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"Patiala Peg" Indian Army Major Posted With SFC Sacked For Spying For Pakistan !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
What the fk, how can u be this illiterate in computers? I thought a spy would not use what's app to share secret files. LoL
I think it's more of a drunk or a show off sharing information like pic etc. In a group.
Better write to your President, maybe she will overturn her decision on the Major and instead fire her spin doctors.
Sometimes I feel these are just fake information Indian agencies put out there themselves to make Pakistan think they have valuable information and their spy capabilities are good
We probably gave him the murree brewery special blend which he could not resist. Lol
Better write to your President, maybe she will overturn her decision on the Major and instead fire her spin doctors.
Why ? If he shared pics even by mistake , needs to get fired. As he is not supposed to take pics.

But this whole thing is stupid, why would he share info in what's app that too in a fkg Group ! Obviously some1 in the group complained and he got fired. Hence my assumption that he was too cocky or drunk.

If i was a spy , i will take pics directly on my Memory card, Use end to end encrypted software to send files , which needs security key to uncrypt ? Its not hard to do it. Than destroy the memory card by melting it completely.

This whole thing sounds like a stupid bloke got *** fkd by his friend's cause he was too full of himself and couldn't handle his new found position where he knew few inside things.

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