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Pakistan's nuclear arms push angers America

This is typical Indian tone of affixing the word "secret" before every Pakistan achievements or accomplishment. Indians simply cannot digest existence of Pakistan out of their racial and mental hate.

Video clip speaks a thousand words!

India is the number one rouge nuclear state which has shamelessly diverted all civilian assistance by deceptive means. Even Israel is more nuclear responsible than India as they developed their arsenal at home rather than stealing from civilian assistance. At least we were clear cut with our nuclear ambitions and if that meant sanctions so be it.
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This is typical Indian tone of affixing the word "secret" before every Pakistan achievements or accomplishment. Indians simply cannot digest existence of Pakistan out of their racial and mental hate.

Video clip speaks a thousand words!

YouTube - Pak rtrd general slaps stupid Indian journalist

India is the number one rouge nuclear state which has shamelessly diverted all civilian assistance by deceptive means. Even Israel is more nuclear responsible than India as they developed their arsenal at home rather than stealing from civilian assistance. At least we were clear cut with our nuclear ambitions and if that meant sanctions so be it.

Dont try to bad mouth india.. you know nothing about whether civilian assistance have been diverted or not.
This is typical Indian tone of affixing the word "secret" before every Pakistan achievements or accomplishment. Indians simply cannot digest existence of Pakistan out of their racial and mental hate.

Video clip speaks a thousand words!

YouTube - Pak rtrd general slaps stupid Indian journalist

India is the number one rouge nuclear state which has shamelessly diverted all civilian assistance by deceptive means. Even Israel is more nuclear responsible than India as they developed their arsenal at home rather than stealing from civilian assistance. At least we were clear cut with our nuclear ambitions and if that meant sanctions so be it.

The idea here is to deny any Islamic state of nuclear weapons. looking at Pakistan's case, its just stupidity to create such hysteria since its almost impossible to take their nukes away.
This is typical Indian tone of affixing the word "secret" before every Pakistan achievements or accomplishment. Indians simply cannot digest existence of Pakistan out of their racial and mental hate.

Video clip speaks a thousand words!

YouTube - Pak rtrd general slaps stupid Indian journalist

India is the number one rouge nuclear state which has shamelessly diverted all civilian assistance by deceptive means. Even Israel is more nuclear responsible than India as they developed their arsenal at home rather than stealing from civilian assistance. At least we were clear cut with our nuclear ambitions and if that meant sanctions so be it.

Dont try to bad mouth india.. you know nothing about whether civilian assistance have been diverted or not.

Yep india invented everything from rockets and fighters to jets and space vehicles :azn:
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