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Pakistan’s fresh £580m loan from China intensifies debt burden fears


May 21, 2006
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Pakistan’s fresh £580m loan from China intensifies debt burden fears​

Loan is on top of £25bn that cash-strapped Islamabad already owes Beijing and Chinese commercial banks

Amy Hawkins Senior China correspondent
Thu 23 Feb 2023 05.33 EST

China has agreed to loan Pakistan $700m (£580m) to help it weather its worst economic crisis in a generation, in a development that will intensify concern among western countries about cash-strapped Islamabad’s debt burden to Beijing.
The loan comes on top of $30bn (£25bn) that Pakistan already owes China and Chinese commercial banks. Securing the financing will help to unlock bailout cash from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The news of the loan from the state-owned China Development Bank came the day after Pakistan’s National Assembly unanimously passed a money bill to increase tax revenues. The IMF has said Pakistan must comply with certain requirements, such as raising taxes and securing external funding, if it is to release $1.1bn (£900m) of bailout funds, part of a $6bn (£5bn) package agreed in 2019.
Pakistan’s foreign debts amount to about $100bn (£83bn), meaning that the share owed to China is just under one-third. But China is Pakistan’s biggest single creditor and tends to charge relatively high interest rates compared with multilateral lenders.
Last year the country was hit by devastating floods that cost an estimated $30bn in damage and lost output. Since then the war in Ukraine, which has sent food and fuel prices soaring, as well as years of domestic economic mismanagement, have crippled Pakistan’s economy. As of 10 February foreign reserves were down to just over $3bn (£2.5bn), barely enough to cover three weeks of imports.
In the week ending 16 February, inflation for core goods, such as cooking oil, vegetables and fuel, hit 38.4%.
Pakistan’s economy is on a “suicidal path”, says Zubair Khan, an economist and former IMF official. “Our government is pursuing the wrong policies and the IMF programme is aggravating the situation.” He believes the increase in taxes requested by the IMF will worsen Pakistan’s balance of payments crisis.
On a visit to Islamabad last week, Derek Chollet of the US state department said: “We have been very clear about our concerns not just here in Pakistan, but elsewhere all around the world about Chinese debt, or debt owed to China.”
But Khan believes corruption and mismanagement are to blame for Pakistan’s economic woes, not China. “We owe a lot of money to the Chinese because they’re the only ones who have been investing here,” he said.
On Friday G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will meet in Bengaluru in India. The US treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, will press China to offer debt relief to low- and middle-income countries. India is also drafting a proposal for large lenders, including China, to take a haircut on loans, according to Reuters.
But China, the world’s largest sovereign creditor, has historically been reluctant to restructure loans, preferring instead to extend new credit. China is wary of taking such a step because of the precedent it would set to its other debtors, says Andrew Small, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and author of a book on China and Pakistan.
But Small also noted China might be more willing to support Pakistan than other debtors, because it “needs a strong, capable Pakistan, to continue to function as an effective counterbalance to India.
“It’s important that they’re not seen to let Pakistan down, because if they let Pakistan down in this situation, then the message to everyone else is that they can’t be relied on.”
$580 million is not going to elevate the financial situations any better, rather its Chinese 'buying' up Pakistani assets for pennies. It is in the interest of Pakistani government to declare bankruptcy and go for debt restructuring.
@HAIDER bhai,

Pakistan should float a proposal to replace all its loans by Chinese borrowings


Pakistan can't share details of Chinese loan to IMF or any western financial agencies. Real deal with IMF started when they asked the detail of Chinese loans and Pakistan under obligation with Chinese govt can not provide any financial deal due to security reasons. May be Chinese govt is financing some its high security projects in Pakistan, which can t be shared. But that is debt to payback Chinese govt or those Chinese companies or consortiums financed those projects.
Pakistan really need a team of experienced finance handlers..not old school Dar..who only try control dollar and import bill.....which was decades old strategy to balance the economy.
$580 million is not going to elevate the financial situations any better, rather its Chinese 'buying' up Pakistani assets for pennies. It is in the interest of Pakistani government to declare bankruptcy and go for debt restructuring.
Doubt it , its loan to pay back loans. Such loans are not bad if arranged by Chinese govt, they are low interest loan ......but loan is loan..
Loan is on top of £25bn that cash-strapped Islamabad already owes Beijing and Chinese commercial banks

Pardon my language but, just declare bankruptcy you idiots. Your fake pride will drag you nowhere. Your politics and future planning sucks too (much more than my country Bangladesh).

BTW, Pakistan needs to eliminate tribalism, mullah hooliganism and zamindari first.
Don't go for this Pakistan. You are knee deep in debt-trap. It will only embolden the lenders to take you further into the trap. Get out before it's become irreversible.
I am sure this loan is against a collateral of strategic importance to Pakistan.

Maybe a port, airport, or a nuclear installation.
Maybe, India can loan money to Pakistan at a much favourable terms than the Chinese, thats the impression I get from reading Indian members' commments.
Maybe, India can loan money to Pakistan at a much favourable terms than the Chinese, thats the impression I get from reading Indian members' commments.
No private sector player will lend to Pakistan without an IMF deal. As for the Indian government, they could probably give money to Pakistan at better terms than China, but Pakistan will never put up the strategic assets, like Gwadar port, that India would want at collateral. Even if it did, Pakistan would just refuse to deliver the security in case of default. So, at this point , there is no possibility of Indian institutions providing any funding to Pakistan.
No private sector player will lend to Pakistan without an IMF deal. As for the Indian government, they could probably give money to Pakistan at better terms than China, but Pakistan will never put up the strategic assets, like Gwadar port, that India would want at collateral. Even if it did, Pakistan would just refuse to deliver the security in case of default. So, at this point , there is no possibility of Indian institutions providing any funding to Pakistan.
So, what you are saying is that India gov want even better deal for itself than Chinese got in order to lend money to Pakistan. And your private sector doesnt want to lift a finger on how the people in Pakistan is suffering. So, all your talk of Pakistan can get better deals, possibly from India, is just cheap talk. Besides, what can India offer to Pakistan, any infras, energy plants, factories and Gwader port can India build for Pakistan, dont kid people !
No private sector player will lend to Pakistan without an IMF deal.
No commercial lender will lend even with an IMF deal. Pakistan has not been investment grade for decades. A commercial loan would violate fiduciary duties of the lender and attract regulatory action. Put in simple English, this means, a loan to Pakistan is actually a grant.
So, what you are saying is that India gov want even better deal for itself than Chinese got in order to lend money to Pakistan. And your private sector doesnt want to lift a finger on how the people in Pakistan is suffering. So, all your talk of Pakistan can get better deals, possibly from India, is just cheap talk. Besides, what can India offer to Pakistan, any infras, energy plants, factories and Gwader port can India build for Pakistan, dont kid people !
The Chinese government is willing to risk losing money in Pakistan because Pakistan is a client state. Why will the Indian government be willing to lose money in Pakistan on worse terms than what China gets.

Private sector works on the basis of profit and not charity. Even Chinese private institutions will not risk losing money in Pakistan unless they are nudged by the government.

India is involved in many infrastructure and energy projects in friendly neighbouring countries like Nepal , Bhutan and Bangladesh. If foreign relations between India and Pakistan were better, there were more natural syngeries between the two economies between China and Pakistan and India could have been a major investor in Pakistan.
The Chinese government is willing to risk losing money in Pakistan because Pakistan is a client state. Why will the Indian government be willing to lose money in Pakistan on worse terms than what China gets.

Private sector works on the basis of profit and not charity. Even Chinese private institutions will not risk losing money in Pakistan unless they are nudged by the government.

India is involved in many infrastructure and energy projects in friendly neighbouring countries like Nepal , Bhutan and Bangladesh. If foreign relations between India and Pakistan were better, there were more natural syngeries between the two economies between China and Pakistan and India could have been a major investor in Pakistan.
So, for short answer, its no. Also, do you think Pakistanis trust Indian capability and quality of completing those infras and other projects for Pakistan ?
No commercial lender will lend even with an IMF deal. Pakistan has not been investment grade for decades. A commercial loan would violate fiduciary duties of the lender and attract regulatory action. Put in simple English, this means, a loan to Pakistan is actually a grant.
Well, it would depend on the interest rate charged. There are private investors who specialise in junk rated debt. I am sure at a high enough yield some will be willing to take risk on Pakistan once the IMF forced them to cut their budget deficit and become more creditworthy.
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