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Paper money can also cause cancer!

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Paper money can also cause cancer!

A new study has found that till receipts and paper money contain high levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical associated with cancer and early puberty.

The chemical mimics the female hormone oestrogen and scientists have long suggested it poses a risk to health - especially to young children.

In the latest research, a team from two U.S campaigning groups tested till receipts made from thermal paper that they had collected from 22 popular retailers and cafes in America.

They found that half of them were coated with large quantities of BPA. The chemical is used to make ink visible on thermal till receipts.

Holding the receipts for just 10 seconds caused up to 2.5 micrograms of BPA to transfer from the paper onto a person's fingers. Meanwhile rubbing the receipts increased the amount of BPA transferred from the receipts onto fingers around 15-fold.

“Since BPA in thermal paper is present in a powdery film, we suspected it could easily travel from those receipts to other objects,” the Daily Mail quoted the researchers as saying.

The researchers from the Washington Toxics Coalition and Safer Chemicals, Safer Families group, found the chemical on 21 of 22 bills tested, although in much lower levels than on the till receipts.

Paper money can also cause cancer!
This was on the news a couple of days ago, and I just laughed. I'm not young, and throughout my life, there have been hundreds if not thousands of everyday objects which are supposed to cause cancer or have adverse health issues. Then, in months or years, another study comes out to refute the first. Especially with foods, "this or that" are either super-good for you, or lethal, and it keeps changing.

Years ago, the world went on a "disinfectant" spree - everything in the house is sprayed with Lysol and other germ killers. Kids grow up in sterile environments, then we wonder why they get sick a lot. Their immune systems (formed as kids) were never challenged, so any exposure gets them sick, fast. I let my kids get dirty when they play, and if they drop a cookie on the floor, they get to eat it if they want. They all somehow survived and are healthy.

I've decided to ignore 99% of such information, enjoy life in moderation, and try not to worry about every little thing.
Luckily I usually use credit cards for monetary transactions.
This was on the news a couple of days ago, and I just laughed. I'm not young, and throughout my life, there have been hundreds if not thousands of everyday objects which are supposed to cause cancer or have adverse health issues. Then, in months or years, another study comes out to refute the first. Especially with foods, "this or that" are either super-good for you, or lethal, and it keeps changing.

Years ago, the world went on a "disinfectant" spree - everything in the house is sprayed with Lysol and other germ killers. Kids grow up in sterile environments, then we wonder why they get sick a lot. Their immune systems (formed as kids) were never challenged, so any exposure gets them sick, fast. I let my kids get dirty when they play, and if they drop a cookie on the floor, they get to eat it if they want. They all somehow survived and are healthy.

I've decided to ignore 99% of such information, enjoy life in moderation, and try not to worry about every little thing.

So true..

As I was in junior high, my teacher insisted that sugar does not cause us to get hyper. In fact it was all in the mind, because of some tests that countered the common understanding of a sugar rush.

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