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Palestine Bleeds: Execution of Autistic Man is Not an Exception but the Norm


Aug 19, 2012
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United Kingdom
A 32-year-old man with the mental age of an 8-year-old child was executed by Israeli soldiers on May 30, while crouching behind his teacher near his special needs school in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The cold-blooded murder of Iyad Hallaq might not have received much attention if it were not for the fact that it took place five days following the similarly heartbreaking murder of a 46-year-old black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis, at the hands of American police.

The two crimes converge, not only in their repugnancy and the moral decadence of their perpetrators but also because countless American police officers have been trained in Israel, by the very Israeli ‘security forces’ that killed Hallaq. The practice of killing civilians, with efficiency and callousness, is now a burgeoning market. Israel is the biggest contributor to this market; the US is the world’s largest client.

When thousands of people rushed to the streets in Palestine, including hundreds of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish activists in Jerusalem, chanting “Justice for Iyad, justice for George”, their cry for justice was a spontaneous and heartfelt reaction to injustice so great, so blatant.

Hallaq’s story might appear particularly unique, as the ‘suspected terrorist’ was killed while merely walking in King Faisal Street in Jerusalem, on his way to take out the trash. He was afraid of soldiers and terrified of blood.

“He was also afraid of the armed police officers who stood along the route to the special needs center he went to, where he participated in a vocational training program,” the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported.

Hallaq’s many fears, which may have appeared exaggerated by his family, turned out to be true. Even an autistic person in Palestine is not safe from the vengeance of soldiers.

But Iyad Hallaq did not need to die for Israel to maintain its pathological sense of ‘security’. The fact that he was already shot and wounded, and found bleeding in a roofless garbage room in Jerusalem’s Old City, was not enough to spare him that horrific fate. The fact that the man screamed in agony while hiding behind his caregiver, who pleaded with the soldiers, begging them to stop puncturing his already bleeding body with more bullets, was also not enough.

Still, the soldiers stepped forward, and from a very close range, fired three bullets into Hallaq’s midsection as he lay wounded on his back. Instantly, the young man, the ‘apple of the eyes of his parents’, ceased breathing.

“He was our mother’s love, her entire life,” Iyad’s sister, Diana said in an interview with +972 magazine., adding:

“She would hold his hand like he was a baby, and he would walk with her to the market, or the mosque or the clothing store. He was like her shadow. She worried about him and whether other kids would bother or hurt him.”

Caught off guard by the grisly nature of the murder and the mental state of the victim, Israel’s spin doctors moved quickly to contain the damage, initially spreading lies that Hallaq was carrying a toy gun at the time of the shooting, then backing off, promising an investigation.

But what is there to investigate? In recent years, the Israeli army has upgraded its code of conduct, adopting a shoot-to-kill policy of any Palestinian they suspect of attempting to harm Israeli occupation soldiers, even when the alleged Palestinian ‘attacker’ is no longer posing a threat.

In the case of Gaza, where protesters are separated from Israeli snipers by barbed wire and nearly a mile-long empty space, the Israeli military issued orders, as of June 2019, to shoot and kill ‘key instigators’ of the mass protests even while ‘at rest’. Hundreds of people have been killed in Gaza’s Great March of Return in this way, and the ‘key instigators’ included medics, journalists, young boys, and girls.

Indeed, the killing of Palestinian civilians is a regular occurrence. It is the devastating routine with which Palestinians have been forced to co-exist for many years and for which Israel was never ever held accountable.

Only one day before Hallaq was murdered, Fadi Samara Qaad, 37, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers while driving his car near the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh, west of Ramallah.

The Israeli military immediately claimed that Qaad “tried to ram his car into a group of soldiers” before they opened fire, killing him on the spot.

This is the go-to Israeli military pretense that is often offered when a Palestinian driver is shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. Otherwise, the Palestinian victim, whether a man, a woman, or a child, is often accused of carrying a ‘sharp object’.

Hallaq’s mental disability might have spared him, in the eyes of some, from being that archetypical ‘terrorist’, although the Israeli army immediately raided his house, looking for ‘evidence’ that would implicate him and be useful in their sinister propaganda.

In the case of Qaad, a Palestinian worker, on his way to join his wife in a nearby town to celebrate the Muslim Eid holiday, the Israeli army statement suffices, no questions asked.

This is the same stifling logic that has prevailed in Palestine for so many years, and counting. Children are killed for throwing stones at men with guns, who have invaded their homes and villages; pregnant women are gunned down at Israeli army checkpoints; men with amputated legs on wheelchairs shot by snipers while protesting and demanding their freedom.

All of this is taking place in the complete absence of any promising political horizon. Even the protracted and ultimately useless ‘peace process’ has been halted in favor of greater American backing of Israel and of the Israeli government’s mad rush to expand illegal Jewish settlements.

To secure his colonial accomplishments – read: land theft – Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is about to reveal the crown jewel of his legacy, as he prepares for the expansion of Israel’s borders through the annexation of yet more Palestinian land.

Inspired by the common struggle that ties them with their African-American brethren, Palestinians are now left only with their cries for justice: Palestinian lives matter, hoping, for once, the world may hear and echo their screams and, perhaps, do something.

Eyewitness: Caretaker Shouted 'He's Disabled' Before Soldier Shot Autistic Palestinian

New eyewitness testimony in the shooting and killing of Eyad Hallaq, a 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man, in Jerusalem's Old City last Saturday, strengthens the suspicion that police shot him while he was lying on the ground, and after his counselor yelled that he was disabled.

The witness, A.R., a laborer, was in the garbage-bin space where Hallaq fled to get away from the police. According to his testimony, which was taken by B'Tselem investigator Amer Aruri on the day Hallaq was shot, A.R. was sitting in the garbage room ‒ a small, roofless structure used by sanitation workers on Sha'ar Ha'arayot Street.

“I saw a young man running strangely, as if he didn’t know how to walk normally or was disabled. He came in my direction and fell on his back, only a few meters from me,” A.R. said. “A few border policemen ran after him and stopped a few meters from the young man, who was wearing a white shirt and black pants, and didn’t have anything in his hand. I heard the police officer ask the young man in Arabic, 'where’s the pistol?' But it was clear the young man didn’t know how to speak, because he wasn’t able to respond.”

At this point Warda Abu Hadid, a counselor from the Elwyn El Quds center for people with special needs that Hallaq attended, also ran into the garbage room. She said she had rushed there to hide after she heard the first shots.

“Meanwhile a woman wearing a kerchief came in and yelled at the policeman in Hebrew, ‘he’s disabled, he’s disabled,’ and then repeated the word ‘disabled’ in Arabic’” said A.R. “I froze on the spot and didn’t move I was so terrified. That’s the first time I’ve seen a chase like that. I was mainly looking at the young man, who was on the ground, trembling, and then I heard a few more shots. One of the policemen told me to get out of there and I fled.”
His testimony dovetails with that of Abu Hadid, who said she fled to the garbage room to hide after she heard the first shots. In her testimony to Aruri, she said that Hallaq was already wounded when he collapsed in a corner of the room. She said she yelled at the policemen, “He’s disabled, he’s disabled,” and Hallaq shouted, "I’m with her.’” She added that the policeman continued to yell at him, asking “where’s the rifle? Where’s the rifle?” before shooting him several times.

The version of events the police gave to the Justice Ministry’s department for the investigation of police officers, known by its Hebrew acronym Mahash, was that they were summoned to the site after another police unit saw Hallaq carrying what looked to them like a gun (according to family members it was a telephone). Two policemen said they heard on the radio, “a terrorist armed with a live weapon is en-route to the Lion's Gate.”
When he ran into the garbage room the younger of the two border policemen, a recent recruit, fired at Hallaq because “he made a movement that looked like his was preparing to draw [a weapon].”
Mahash has yet to reconcile the two policemen's versions of events, even though they differ. While the older border policemen who was in command during the incident claims that he called “hold fire,” after Hallaq ran into the garbage room, the younger policeman claims he never heard such an order and shot after he saw the Palestinian man making a suspicious move.
Attorneys for the senior policeman, Oron Schwartz and Yogev Narkis, said in a joint statement, “The completion of the investigation, including a confrontation between the two and a reenactment of the events, is required because our client insists that he ordered a halt to the shooting before the fatal shots.”
Attorneys Efrat Nahmani Bar and Alon Porat, who represent the recruit, who is the main suspect, said, “Our client fired because he felt his life was in danger, based on information that had been given to him by the competent authorities, the behavior of his commander, suspicious indications in the field and a movement that looked like preparation for drawing a weapon.”
On Sunday night, Mahash investigators planned to conduct a reenactment of the incident with the suspected policemen, but the reenactment was canceled because journalists were present.
Results of the forensic autopsy on Hallaq's body revealed that he died from two bullet wounds to his torso, a source involved in the investigation said.
Earlier Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the killing of Hallaq for the first time, calling it "a tragedy."
"This is a person with disabilities, autism, who was suspected – as we know, mistakenly – of being a terrorist in a very sensitive place. We all share in the grief of the family," Netanyahu told the ministers. "I expect your complete examinations into this matter."

I only have a question that all over the world no matter muslims or non muslims why they don't pressuring to Israel for thant kind of violence against innocent people of pelastine?
I could give you the reasons, and there are many. But, I want you to research this subject on your own. It will greatly help you grasp the current situation in Palestine.
I only have a question that all over the world no matter muslims or non muslims why they don't pressuring to Israel for thant kind of violence against innocent people of pelastine?
I worte ti the Palestine mission in London telling them to get 100000 signiture petition to get this crime to parliament to be discussed. These idiots are asleep in London.
I could give you the reasons, and there are many. But, I want you to research this subject on your own. It will greatly help you grasp the current situation in Palestine.
So give me reason.... i am waiting
I worte ti the Palestine mission in London telling them to get 100000 signiture petition to get this crime to parliament to be discussed. These idiots are asleep in London.
Hole world's humanity is sleeping about pelastine and Kashmir and so on
Is this Lol for you?
I only have a question that all over the world no matter muslims or non muslims why they don't pressuring to Israel for thant kind of violence against innocent people of pelastine?
Because: Israel does not attack innocent Palestinians. Israel attacks the Palestinians who are attacking it, i. e. Israel is acting in self-defense. If Palestinians would accept the legality of Israel there could be peace. In the absence of acceptance of Israel, there is war. Non-combatants, on all sides, are killed in war. All over the world muslims and non-muslims know that war is horrible. However, to end this war, either the Palestinians must accept Israel or Israel must be defeated militarily. Until the war ends, violence will be perpetuated by all sides of the conflict. Pretty much everyone with a brain can see this.
I only have a question that all over the world no matter muslims or non muslims why they don't pressuring to Israel for thant kind of violence against innocent people of pelastine?

The reason is simple ::: Because the jews run the economy of the world.

Because: Israel does not attack innocent Palestinians. Israel attacks the Palestinians who are attacking it, i. e. Israel is acting in self-defense. If Palestinians would accept the legality of Israel there could be peace. In the absence of acceptance of Israel, there is war. Non-combatants, on all sides, are killed in war. All over the world muslims and non-muslims know that war is horrible. However, to end this war, either the Palestinians must accept Israel or Israel must be defeated militarily. Until the war ends, violence will be perpetuated by all sides of the conflict. Pretty much everyone with a brain can see this.

They are doing both.
But some - or more precise, most members of this forum don't understand that if the majority of Israelis would be the devils they are painting on the walls, not one Palestinian would be left.
Israel just could eradicate them with ease.
The Palestinians who are Israelis citizen = 20%+ are (mostly) having a better living standard than in most of the islamic world (except Gulf Arabs).
But what's "funny", always when Israeli incumbent politicians are having problems, something got triggered and a "war" (conflict/skirmishes) starts and nearly always the politicans can have a next term... very suspicious.
In the end, you can only gain or lose land and accept that or fight. If you fight all few years again (because of a triggering) and you get something on your head - it's the consequence but if you/your people are still there, the enemy spared you (when he is MUCH stronger than you),
That's how the world works and as long as Muslims are the winners, I don't hear any whining about that.
But some - or more precise, most members of this forum don't understand that if the majority of Israelis would be the devils they are painting on the walls, not one Palestinian would be left.
Israel just could eradicate them with ease.

That's not true. For a German you are dumb as f. Palestinians, including Israeli Arabs, number 7 million. That's almost the same as the total population of Jews in Israel/Palestine.

Just 70 died and it's already creating global outrage and calls from all World leaders to end the conflict. And you think 7 million can be eradicated "WITH EASE"? Stupidity!

Are you really German or Indian low caste draped in black, red and yellow?
That's not true. For a German you are dumb as f. Palestinians, including Israeli Arabs, number 7 million. That's almost the same as the total population of Jews in Israel/Palestine.

That's not a problem.
I'm pretty sure they still could, Arabs are mostly very weak, only Hezbollah is strong, as light infantry on their home-turf with favorable territory for light infantry.

Just 70 died and it's already creating global outrage and calls from all World leaders to end the conflict. And you think 7 million can be eradicated "WITH EASE"? Stupidity!

And if Jews/Zionists are not only influential (what they are) but the "masters of the world!" (lol) then why do other countries, like Murrica and European ones especially - "Zionist Puppet States!" whine about dead Arabs?

Are you really German or Indian low caste draped in black, red and yellow?

I'm a German.
Because: Israel does not attack innocent Palestinians. Israel attacks the Palestinians who are attacking it, i. e. Israel is acting in self-defense. If Palestinians would accept the legality of Israel there could be peace. In the absence of acceptance of Israel, there is war. Non-combatants, on all sides, are killed in war. All over the world muslims and non-muslims know that war is horrible. However, to end this war, either the Palestinians must accept Israel or Israel must be defeated militarily. Until the war ends, violence will be perpetuated by all sides of the conflict. Pretty much everyone with a brain can see this.

It is a deliberate attempt to drive Palestinians out of the entire land. That is their end goal They are supported by Evalengistics who want the return of Messiah to be expedited.

It is not a matter of accepting Isreal; it is a matter of Isreal accepting that they need to respect their Palestinian neighbours.

Have you been to Isreal? I suggest you take a trip and see the ghetto like existence of the Palestinians. You drive an entire population to the edge of despondency; you expect flowers to reign?

Sorry, Zionists are dogs.... I as a jew am telling this; they are sick in their minds - same mindset as the Armenians. Thankfully there are many of us with conscience who care for others not selfish and self centered mindset.
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