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Pakistan’s political change ‘won’t affect solid friendship with China’

Shehbaz Sharif being Prime Minister will not affect relations with China.

All political parties in Pakistan are pro-China.

Whether it is PTI, PMLN, or PPP.
Chinese trolling the Showbaz ........ is this new normal?

You know things are seriously bad when a Chinese person asks this...

Shehbaz Sharif being Prime Minister will not affect relations with China.

All political parties in Pakistan are pro-China.

Whether it is PTI, PMLN, or PPP.
Exactly. China established and launched CPEC under the previous governments, and they likely also have assurances directly from PA.

China's interests are safe.
You don't understand what I'm saying... Pakistani Generals are slaves to Washington. Even if China has done nothing against Pakistan, the Pakistani Generals will (with just one letter) stab China in the back.

Every Pakistani General has Children living in America with Green Cards... Not in China. Their houses are in London and New York... Not Beijing and Shanghai.... Get the idea???

Just look at what's happening right now.
CIA has politicians all accross the globe as hostage.
Not just greed card, their offshore accounts can be frozen,their dirty secrets can be revealed ,all these are used by CIA to pressure elites all across the globe to toe Washington line. Those nations whose elites can't be co-opted by Washinton by bribe,cajoling,coaxing,threats , are pressured for regime change .
It is unwise to expect Chinese to condemn change of government through shaddy means even if they are against it
Chinese work with any regime that has control
They have state to state relations based on decades of trust
It is unwise to expect Chinese to condemn change of government through shaddy means even if they are against it
Chinese work with any regime that has control
They have state to state relations based on decades of trust

You are spot on, it isn’t for the Chinese peoples to rush to stop these corrupt Pakistanis elites from selling there own country to Washington. keep them at arm lengths do what you need to do with this CIA puppets
In the last 2 weeks imran Khan has praised India multiple times , and not even mentioned China as a positive influence on Pakistan.
If imran comes back to power , i see him engaging with india more substantially, to the detriment of China.
He has seen the light.

I see you got a pic of a Pakistani on your profile lol ,

don’t get lynched now by your fellow Hindus in your call centre 3G
This will be very interesting to see. The Americans have obviously brought in their henchmen with a clear purpose. Undeniably CPEC and Pakistan China relations are major issues for the US.

It will be very interesting to see how the current lot navigate US demands. Traditionally all political parties have been pro China. The question is whether we see some different instructions from main sponsor USA.
Indians proving that they are not Beggers Can't be Choosers...

"Jai Hind"

In Pakistan the COAS kicks out the elected PM for saying this...

Close ties with China ‘a consensus shared by all groups in Pakistan’

Yang Sheng
Liu Caiyu
Published: Apr 10, 2022 10:03 PM

China Pakistan Photo: VCG

China Pakistan Photo: VCG

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted from office in a no-confidence vote in the country's parliament on Sunday, but such a major political upheaval in Islamabad will not affect the solid friendship between China and Pakistan. Experts from both China and Pakistan are confident in the future of the China-Pakistan ties, as they believe the new government will continue to uphold the country's long-standing tradition to make sure the friendship with China and all China-Pakistan cooperation projects will be unaffected.

A new government will be formed most likely under opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif, the younger brother of three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, after parliament reconvenes on Monday to vote for a new prime minister, according to media reports.

Chinese and Pakistani analysts consider that the solid China-Pakistan relations will not be affected by the internal political change in Pakistan because to safeguard and develop the bilateral ties is the joint consensus of all parties and all groups in Pakistan. The potential successor of Khan is from the Sharif family which has been promoting China-Pakistan ties for a long time, and cooperation between the two countries could be even better than under Khan.

Although the US has always attempted to instigate or make trouble for China-Pakistan ties, especially targeting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project and the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China does not need to be worried, experts noted.

Current internal political struggles in Pakistan were caused by economic problems mainly brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, while the CPEC and the BRI, as well as China-Pakistan cooperation in other fields including counterterrorism and fighting coronavirus, are significant for Pakistan to overcome its current challenges. This means China is the most reliable, trustworthy, powerful and irreplaceable partner for the country, said analysts.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a routine press conference on Wednesday when asked about the current political situation in Pakistan that "China follows the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. History has proven time and again that China-Pakistan relations have always been unbreakable and rock-solid, no matter how the international landscape and their respective domestic situations may change."

Zhao added: "We believe that the overall situation of China-Pakistan cooperation and the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will not be affected by the political situation in Pakistan. As Pakistan's iron-clad friend, we sincerely hope that all parties in Pakistan will remain united and work together for national development and stability."

Solidarity and friendship

The latest political change in Pakistan is mainly caused by political party struggles and issues with the economy and people's livelihoods, said Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University. Qian added that due to the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, many people in the country believe that Khan's administration has failed to stop the economic situation from worsening,

In general, current internal problems in Pakistan have nothing to do with its solid ties with China, so there will not be a significant impact on China-Pakistan cooperation. Khan is from a newly rising political party - the Pakistan Movement for Justice, and when traditional major political parties like the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) or the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) return to power, China-Pakistan cooperation could be even better because these traditional major parties have much closer and deeper ties with China, Qian noted.

When Sharif was regional leader of the eastern province of the Punjab, he struck many BRI cooperation deals with China directly to improve local infrastructure and economic development, and his family have maintained long-standing ties with China as his brother Nawaz Sharif is a three-time former prime minister and the leader who kicked off the CPEC project, said experts.

Rana Ali Qaisar Khan, executive member of the Central Standing Committee of the National Party of Pakistan and an expert on China-Pakistan relations, told the Global Times that "China is all-weather friend of Pakistan, so no matter who leads the government they cannot affect relations" with China.

US influence very limited

Khan's government had tense relations with the US especially after his visit to Russia on February 24, with the US considering it was a clear signal of taking sides between the US and Russia on the Ukraine crisis. Khan earlier accused the US of backing moves to oust him because he had visited Moscow in February. Washington rejected his charge, Reuters reported.

Rana Ali Qaisar Khan said the US has always tried to influence many countries' domestic affairs, including Pakistan's, but its role should not be exaggerated and the current political situation in Pakistan is mainly caused by internal reasons.

Qian echoed that Pakistan is an independent regional major power, and in the past decades, Pakistan-US relations had seen up-and-down changes from being close allies to estrangement almost every 10 years. Pakistan has learned the nature of the US, and Washington's image in Pakistan is still very bad.

Some voices have said that the Pakistani military does not like Imran Khan's diplomatic stance, which they believe has impacted the neutrality of the country and brought unnecessary frictions with the superpowers of the world as the country's military also has cooperation with the US. "This is another reason why the Imran Khan administration was ousted, but we need to remember that the Pakistani military also attaches great importance to ties with China," Qian said.

The latest significant defense cooperation announced in February of China exporting advanced J-10C fighter jets to Pakistan has greatly improved the combat capability of the Pakistan Air Force, said analysts.

"China has solid and friendly ties with all groups in Pakistan, including the military and all parties whether they are in or out of office," Lin Minwang, a professor at the Institute of International Studies of Fudan University told the Global Times on Sunday.

China has never acted like the US to interference in other countries' internal affairs, and the reason why China can have an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership with Pakistan is that China equally deals with all parties that come to power and respect their reasonable demand and stay away from their internal affairs, Lin said. He noted that the US should understand they cannot instigate the solid China-Pakistan ties, and the most they can do is to use NGOs or media to spread negative disinformation about China-Pakistan cooperation, but the impact would be limited.

Looks like China will continue its non-interventionist approach and let Pakistanis sort out their domestic political disputes amongst themselves.
Take it with a hand full of salt
The most we could do is heat up the LOC in Kashmir a bit & raise temperature with India as a warning that India not disrupt China.

If the US wants India to 'disrupt' China, it will position a carrier group in the Arabian Sea to make sure Pakistan behaves.
That is clearly an internal affair of the Pakistanis.

We should accept it, no matter what its outcome is.
There is reason why J-20 and many top weapon are not allowed to be exported and just waterdown version permitted.

You have to remember this coup is definitely involved by western nation. No condemn of non democractic by western media becos this coup precisely suit them.

Here is a probable scenario in a not so far future...
If the West escalate the Taiwan issue by further arming Taiwan, formally recognizing it an independent nation, and creating a security military pact with it. This then forces China to counter the Western crossing of redlines by conducting a military operation in Taiwan. In essence a not too dissimilar playbook of the current Ukraine-Russia conflict.
1. Will Pakistan side with the Chinese or the Americas?
2. If a "Letter" comes from Washington warning of "grave consequences", "turning Pakistan into the stone age", and "you are either with us or against us".... Will the Pakistani established (i.e Army Generals) turn to America or China?

My bet is that the Pakistani army Generals are beholden upon and indebted to Washington not Beijing. They will not risk the lives of their children living in the West not their fortunes in the West. Their conflict of interest and their corruption will ensure China is stabbed in the back.

It is a sad but confirmed reality based upon the recent 'Letter of Treason' and the sacrificial lamb Imran Khan's removal.

In the past I would have said there are a couple redlines Pakistan establishment will never cross: 1. Betrayed of China 2. The Nuclear Deterrent
I am not so sure about 1 and 2 anymore after the current acts of Treason all around from the Supreme Court and the Establishment. I truely think there is only one real redline in Pakistan that the establishment will never cross.... That is breaking the chains of enslavement from the West and thirst for $$$ and houses in London.... That is they only reason why beggars that can't be choosers allow drone bombs on their own people. And Nawaz's desire to sign the NPT. They have no moral compass. They are all sold out.

My thoughts.
Luckily , we export only J-10CE and not J-20. I can be sure, all the goodies of J-10CE are currently fully study by US.
If the US wants India to 'disrupt' China, it will position a carrier group in the Arabian Sea to make sure Pakistan behaves.
Are you sure that USA will take such a risk? India has two & we don't care about them much. So, I do not know if USA parking a carrier would mean much. There is only so much weight that USA can throw around.

In any case, I am not an advocate of war. I'd rather have things handled via diplomacy & negotiations.

Shehbaz Sharif being Prime Minister will not affect relations with China.

All political parties in Pakistan are pro-China.

Whether it is PTI, PMLN, or PPP.
However, one of the parties seems to have lost its head & is spewing BS without a thought or care. They'll come around in a few days when sanity returns & reality makes itself felt.
Who else remembers that Imran Khan was known as the darling of the West when he first came to power, and he met most of the criteria for a good politician in western values. He is seen as a Western proxy for ending Pakistan's corrupt military government's cozy relationship with China.

How about now? This shows that The relationship between Pakistan and China is not based on the personal interests of one politician but on Pakistan's national interest. Any Pakistani politician will choose to keep close ties with China unless his motive is not for Pakistan but for a foreign government.

Western political habits prefer to build personal relationships and support their Allies by interfering in internal affairs and influencing elections. If their Allies lose, they launch coups or invasions to put their puppets in power. This is characteristic of a capitalist society, in which the capitalist treats the public affairs of the state as his private business. There is no such problem in China. Public affairs are public affairs.
Who else remembers that Imran Khan was known as the darling of the West when he first came to power, and he met most of the criteria for a good politician in western values. He is seen as a Western proxy for ending Pakistan's corrupt military government's cozy relationship with China.

How about now? This shows that The relationship between Pakistan and China is not based on the personal interests of one politician but on Pakistan's national interest. Any Pakistani politician will choose to keep close ties with China unless his motive is not for Pakistan but for a foreign government.

Western political habits prefer to build personal relationships and support their Allies by interfering in internal affairs and influencing elections. If their Allies lose, they launch coups or invasions to put their puppets in power. This is characteristic of a capitalist society, in which the capitalist treats the public affairs of the state as his private business. There is no such problem in China. Public affairs are public affairs.
That is where u are wrong. IK realised his mistakes for negotiate with China and move on. This anger the western and this coup is definitely to install a puppet government designed to serve the interest of western world. Look at the western media. Not a single condemn from them about the undemocratic moves to removed a legal elected PM.

This coup is totally different from previous one. Pakistan will soon keep quiet about Kashmir and allow India to enroach further. F-16 V and T-129K will soon approve to be exported to Pakistan.

This current government is not serving the Interest of most Pakistanis. Pakistan and China r/s will soon turn cold.
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