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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

What's the denial here? Foreign agencies cannot be involved? Though I personally doubt it at this point, t it's not like their involvement is not possible.

Possible, i already has posted my views over external involvement in back pages no. 12 Post. 179, 193, 265 so if you have interest you can read it.
pak-marine: there are 52000 mosques in karachi alone not sure about the rest of pakistan , there is enough islam in pakistan .. its high time to separate religion from state business ... Abolishing Blasphemy law wil be a great start GOP .. !!!!!!!!!

Yeti: Get rid of the Mullahs in Lal Majid for a start and those religious leaders who did not even stand up in the 2 minute silence

It's the biggest conspiracy of the west that's the British way of ruling separate church from politics don't support that brother

USSR 70 year separated religion from government & politics and now Russian Federation try to construct churches and increasing link between government & religion, so what problem in our system?

Pakistan needs only to regulate religious laws to act effectively but not to scrap them. This is bad idea if we will terminate this law and result of more religious & social instability.

Our social system based on religion, once we adopt this law then we have to accept it & only try not to suffer others without any valid reason or prove.

If anybody body try to use it for particular purposes then we have system to track back and make justice but it doesn't means that we will terminate it.
Well making Pakistan secular is a far fetched idea for this day and age. It simply won't happen. Not at least any time soon. It's even harder than getting rid of this blasphemy law. Let's work with what we have. I do think we can wait till things came down with regards to WoT winding down, economy picking up, a more competent government, etc. That day isn't too far in fact. I'd say we'll get there in around 2 or more years (not sure about competent govt. but at least WoT and economy picking up). After then, perhaps toward the end of this decade, we can look to get rid of the blasphemy law. We do need to get rid of these extremists who kill anyone for disagreeing with them though.
USSR 70 year separated religion from government & politics and now Russian Federation try to construct churches and increasing link between government & religion, so what problem in our system?

IMO the USSR system was one of the best and most effective systems. Too bad the USSR didn't last. However, even from failed states we can learn many good things and this was one of them.
inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajioon

PPP cannot protect themselves from the terrorists, how they will protect people?

Please do not say these words for a non-muslim. These words are strictly for muslims. The most you can say is "RIP". That's it.
IMO the USSR system was one of the best and most effective systems. Too bad the USSR didn't last. However, even from failed states we can learn many good things and this was one of them.

If it was "the best", it'd have lasted longer...at least a day. :)
The USSR didnt last because it was based on kinda dictatorship and rule of one party on everybody. if it was a democracy, i am sure it would have lasted longer with much success.
Do you know that the famous religious leader of JI was unable to recite Sura Al-Kausar correctly at a seminar? It is interesting to note that these were the same champions who resisted every attempt to amend blasphemy law. Ironical! I must say. How much these people know Islam?

JI leader recites Sura incorrectly
I dont care what group is doing what or if their faith is weak or whatever. Seriously. They are not my ideals. I am follow my Muhammad SAW and the religion He (saw) brought for us. And stop bashing the mullahs for everything all the time. They are not the "thekidaar" of this religion. It is our responsibility as a muslim to present the religion in the best way possible.

there are 52000 mosques in karachi alone not sure about the rest of pakistan , there is enough islam in pakistan .. its high time to separate religion from state business ... Abolishing Blasphemy law wil be a great start GOP .. !!!!!!!!!

And you googled for this? Ironic how we think that Islam = inside the boundaries of a masjid, isn't it now? This is not just a religion. Religion is small part of islam. The real part is "Way of life". Its best for even those who are not muslims. So, calling it just a religion is insulting Islam. And for the law, wont you break the face of a man who says seriously bad words about your mother or father? Oh and we are the type of people who dont care about parents that much, now I remember. How about your gf/lover/beloved/wife/fiancee? Of course anyone would. Where Muhammed SAW is on totally different level. Its not muhabat for him. Its "Ishq' for him. Dont have time to explain ishq here.
The USSR didnt last because it was based on kinda dictatorship and rule of one party on everybody. if it was a democracy, i am sure it would have lasted longer with much success.

Democracy... Lol. Its like a bride. Who looks super beautiful from far away. But when you go close and see her face, you're shocked how ugly and old she is. Its used in a hadith like this for this world. I used it for Democracy. Because it really is like this. American economy is collapsing because of their stupid democratic ideals. Even now that they know this, they still force the world to go their way, because they have power and they take it as their right for everyone to obey them. I said it the other day as well. I will say this again. Democracy is a fail. It always will be.
Democracy... Lol. Its like a bride. Who looks super beautiful from far away. But when you go close and see her face, you're shocked how ugly and old she is. Its used in a hadith like this for this world. I used it for Democracy. Because it really is like this. American economy is collapsing because of their stupid democratic ideals. Even now that they know this, they still force the world to go their way, because they have power and they take it as their right for everyone to obey them. I said it the other day as well. I will say this again. Democracy is a fail. It always will be.

empty talks bro. trust me they are not collapsng, they are experiencing periods of prblems, that is quite normal and natural.
empty talks bro. trust me they are not collapsng, they are experiencing periods of prblems, that is quite normal and natural.

Give it some time. The talks will fill up to be full soon enough. and then you will say "Oh someone said this! I remember now!"
Give it some time. The talks will fill up to be full soon enough. and then you will say "Oh someone said this! I remember now!"

I too agree with you.Democracy is a waste of time.

Non Democratic countries like Libya, Egypt, North Korea, Laos,Bahrain etc are having a wonderful time..:cheers:
Give it some time. The talks will fill up to be full soon enough. and then you will say "Oh someone said this! I remember now!"

america will go to decline and losing its superior power, it is also quite normal, evenrthing reaches to a peak point. Persian empire was there with all its glories , but now they dont exist, roman, the soviets, the british, the mongols, amavi and abasis etc. if america go to deline it doesnt mean democracy is bad or not working.
I too agree with you.Democracy is a waste of time.

Non Democratic countries like Libya, Egypt, North Korea, Laos,Bahrain etc are having a wonderful time..:cheers:

My point here is not to go towards system that's deployed in those countries. I reject Democracy and everything of such system. I lean towards Islamic system. Our Islam offers a perfect system for country governance and everything. If you are not a muslim, you will just mock it. I understand.
KARACHI: The death of Shahbaz Bhatti is yet another reminder of the cancer with which our society suffers — and there seems to be no cure in sight. General Zia poisoned and corrupted our society by imposing on us the demons of today. These demons have arisen from the poor and most of them believe that salvation for them lay in embracing a virulent brand of religion.

General Pervez Musharraf had the opportunity to change all of this but he failed and left us with nothing but pain and disappointment.

I am afraid that if the army and the political leadership do not decide today to go all out in wiping out the menace of religious fanaticism, we may only be left to shed tears for a lost Pakistan.

I salute Shahbaz Bhatti and his bravery and only wish that we have more brave soldiers like him who can turn the tables on these fanatics.

Lt-col (retd) Muhammad Ali Ehsan

Published in The Express Tribune, March 4th, 2011.

General Zia

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