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Pakistan's Musharraf in U.N. appeal to try to halt treason trial


Jun 2, 2011
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(Reuters) - Lawyers for former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf on Friday appealed to the United Nations to intervene and help prevent him being tried for treason, saying he faced a "show trial".

Musharraf's case, initiated by the Pakistani government, focuses on accusations that the former military leader breached the constitution when he imposed emergency rule in 2007.

The charges mark a serious challenge to the country's powerful army and could result in the execution of a man who was once the most powerful in the country.

Musharraf's trial is due to begin on December 24.

His plea, issued from London by an international legal team, is designed to get the United Nations to urge Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's prime minister, to delay or stop it.

It was sent to a U.N. special rapporteur who investigates complaints about the independence of judges and another who deals with cases involving the death penalty.

The rapporteurs have recently reported on high-profile cases in Sri Lanka and Iraq. The document was also sent to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

His lawyers made the same appeal to the British, American and Saudi governments, citing what they said was Musharraf's "immense assistance" to the West during his time in office.

Musharraf was a key ally of the United States in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, and U.S. aid to Pakistan, much of it in the form of military assistance, soared.

Musharraf's lawyers said they had compiled a report for the United Nations supporting his case, saying the charges against him were revenge for his ousting of Sharif, the elected prime minister, in a 1999 coup when he was head of the army.

The judges in charge of the case had been selected by Sharif and would not conduct a fair trial, they said.

"Politicians have no business hand-picking judges to try their opponents," said Steven Kay, a member of Musharraf's legal team.

Nor, the lawyers' report said separately, could the judges be regarded as impartial since they had been affected by a crackdown on Pakistan's judiciary during Musharraf's near-decade of military rule.

"The three judges appointed to try Musharraf's case have such an obvious conflict of interest that it is reasonable to call them to withdraw," the report said.

Civilian rule in Pakistan was restored in 2008, but the South Asian, nuclear-armed country has been governed by the army for more than half of its 66-year history since independence, and the military remains a potent political force.

Musharraf returned to Pakistan in March after nearly four years of self-imposed exile to contest a May 11 general election, but was disqualified from standing because of pending court cases.

Pakistan's Musharraf in U.N. appeal to try to halt treason trial| Reuters
central gov asked court to hang or life sentence for mushrraf

we are doing what BD did ?
We should hang Musharraf and be done with it, army should not come in politics and government, only when there are country wide protests and people want the government to go.
I don't think Nawaz Government would be that foolish to Hang Musharraf. He should learn from Zia's example , if nothing else.

but they were foolish enough to have them self insulted, by loosing case after case!

now this treason case against an army chief, who fought 3 wars and strengthened Pakistan, is joke.
Musharraf, imposed emergency because Imran Khan's violent thugs were out of control.
He could have ordered to shoot any one damaging state property but he didn't.

Freed terrorists over the past 5 years shows, how fair is this hand picked judiciary.
While history of Nawaz Sharif goes against him, where he murdered one army chief, silenced his family, organized another murder attempt against the than serving Chief Justice and plane hijack! etc. etc.

If i was Musharraf, i would open cases against Nawaz Sharif and PTI president Javed Hashmi, in international courts.

(Reuters) - Lawyers for former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf on Friday appealed to the United Nations to intervene and help prevent him being tried for treason, saying he faced a "show trial".

Pakistan's Musharraf in U.N. appeal to try to halt treason trial| Reuters

Musharraf rejects U.N. inquiry on Bhutto| Reuters

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf ruled out a U.N. inquiry into the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, as demanded by her party, saying that Pakistan should not be compared to Lebanon. It is not possible. Is another country involved?" he said in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper published on its website on Friday. "Pakistan is not Lebanon."

We should hang Musharraf and be done with it, army should not come in politics and government, only when there are country wide protests and people want the government to go.

Don't worry Imran Khan is working on it, he is offering safe passage to faggot fazlu in exchange of another attempt on Musharraf's life.

In the end you all be knocked out by commando.

Musharraf rejects U.N. inquiry on Bhutto| Reuters

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf ruled out a U.N. inquiry into the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, as demanded by her party, saying that Pakistan should not be compared to Lebanon. It is not possible. Is another country involved?" he said in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper published on its website on Friday. "Pakistan is not Lebanon."


You should know, your justice Bhagwandas is going to have repercussions for hiring Pakistani judges and lawyers for ouster of Musharraf.

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In the end you all be knocked out by commando.

You should know, your justice Bhagwandas is going to have repercussions for hiring Pakistani judges and lawyers for ouster of Musharraf.

I call major BS on this. Musharraf was a blessing for India. He orchestrated an ill-timed and ill-advised Kargil adventure, thereby giving massive negative publicity to our Kashmir cause. Later, after over-throwing PML government, he agreed to anything USA asked and decided to draw-down Army forces from LOC, allowing India to put a large number of check posts along LOC.

Musharraf was an unqualified disaster for Pakistan whichever way you look at it.

Musharraf-supporters are desperately trying to do whatever they can, even pushing outright lies through compromised media outlets. From where did Mahmood Sham get this story? His Phoopi? Justice Bhagwandas has a great deal of respect in Pakistan and using his Hindu background to spread a lie is just the pits. If one could grill whoever put this out, one could find a lot that is wrong with our media.

@Always Neutral, I would suggest that you exercise caution. If someone is trolling you, better report them rather than stoop to their level. Urine stories, whether they be truth or fabrication, lower the forum standards.

Better read a bit into the background of fabrication or misrepresentation before launching into a celebration of ignorance.
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I don't think so that Mr.Sharif has enough guts to hang him,and eventhough if he does for the sake of his personal 'vendetta' rather then 'to provide justice' which is ofcourse true,then let him hang Mr.Musharraf,but they shouldn't complain,if armed forces do same to him in 'future'
Anyways,I reckon that we are getting too far,it is just another 'dramay baazi' by Nooraas,as they are just showing off their muscles,nothing else-so relax,gentlemen!
I call major BS on this. Musharraf was a blessing for India. He orchestrated an ill-timed and ill-advised Kargil adventure, thereby giving massive negative publicity to our Kashmir cause. Later, after over-throwing PML government, he agreed to anything USA asked and decided to draw-down Army forces from LOC, allowing India to put a large number of check posts along LOC.

Musharraf was an unqualified disaster for Pakistan whichever way you look at it.

Musharraf-supporters are desperately trying to do whatever they can, even pushing outright lies through compromised media outlets. From where did Mahmood Sham get this story? His Phoopi? Justice Bhagwandas has a great deal of respect in Pakistan and using his Hindu background to spread a lie is just the pits. If one could grill whoever put this out, one could find a lot that is wrong with our media.

@Always Neutral, I would suggest that you exercise caution. If someone is trolling you, better report them rather than stoop to their level. Urine stories, whether they be truth or fabrication, lower the forum standards.

Better read a bit into the background of fabrication or misrepresentation before launching into a celebration of ignorance.
yes why not then begain the dam commision on kargill ?
why not PM nawaz share orders it now?
kargill was fully, advised & marvously executed mission but as our tindo PM tried his best to neutralise pakarmy from it, by running away & giving up everything while crying on CLINTONs laps ?
it was the reason of unjustfyied sacking of then army chief PM?
that then TINDO pm , was confident by removing the COAS, he is doing great favours to INDIA & america?
he forgot, that the real power he got, & made him PM , was allways started from cleaning the shoes of genrl jilani & shheed president genrl ZIA ul HAQ?
it can be verifiyed through the history that, if 9/ 11 havnt happend , america wouldnt be so freindly to musharaf any way?
& before 9/11 pakistan and america were at all odds?
well may i need to tell you that, what happened to kashmir durring democratic croupt political rules durring stupid rules of BB & mian jee?
who both provided the lists of underground rebel leaders of occupied kashmir?
by the way, never think comparing musharaf,s rule with BB & after her PPP & pml n rules , cause you cant?
economicly, defensivly, infrastructure wise musharaf,s rule stands 1000 times better ?
while all this his lawyers, are doing is thier dam job, to do it?
in anyway they think they can?
what ever they have requested from UN , isnt is the truth?
plz stop yelling that, musharaf was under american influence , wasnt why america wants to get rid of him?
& to install the chors , who cant speak a single word against american presidents will?
peoples of pakistan has seen, musharaf an equal partner treated in washington , & these croupt , political thugs installed by CIA ?
what ever been stated by SARDAR ATIQ was in open meeting , go complain a case against him?
bastrd monte carlo CJ is gone , while nothing has happened to the crouption kings of pakistan?
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