dignity recognizing the services rendered by a patriot.
Everyone knows General Raheel Sharif who earned a unique distinction/respectability which no other Army Chief could get. Do you know, why? Because besides being flooded with patriotism himself, he was a scion of a patriotic family; I mean Major Shabbir Shaheed, Nishan-i-Haider, who laid his life in the service of motherland. Everybody knows Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed and others. All earned a great respect on account of patriotism. On the other hand, there are people who are selfish. Such unscrupulous people want to grab everything from others without fearing that such an unethical act would bring bad name to the country. These types of people readily do anything deter mental to the interests of a country. But enjoy no respect!
Different people have different ways to show their love for their country and the youth in Pakistan are actually thinking a lot for the improvement of conditions in the country. Pakistani youth are more patriotic than any other nationals. At a time of crisis – natural calamities – they forget everything and get united to steer the country out of crisis.


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